
Wang Fei presided over the video dispatch meeting of the county emergency command headquarters on epidemic prevention and control

author:Quxian Rong Media Center

On November 4, the quxian emergency command headquarters held a video dispatch meeting on epidemic prevention and control work to arrange the deployment of the current epidemic prevention and control work. Wang Fei, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, presided over the meeting and made a speech.

Wang Fei presided over the video dispatch meeting of the county emergency command headquarters on epidemic prevention and control

The meeting reported the circulation of infected people in Chengdu and Chongqing, and conveyed the spirit of the video scheduling meeting of the province and the city to deal with the epidemic prevention and control work.

Wang Fei presided over the video dispatch meeting of the county emergency command headquarters on epidemic prevention and control

Wang Fei pointed out that the current round of epidemic "multi-point flowering", the situation of prevention and control is not optimistic, the current epidemic prevention and control work in Quxian County still has problems such as untimely and inaccurate investigation of personnel entering and returning canals in key areas, meticulous and not serious investigation, lax implementation of prevention and control measures, insufficient role of fever clinic sentinels, slow vaccination progress, insufficient experience in emergency handling, and weak publicity and education. All townships (streets) and departments (units) should deeply learn lessons, continue to check and plug loopholes, compact responsibilities to the smallest unit, transmit pressure to nerve endings, strictly and tightly grasp all prevention and control work, resolutely block the chain of epidemic transmission and spread, and effectively consolidate the hard-won results of epidemic prevention.

Wang Fei demanded that, in accordance with the arrangements made by the provincial and municipal emergency command centers, all levels and departments throughout the county should be ideologically tense in an all-round way and must not be paralyzed and slack; problems must be comprehensively rectified and reformed and must not rebound; and measures must be comprehensively excellent and must never be superficial. Give full play to the role of government units, villages (communities) and grid members, strictly implement the mechanism of "building chief" and "courtyard chief", and make the arrangement more accurate; highlight the key points such as bus stations, railway stations, and highway intersections, and pay close attention to the bayonet; for hospital outpatient clinics, special groups, organ units, etc., control should be strengthened; clinic pharmacies should play a good role as "whistle blowers", and the sentinel points should be more sensitive; vaccination should be re-strengthened, and the vaccination should be done as a whole for the vaccination of 3-11-year-old people and the strengthening of immunization; emergency response should be further improved, and the shortcomings and weaknesses should be sorted out , timely check and fill in the gaps, and resolutely win the current round of epidemic prevention and control encounters and annihilation battles.

Wang Fei stressed: Discipline from top to bottom throughout the county must be comprehensively strict, and we must absolutely not neglect our duties; we must take a clear-cut stand and resolutely enforce wartime discipline, safeguard the hard-won achievements in prevention and control, earnestly fulfill our responsibilities in defending the territory, thoroughly grasp propaganda and guidance, and intensify supervision and inspection in accordance with the principles of "whoever is responsible, who is responsible," "who is out of control, who is to be held accountable," and "who conceals the report and who is to be held accountable," and to handle it in accordance with the law and discipline and in a strict and serious manner.

County leaders Wang Yongming and Zhang Zhaiying attended the meeting.

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