
The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

author:World Chinese Weekly

This morning (November 6), there was another vicious policing incident in Japan.

In a train on the Tokyo subway, a man got into an argument with another passenger, and in the process of arguing, he pulled out a bladed awl and intimidated the other party.

And this is only a week after the "clown subway arson and slashing incident" that shocked the world.

On Halloween on October 31, a subway in Tokyo was running normally, and no one realized that disaster was quietly coming.

A young man in a carriage lit a bottle of liquid without warning, then pulled out a knife and walked slowly toward the crowd, cutting people when he saw them, and some people fell to the ground one after another.

The passengers were stunned and frantically running, some jumping out of the windows, some fleeing to other carriages, and the scene was filled with explosions from time to time, like hell.

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

● Video taken by passengers

After cutting more than a dozen people in a row, the man stopped his hand, only to see him sitting calmly in the subway seat, smoking as if nothing had happened.

He has short blonde hair and a suit and leather shoes, which is exactly the imitation of the "Joker" style in the movie "Batman".

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

If it weren't for the bloodshed on the scene, it would make people think that all he did was just playing Halloween cosplay.

He was arrested on the spot by the police who arrived later, and according to the preliminary investigation, he called Kyota Hattori, a 24-year-old who resigned in June and has been unemployed ever since.

Frustrated by his work and friends, he decided to "kill two people and then be sentenced to death."

Because he likes the clowns who kill people in the movies, he buys clothes and "plays the killing game".

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

● The Joker in Batman

But it was one of his "games" that injured 17 innocent passengers, one of whom was seriously injured and unconscious.

According to an aunt at the scene, she heard the sound of knives waving back and forth behind her when she fled, and she still trembles in retrospect.

Afterwards, Japanese netizens left messages on the Internet: "It's so scary, I don't want to take the subway or bus anymore!" ”

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

Others said, "There are so many of these things in Japan..."

Indeed, this is not the first time this has happened in Japan.

Just 3 months ago, there was a subway homicide in the Tokyo subway.

On August 6, 2021, inside a subway in Tokyo, 36-year-old Yusuke Tsushima suddenly pulled out a 20-centimeter-long knife and stabbed a female college student, followed by a series of female passengers, eventually causing 10 passengers to be injured to varying degrees.

He also tried to ignite the carriage with the salad oil he had brought, but was unable to light it.

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

● Yusuke Tsushima

After being arrested, he said coldly to Yusuke Ma: "About 6 years ago, when I saw those happy women, I wanted to kill them, anyone can, in the moving train, they have nowhere to escape, they can kill more." ”

On the evening of June 9, 2018, in a carriage of the Tokaido Shinkansen (high-speed railway) in Japan, a man suddenly pulled out a knife and slashed at an unsuspecting female passenger sitting next to him, and then continued to slash people, eventually killing and injuring two people.

The man, Ichiro Kojima, was riding triumphantly on the dead man when the police arrived, with no intention of running away.

"My dream is to go to jail and cut anyone." Ichiro Kojima's remarks shocked Japanese society, and his remarks in court once again aroused public outrage: "I hope to spend the rest of my life in prison, and if I get out of prison alive, I will definitely kill people again." "

In the end, he was sentenced to life imprisonment as he wished, and upon learning of this result, Ichiro Kojima raised his arms in court and shouted "Long live" three times.

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

● Ichiro Kojima

On June 30, 2015, also on the Tokaido Shinkansen, a septuagenarian set himself on fire, killing two people, including him, seriously injuring two passengers, and slightly injuring 20 others.

It turned out that the old man was dissatisfied with the government, so he brought a few kilograms of gasoline to the train, and when the train traveled to Yokohama, it suddenly poured water on the head and then lit a flame.

The cases are shocking, but even more shocking is the 1995 Tokyo subway poison gas sarin terror.

The incident killed 13 people, injured more than 5,510 (including 7 Chinese), and left many poisoned with lifelong disabilities.

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

The initiator of the incident was the Japanese cult organization Aum Shinrikyo.

They advocated the "theory of human replacement", trying to eliminate "animal humans", cultivate "god humans", and establish a "utopia".

To this end, they built nearly 70 tons of sarin, intending to use it to destroy Japan.

Sarin, scientific name isopropyl mefluorophosphonate, is colorless, invisible and odorless, but it is one of the most toxic organic poisons.

On the morning of March 20, 1995, they took a large number of sarins to the subway and launched an unprecedented terrorist attack that shocked the world.

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

In just over 20 years, there have been public transport security cases of all sizes, and it is no wonder that the Japanese people have a psychological shadow.

Because subway stations and high-speed rail stations are densely populated and difficult to evacuate, they have also become ideal targets for terrorist attacks.

When the "killers" board the subway or high-speed train, no one knows that they may be hiding long knives, gasoline and poison gas.

You know, in our country, taking the subway, you must go through a meticulous security check, it is forbidden to carry guns, ammunition, controlled knives, explosive, corrosive, toxic radiation and other dangerous items to ensure the safety of the subway and passengers.

Taking the high-speed rail has stricter requirements.

So why are they able to carry items like knives and gasoline on the subway and Shinkansen in Japan?

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

You may not believe it, but Japan's subways and Shinkansen are not security checked, and it is easy to get on the bus with controlled knives and gasoline.

After the accident, Li Miao, a reporter from in Japan, visited the Tokyo Metro in Japan and found that there was no security check there, passengers could easily enter, and there was no inspection of luggage.

Even, there is no surveillance in the hall...

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

● Image source: Li Miao's Japan Watch

Why are japanese subways and shinkansens not introducing security checks?

First, because the passenger flow is large and takes a long time. If security checks are introduced at stations, it will take about 30 seconds to 1 minute for each person, and the average daily passenger flow at Tokyo Station is about 100,000 people, which will consume a lot of time and cause traffic congestion.

Second, the cost is high. First of all, the cost of equipment is a big expense, and regular maintenance of equipment, labor costs, electricity costs, etc., is also not a small expense. These are bound to be amortized on the fare, which passengers strenuously oppose.

The third is to infringe on the privacy rights of passengers. Japan is a country that pays great attention to privacy, and it is natural to disgust people by inspecting people's luggage in public.

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

However, the frequent vicious public security incidents have also made the Japanese people very worried.

The self-immolation incident in 2015 alarmed then-Prime Minister Abe, who asked Shinkansen to conduct security checks, but was refused...

Citizens have left messages online, hoping to increase security checks, but there is a lot of opposition.

Like what:

Security checks do not solve the underlying problem, and criminals will run to the bus; Increasing security checks will only increase the ticket price, too expensive to sit down; Time-consuming, laborious, unrealistic...

Even experts say that even if they install surveillance, they will not have a deterrent effect on criminals, and they will still commit crimes...

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

Therefore, the security check was postponed again and again until the incident of injury occurred repeatedly.

Security checks are not possible, so in response, the Japanese subway and Shinkansen have increased security and strengthened patrols in carriages and stations.

In addition, an emergency button was also set up in the station, and in the event of an emergency, as long as the button was pressed, there were staff members;

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

There is an emergency stop button in the platform, as long as it is pressed, the subway will stop;

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

There is an emergency button notifier in the carriage, and in case of emergency, you can contact the security guard as soon as possible.

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

It seems to be comprehensive, but it is obvious that the symptoms are not the root cause.

When the "Killer" came, was the security guard Batman? Able to rush to the scene at the speed of light to stop the suspect?

Although Japan has suggested at the entrance of the subway that it is not allowed to carry flammable and explosive materials, knives, etc., this can only rely on the self-consciousness of passengers.

This is equivalent to saying to the murderer, "You are a person, don't carry the murder weapon", is it too stupid and naïve?

The Japanese murderous "clown" has just been arrested, and there is an accident on the Tokyo subway... 1、2、3、

In fact, public transportation in Japan is very unsafe, and experts know it.

In June, on the eve of the Tokyo Olympics, Japan amended its law to conduct baggage checks on Shinkansen passengers, but not all, but spot checks, because the flow of people was too large and it was not realistic to check all of them.

Therefore, the increase in "security" in Japan has finally fallen into a dead end.

Finally, experts also said that when taking the subway or Shinkansen, you can only rely on passengers to observe more, run fast in case of emergencies, and then use fire extinguishers or large luggage in the carriage to defend yourself...

The rest can only ask for more blessings. Text/Yu Ting

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