
Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will ban the National V truck from entering the factory next year, are you ready to change the National Vi truck? A total ban on China V, China VI, new energy in the next two months Is there still a way out for China V? What car should I buy? Practical use is up to you

author:Truck House

【Truck Home Original】Can the National Five Car still be bought? The official switching period of China V and China VI has now passed nearly half a year, and the topic of buying China V models or buying China VI models has never stopped, and now that it is close to the end of the year, there is not much time for China V cars.

Many card friends said: the operation and maintenance cost of the national five vehicles is low, the purchase cost is low, and the national five vehicles should be bought, and the reliability of the national six models is not as high as the national five vehicles, and the operation and maintenance costs are still high. Although there is some truth in such remarks, the purchase between the national five vehicles and the national six vehicles is not just based on the cost, and a recent paper document issued by the Tianjin Iron and Steel Group explains some of these problems.

Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will ban the National V truck from entering the factory next year, are you ready to change the National Vi truck? A total ban on China V, China VI, new energy in the next two months Is there still a way out for China V? What car should I buy? Practical use is up to you

From the information in this document, it can be seen that Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will use new energy vehicles or vehicles that meet the National VI emission standards for the transportation of iron ore concentrate, coal, coke and other bulk materials and products entering and leaving steel enterprises from January 1, 2022. And at that time, Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will prohibit models below the National VI emission standard from entering the factory.

This also means that from January 1, 2022, China IV and China V vehicles will not be able to enter the Tianjin Iron and Steel Group, which also confirms the previous author's point of view from the side, that is, after this year, there will be many state-owned enterprises, and large factories will explicitly prohibit The National V models from entering the factory and participating in the operation. The National VI and new energy models will be fully rolled out in the market from next year.

Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will ban the National V truck from entering the factory next year, are you ready to change the National Vi truck? A total ban on China V, China VI, new energy in the next two months Is there still a way out for China V? What car should I buy? Practical use is up to you

At present, the new cars still being sold in the market, most of them are National V inventory cars and China VI new cars, from the recent visit to dealers, I learned that the current national V models of some brands are not much pressure due to early preferential efforts and early selling periods. For some brand dealers, due to the lack of prediction of market trends and reasonable planning of sales models in the early stage, the current inventory pressure is still very large.

Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will ban the National V truck from entering the factory next year, are you ready to change the National Vi truck? A total ban on China V, China VI, new energy in the next two months Is there still a way out for China V? What car should I buy? Practical use is up to you

The reasons why the National Five vehicles are currently difficult to sell are affected by many aspects, the freight rate market has been repeatedly frustrated, the stable supply is less, and the price of oil and gas energy has risen in recent times, resulting in fewer and fewer card users who come to see the car. At present, the time has come to November, after this year, even the invoiced National V car can not be sold as a new car, and eventually it will either be digested by the dealer himself, or flow into the market to become a second-hand quasi-new car.

Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will ban the National V truck from entering the factory next year, are you ready to change the National Vi truck? A total ban on China V, China VI, new energy in the next two months Is there still a way out for China V? What car should I buy? Practical use is up to you

Combined with the actual situation of the current freight market, the market prospects of the National V model are not optimistic, due to the early overdraft of sales in the first half of the year, there are still a large number of dealers with inventory of the National V car at this stage, and the pressure will be relatively huge. The author predicts that in the next two months, it will be difficult for dealers to clear this batch of models, and the possibility of smashing them in their hands and finally dealing with them at a loss price is very large.

Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will ban the National V truck from entering the factory next year, are you ready to change the National Vi truck? A total ban on China V, China VI, new energy in the next two months Is there still a way out for China V? What car should I buy? Practical use is up to you

From the documents released by Tianjin Iron and Steel Group, it is not difficult to see that bulk enterprises and state-owned enterprises will gradually begin to ban the entry of National V vehicles, so units and fleets that have cooperated with these enterprises can only purchase China VI models and new energy models. And for us retail card friends, what kind of car can we buy?

Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will ban the National V truck from entering the factory next year, are you ready to change the National Vi truck? A total ban on China V, China VI, new energy in the next two months Is there still a way out for China V? What car should I buy? Practical use is up to you

In terms of use, if you are running the whole country, receiving various LTL, vehicles and other transportation conditions, we recommend buying The National VI model, why say so? After all, in the case of running in the country, it is inevitable to encounter some cities and factories that will have the policy of restricting the line of the national five and prohibiting the entry into the factory, so although the comprehensive operating cost of the national six models is higher, it will not affect your daily operation under various restrictions.

Tianjin Iron and Steel Group will ban the National V truck from entering the factory next year, are you ready to change the National Vi truck? A total ban on China V, China VI, new energy in the next two months Is there still a way out for China V? What car should I buy? Practical use is up to you

However, if you are a card friend who runs a special line and a fixed route, there is no restriction or prohibition on entering the factory in your line in the next few years, then the National Five car is still a good choice. First of all, the reliability of the National V vehicle is stronger and the comprehensive operating cost is lower, followed by the fact that the price of some National V models will continue to decline in the next time, and the purchase cost of starting at this time is also relatively low.

If you have purchased the National V car, but find that the routes you often run are restricted, it is best to re-plan the route as soon as possible and find a suitable new source of goods before the policy is fully implemented. Don't be greedy or regretful, in the end the original supply can not be received, the new market can not be cut into.

● Editor's postscript

From the current market trend, the mission of The National V models in some regions is coming to an end, and the next National VI vehicles and new energy models will fully occupy the market. In the northern region where heavy industry is more developed, as early as June and July this year, it was rumored that many factories have banned the entry of National V models, and for card friends who often run Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the National VI car may be the best choice.

The point is that the national five models do not have to panic too much, nor do they have to worry too much, comprehensive national three, four, five switch, the national five models in the general most operating routes, and then fight for 7 or 8 years basically no big problem. If it is an urban area with high emission requirements, then China VI is also a new choice. However, in view of the freight rate at this stage, whether it is a national five car, a national six car, a high-end car or an affordable car, it is necessary to make a reasonable choice for its actual working conditions and income. (Text/Yang Hao)

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