
Characteristics of Pudong chicken and precautions for summer breeding

author:Farming is a little clear

It is named Pudong chicken because it is produced in the coastal area east of the Huangpu River in Shanghai, and because the adult rooster can grow to more than nine pounds, it is also known as "nine pounds of yellow".

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Friends engaged in chicken raising know that ordinary broiler chickens can be raised to about 70-90 days, the growth cycle is short, and the Pudong chicken we are talking about today, first grow the skeleton after the long meat, raise to 90 days just grow a good skeleton, the growth cycle is relatively long, the breeding cost is relatively high, but the Pudong chicken has been unanimously praised by the farmers, and the scale of breeding is also constantly expanding, why is this? It turns out that although this Pudong chicken grows slowly, the quality is very good, it has the advantages of delicious meat, high protein content, rich subcutaneous fat, etc., which is very popular with consumers, and the production performance of this Pudong chicken is also very good, and the benefits of breeding are good.

Characteristics of Pudong chicken and precautions for summer breeding

Pudong chicken (left mother and right male)

In the summer heat, there are more places to pay attention to raising Pudong chickens, and the breeding farm should ensure sufficient clean drinking water, which is also to stimulate the intake of chickens. Sinks or other drinking fountains should be cleaned and disinfected frequently to ensure the hygienic quality of the water. In the summer, the chicken drinks more water, the excrement is wet, and the temperature in the rainy season is larger, the moisture in the chicken coop is not easy to discharge, the incidence will increase significantly, and ventilation must be strengthened. Due to the high temperature, the feces quickly decompose to produce a large amount of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gas, stimulate the chicken's respiratory system, damage the respiratory epithelial cells, so that the chicken's immunity declines, it is easy to get infectious diseases, then ventilation should also be strengthened, so that the concentration of harmful gases is reduced to a certain range, and it is good for people to stand in the chicken coop without obvious odor. When ventilating, opening the chicken coop can open all the doors, windows and ventilation holes, or install ventilation equipment such as ceiling fans and exhaust fans to increase the airflow speed and ventilation volume in the chicken coop.

In order to meet the nutrients required by chickens to produce eggs, the diet formula must be adjusted according to the changes in the amount of food collected by the chickens, the energy level must be appropriately increased, and the crude protein level must be increased by 1% to 2% to ensure the production needs. Chickens produce "body heating" during feeding, which raises body temperature, and studies have shown that one of the reasons why chickens are reluctant to eat at high temperatures is "body heating". The solution to this problem is to add plant feed to the diet, which can be planted and fed, and the plant feed grass has axilla grass and so on, and the feed is placed in a bucket or trough for the chickens to eat freely, feeding 3-4 times a day. The breeding density of pudong chickens is 3 per square meter, and the chicken coop is required to be well ventilated and well-lit. The crude protein value of green feed is high, chicken feed is fed 3 times a day, there is a feedlot for pasture, and the rest of the time it allows pheasants to forage, move, jump and play freely. In the evening, an appropriate amount of green feed can be added. In addition, captivity can be divided into male and female groups, strong and weak groups for breeding management, so that the individuals of Pudong chickens can achieve uniformity.

Characteristics of Pudong chicken and precautions for summer breeding

Pudong chicken (female)

Feedlots do a good job in epidemic prevention, mainly to prevent coccidiosis, as well as mycoplasmosis and Escherichia coli disease, while paying close attention to bursal disease. The breeding farm uses 2%-3% of the fire alkali water to spray disinfection in the outside environment of the chicken coop once a month, and disinfects the chickens in the coop once a week with 100 poisons or peracetic acid. Timely immunization and prevention of infectious diseases such as Malik's disease, Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, and infectious bursal disease. 1-21 days old in the feed or drinking water to add haloperic acid, ciprofloxacin and other drugs to prevent bacterial diseases; 15-70 days old in the feed to add maduramycin, Tai fu jing and other drugs to prevent coccidiosis.

Chicken farming: an efficient mode of free-range chicken breeding

Characteristics of Pudong chicken and precautions for summer breeding

Pudong chicken

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