
Today the frost falls, make a chrysanthemum crisp, go to enjoy the autumn of the autumn leaves and yellow flowers, chrysanthemum crisp making material Chrysanthemum crisp production method

author:There was light rain for food

Frostfall is the eighteenth solar term of the year, the last of autumn, and the impending arrival of winter.

After the frost falls, the weather will continue to turn cold, the dew will condense into frost, the persimmons will ripen, the leaves will be red, and the chrysanthemums will bloom brightly. Grab the little tail of autumn and go to see autumn.

Today the frost falls, make a chrysanthemum crisp, go to enjoy the autumn of the autumn leaves and yellow flowers, chrysanthemum crisp making material Chrysanthemum crisp production method

Today, Xiao Yu will introduce you to a cake that is very suitable for carrying during the autumn tour - the production method of chrysanthemum crisp.

Today the frost falls, make a chrysanthemum crisp, go to enjoy the autumn of the autumn leaves and yellow flowers, chrysanthemum crisp making material Chrysanthemum crisp production method

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the ingredients for chrysanthemum puff pastry</h1>

【Water oil skin】Ingredients are as follows (12 can be made)

Medium gluten flour 110 g

35 g lard

20 g caster sugar

Boiling water 45 g

【Puff pastry】Ingredients are as follows (12 can be made)

Low gluten flour 90 g

45 g lard

Pigment 1 g

【Filling】(12 pieces can be made)

Red bean paste 150 g

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > the method of making chrysanthemum crisp</h1>

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Eat chrysanthemum crisp in the beautiful autumn scenery of the mountains, taste the chrysanthemum tea in the cup, you will also be able to taste the leisurely pleasure of Tao Yuanming's "picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the South Mountain" a thousand years ago.

Today the frost falls, make a chrysanthemum crisp, go to enjoy the autumn of the autumn leaves and yellow flowers, chrysanthemum crisp making material Chrysanthemum crisp production method

It's easy to make and beautiful chrysanthemum puff pastry, so let's try to make it

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