
Changsha Art Lecture Hall opened today Sheng Heyu brought the first artistic life

author:Wah Seng Online

The Changsha Art Lecture Hall opened today

Sheng Heyu brought the first artistic life

Changsha Art Lecture Hall opened today Sheng Heyu brought the first artistic life

New Hunan Client, November 24 (Reporter Chen Wei Correspondent Chen Huaqian) This afternoon, the "Artistic Life" Changsha Art Lecture Hall created by the Changsha Academy of Artistic Creation held its first lecture at the Changsha Concert Hall, and the famous playwright Sheng Heyu shared with the citizens the bittersweet and bittersweet in his artistic creation. Zhao Bolin, executive deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Changsha Municipal CPC Committee, Peng Yong, deputy secretary of the party committee and deputy director of the Changsha Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film and Television News and Publications, and other leaders attended the event.

Before the speech, Zhao Bolin awarded the medal to the Changsha Art Lecture Hall, and Peng Yong delivered a speech, in which he put forward three requirements for running the art forum well: one is to select topics, the other is to integrate resources, and the third is to innovate ways. Many opera practitioners and citizens listened to the speech together.

Sheng Heyu, who is nearly seventy years old, is a national first-class screenwriter and a special allowance recipient of the State Council expert, he has won the national "Five One Project Award" for many times, the highest government award of the Ministry of Culture - "Wenhua Award", and his plays have won many national awards such as "Wenhua Screenwriter Award", "Cao Yu Drama Literature Award" and "Excellent Screenwriter Award" of China Drama Festival. His Xiang drama "Mountain Ghost", TV series "Qia Classmate Boy", "Blood Xiangxi", the movie "Chibi", "Night Feast" and other works have also aroused heated discussion in many ways, and have been unanimously praised by the audience.

The theme of Sheng Heyu's speech was "Eight Steps", and he not only introduced his own growth experience, but also shared his understanding of art and life. He has repeatedly advocated reverse thinking, saying: "This includes two meanings, one is that all records are broken, and the other is that when an idea is agreed by 60% of people, it is too late." While advocating refining the theme, he also opposed the concept of first, and took the Beijing Peking Opera House's creation of "Mei Lanfang" as an example. He firmly opposed the portrayal of Mei Lanfang as a left-wing cultural person in the 1930s and 1940s, because he believed that this narrowed Mei Lanfang, and Mei Lanfang's art should be a culture that represents all mankind.

When asked by the audience which of his favorite works, Sheng Heyu said without hesitation: "It is Mountain Ghost." Speaking of the status of TV series, movies, stage plays and other artistic disciplines in his heart, he feels that stage plays are still his inseparable lovers, but the future main business will be movies. He said: "I always feel like I'm just debuting, I still have a lot to do, and I'm still one of the most promising playwrights in China. Sheng Heyu spoke in Changde dialect, the audience listened carefully, laughed from time to time, and the atmosphere was harmonious and harmonious, and the cultural atmosphere was strong.

According to reports, the "Art Life" Changsha Art Lecture Hall mainly organizes and invites representative and influential artists in the literary and art circles to carry out art lectures, providing a public welfare platform for art lovers to learn, communicate, interact and discuss with well-known artists at home and abroad. In addition to inviting Mr. Sheng Heyu to give a lecture, the "Art Life" Changsha Art Lecture Hall will also invite Chen Yiping, Xie Bailiang, Zeng Jingui, Feng Zhenghe, Liu Huiyang and other famous artists to carry out art lectures. Citizens can register for free lectures by calling 0731-81887617 and have the opportunity to communicate and discuss with famous artists on the spot.

Attached: Changsha Art Lecture Hall recent major lectures

1. Appreciation of Xiang opera

Speaker: Chen Yiping

Venue: Changsha Concert Hall Foothills Small Hall

2. Huxiang culture and opera art

Speaker: Xie Bailiang

3. Drama rambling

Speaker: Zeng Jingui

Location: 15:00, January 20, 2018

4. The singing characteristics of the flower drum drama

Speaker: Feng Zhenghe

5. Seven Strings of Lingling V. Heart of the Qin - "Talk on Guqin Art" of the Special Lecture on Guqin Art

Speaker: Liu Huiyang

[Editor-in-Charge: Tan Simin]

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