
Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, and Wang Runan all came, and they played a Zen Game of Go at the Lingyin Temple

author:Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

Qianjiang Evening News hourly news reporter Zhang Feng

The fragrance of summer lotus flutters and moves the lotus heart. With the smell of incense, from July 10 to 11, the 13th "Yunlin Cup" Go Trio Tournament was held at Lingyin Temple.

In traditional Chinese culture, Go is not only a game, but also contains life and philosophical meanings. Playing chess in the Lingyin Temple, a thousand-year-old Buddhist resort, naturally has a little more Zen.

Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, and Wang Runan all came, and they played a Zen Game of Go at the Lingyin Temple
Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, and Wang Runan all came, and they played a Zen Game of Go at the Lingyin Temple

"Yunlin Cup" Go Tournament is a traditional Go tournament co-sponsored by Lingyin Temple and Zhejiang Weiqi Association, which now has a history of 13 years, and the format has gradually developed from the earliest double chess to the current three-player chess, each team has both professional and amateur chess players, and the game requires each team to play three people at the same time, taking turns to play chess, which increases the fun of the game.

Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, and Wang Runan all came, and they played a Zen Game of Go at the Lingyin Temple

Although the "Yunlin Cup" Go tournament is an amateur Go tournament, it will attract many professional chess players and even world champions every year, this time there are Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, Feng Jiaxi, Jiang Weijie, Tan Xiao and other Go world champions to participate, in addition, there are Lin Jianchao, Wang Runan, Hua Xueming and other Elders of the Go world to help.

Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, and Wang Runan all came, and they played a Zen Game of Go at the Lingyin Temple
Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, and Wang Runan all came, and they played a Zen Game of Go at the Lingyin Temple

Wang Ru, the former chairman of the Chinese Weiqi Association, was frequently pulled to take a group photo after finishing the game, as a senior in the chess industry, although Wang Lao has rarely won with people in the professional arena, but this tournament held in the Lingyin Temple is participated in every year, and it has not moved for 13 years. "Playing chess here, the mood will be very different, the mentality of fighting and winning will fade, and more is to enjoy the happiness brought by Go." In my age, Go still has the role of education and learning, 'Yao made Go to teach his son Danzhu', so when I play chess here, I also hope that chess players will communicate more and learn from each other. ”

Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, and Wang Runan all came, and they played a Zen Game of Go at the Lingyin Temple

Interestingly, the team names of the 16 competitions are named after the Buddha, such as "Nan wu treasure Buddha", "Nan Wuji Gao Xing Buddha", "Nan Wu Vajra Buddha", etc., and the participants also have mage representatives from Hangzhou Lingyin Temple, Shanghai Zhenru Temple, Shaolin Erzu Nunnery, chengdu Wenshu Monastery participated.

Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, and Wang Runan all came, and they played a Zen Game of Go at the Lingyin Temple
Ma Xiaochun, Yu Bin, and Wang Runan all came, and they played a Zen Game of Go at the Lingyin Temple

Master Jue Liang, head of the Hangzhou Buddhist Go Cultural Exchange Center, told reporters: "This competition was originally the theme of 'A Thousand Buddhas Welcoming Spring and The Tao', but this year it was postponed because of the epidemic. 'A Thousand Buddhas' is a Buddhist allusion and we use this contest in the hope of bringing some good wishes to everyone. "In the view of Master Jueliang, everything in life is practice, and playing chess is also a way of practicing," Lingyin Temple established the Hangzhou Buddhist Go Cultural Exchange Center many years ago, and now there are more than a dozen mages who often participate in some Go activities, 'Yunlin Cup' as a unique Go tournament, not only hangzhou Buddhism and Go art to carry out cultural exchanges an important platform, but also a way for Lingyin Temple to enter the society and enter life. ”

Beyond the clouds, smell the phoenix,

The cry of an ape in the woodland.

Chess opens a game of indistinct,

There is no upside-down line in zen.

This is a verse written by Master Jueliang of Lingyin Temple for the "Yunlin Cup" Go Trio Tournament, which speaks both chess and Zen. And the current abbot of the Lingyin Temple, Guangquan, also made a statement: Take chess as the realm and refine the heart on the realm.

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News

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