
Can chrysanthemums be eaten too? The chef teaches you to make a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, each with petals, beautiful and delicious

author:First cuisine
I am Ah Fei, every day there are several home-cooked dishes to share with you, pay attention to take you to appreciate the food on the tip of the tongue ~

【Chrysanthemum crisp #Food Review Group#, classic dessert is delicious and delicious】

▲ Autumn is high and refreshing, the city began to flutter with the fragrance of the chrysanthemums to make the autumn color more charming, everyone in addition to appreciating the chrysanthemums a full eye, enjoy the beauty of the chrysanthemums, you can also do chrysanthemum snacks to feast on a full mouth, today Ah Fei will teach you a classic pasta snack for men and women of all ages and children - chrysanthemum crisp, and good dough, plus bean paste filling a wrap, scissors a molding, each petal like a chrysanthemum, and finally the oven a baked delicious instant, gently bite open, sweet and crispy to drop the slag, good to look good and delicious, good to look good, delicious, Very suitable for home production, if you like it, let's learn it together

Can chrysanthemums be eaten too? The chef teaches you to make a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, each with petals, beautiful and delicious

【Chrysanthemum crisp】-Sweet and delicious and crispy

Material preparation:

【Ingredients】30 g of flour

【Side dish】Bean paste filling 20 grams

【Ingredients】5 g of sugar / 3 g of condensed milk / 3 g of vegetable oil

Can chrysanthemums be eaten too? The chef teaches you to make a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, each with petals, beautiful and delicious

--【How to make a tool system】--

Step 1: Washi noodles – We prepare 30 grams of flour, add 5 grams of sugar, 3 grams of condensed milk, 3 grams of vegetable oil, use 20 ml of cold boiled water and noodles, and form a soft dough, knead the dough smooth and set aside. Note: When adding water to the dough, be sure to knead the dough while adding water, so that you can control the softness of the dough, and the noodles must keep in mind three principles: pot light, hand light, and face light~

Can chrysanthemums be eaten too? The chef teaches you to make a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, each with petals, beautiful and delicious

Step 2: Oil noodles - then and a piece of oil noodles, prepare 30 grams of flour, add 10 grams of vegetable oil, and combine the oil surface into the same softness as the dough, which is convenient for operation

Can chrysanthemums be eaten too? The chef teaches you to make a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, each with petals, beautiful and delicious

Step 3: Roll out the dough - sprinkle dry flour on the board, roll the dough into long strips, pull it into a uniform size of the dough, flatten the dough, wrap it into a small piece of oil noodles, put it at the tiger's mouth, tighten the opening, compact the extra noodles, prevent the filling from being rolled out, after all wrapped, sprinkle dry flour on the oil dough to prevent sticking during rolling, flatten the dough, roll out with a dough stick into a bull's tongue shape, then fold the dough pieces, roll out the long strips, roll out, and fold them into small dough blocks for later use. Note: Stacking small noodles is to roll out the oil noodles evenly, convenient for puff pastry layering, rolling should be lighter, can not roll out the skin, broken skin will affect the layering of the puff pastry, and it is not good to look at ~

Can chrysanthemums be eaten too? The chef teaches you to make a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, each with petals, beautiful and delicious

Step 4: Wrap the filling - prepare 20 grams of bean paste filling, mix a little flour, make the bean paste filling as hard as possible, easy to operate, and then roll out the small noodles into square pieces of noodles, wrap in the bean paste filling, tighten the opening, and pull off the excess noodles. Note: Do not add too much flour, you can make the bean paste filling and into a hard ball on it ~ ~

Can chrysanthemums be eaten too? The chef teaches you to make a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, each with petals, beautiful and delicious

Step 5: Shaping - wrap the raw blank of bean paste, press it into a thin and uniform round dough sheet with a knife, brush the oil evenly on the baking sheet, cut the dough piece every 1 cm, cut it to one-third, cut it into the shape of a chrysanthemum, each petal is twisted 90 degrees, and the raw blank of the chrysanthemum crisp is ready. Note: Do not roll out the embryo with a noodle pin, because the layer of the cake is very thin, and it is easy to break the skin when rolled

Can chrysanthemums be eaten too? The chef teaches you to make a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, each with petals, beautiful and delicious

Step 6: Out of the pan - the finished raw blank is placed in the baking tray, brush the egg yolk liquid at the center of the flower, sprinkle with black and white sesame seeds, the oven can be adjusted to 160 degrees, turn on the double heat, first preheat the oven for 3 minutes, after preheating, put the chrysanthemum crisp into the oven and bake for 25 minutes, after 25 minutes, take out the chrysanthemum crisp and place it on the plate

Can chrysanthemums be eaten too? The chef teaches you to make a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, each with petals, beautiful and delicious

——The conclusion of chrysanthemum crisp——

Autumn without chrysanthemums is incomplete, and autumn does not eat this chrysanthemum crisp with beauty and material will also have regrets, this exquisite chrysanthemum noodle snack, there is no complicated skill, are simple and homely practices, everyone step by step according to the steps of Ah Fei on the line, chrysanthemum shape is also suitable, eat fun endlessly, of course, if you are tired of seeing or will do other shapes, you can innovate yourself, and the premise is that the shape everyone must do interesting, personal feeling, interesting food will make people more appetizing, Even when you are not hungry, you will have the urge to eat. So interesting and delicious, and when the snack also made a dessert chrysanthemum crisp, do you want to try ~

Ah Fei recommended: sweet and delicious crisp to the slag of the chrysanthemum crisp, if you like it, welcome to like, forward, favorite, comment ~ ~

【The first delicacy, the "live" recipe on your table】

Article Editor: Qiqi drinks

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