
Old Pudong chicken in the Pujiang Rose Garden


The rose garden in Pujiang is a good place for two reasons: First, it is a sight to behold. What to see? Look at the roses. The rose garden is large and has a rural field water color. These are a harvest, a harvest that goes to nature. The second is to eat the head. What to eat? I tell you, eat an old Pudong chicken.

Old Pudong chicken in the Pujiang Rose Garden

Speaking of the old Pudong chicken, let's talk about the history of the old Pudong chicken. The old Pudong chicken is commonly known as the "Golden Phoenix of Jiangnan", which is said to be said by Empress Dowager Cixi, whether it is verified or not, but it has become a tribute but it is a historical fact, and it also represents the national poultry treasures into the World Exposition. More than ten years ago, the old Pudong chicken was listed by the Ministry of Agriculture as a traditional protected chicken breed for agricultural products, thus becoming a protected heritage of historical documents. Needless to say, the old Pudong chicken does have a history full of honors. Honor should go on, history needs to go on. The content of the continuation looks like a chicken, but it is actually a flavor, a kind of popular, elegant, authentic flavor; The authenticity of an ecological diet that the people expect to restore.

The old Pudong chicken is very tall and tall, and its body is very strong and strong. Why? One is because of the long growth cycle. The growth time of a Pudong chicken takes about a year. This time period, in the current era of giving birth to growth, is not easy, and it is necessary for the chicken keeper to have the will not to be tempted by interests. The second is because of the primitiveization of food. Tall and tall, but about five pounds of weight, the body is naturally strong and healthy, so that the cultivation of the body first relies on good genes, followed by exercise, and the most important thing is to rely on food that is eaten every day and all the time. What does the old Pudong chicken eat? Eat corn, eat rice, eat wheat grains, eat grass flowers, eat grass worms. These foods come from the fields, from the crops, from the farmhouse, completely family scattered feeding feed, this feed is also what the chicken eaters expect, because only this close to the natural way of feeding, will make the old Pudong chicken have a different physique and health, will make the old Pudong chicken worthy of the name.

Pudong chicken food is back to the natural origin, not only that, all the old Pudong chicken is raised under the forest chickens, from the chicken coop to the forest, from the forest to the chicken coop, or running or walking, or foraging or grabbing food, the old Pudong chicken does not stop in exercise for a moment, which is consistent with their nature of liking to play and like to chase. In fact, play, chasing are physical exercises, from the beginning of the eyes to rest at night, the old Pudong chicken during the day has been in this almost labored state, therefore, it is difficult to produce chicken fat in the belly of each old Pudong chicken, even if there is a small amount, and the snow white is shining, crystal clear. After a raw chicken is dissected, it looks like the skin is thin and fresh, the skin is clear, the meat is refreshing, the meat is white and yellow, and the yellow color is very bright; Chicken abdominal muscles, leg meat, chicken ribs, each has its own color, not mixed; Meat and bone sticking together, very compact, but the color is bright, distinct, no clutter, no fishy, tender and thick, giving people the feeling of being exactly the same as the chicken at home, white has a golden color, yellow hides the color of white, translucent, symmetrical, full, look at it to know that this is a trustworthy old Pudong chicken, is worthy of their own reassurance, peace of mind to taste the good chicken. It seems that an almost traditional way of breeding will make Pudong chickens more lively and full of vitality.

The same is true of the facts. Bring the old Pudong chicken on the table, first look at the soup, the soup has no variety, like a bowl of water, a glance at the bottom of the bowl, the soup noodles have a few shallow oil flowers, evenly floating on the top of the chicken, a warm look, a little fragrant, gently suck a bite, feel light, refreshing, quiet, delicious, pure, drink a mouthful and then want to drink, because refreshing, because of nutrition; Re-taste the chicken. Chicken feet should be chewy to eat, chicken heads should be carefully eaten, chicken legs are eaten in whole pieces, chicken belly bones are chewed and eaten, everything is the taste of chicken, but the toughness is not the same, the freshness is not the same, the chewing strength is not the same, very independent, very different. The eaters take their own good, but they can eat the delicious food that they yearn for in their hearts, the mouth is happy, the heart is also happy, and after eating, the gait of walking begins to be light and flowing.

Looking around, I saw the roses in the rose garden again, and I felt that the roses were blooming for you!

Reporter Gao Mingchang

Original title: Old Pudong chicken in the rose garden