
Wei Zhuang's flesh and hemp love words have been praised as classics by many literati, and the ancients did not lose to the present

author:Soul said

When confessing to your sweetheart, if you can use a high-level ancient poem, it is obviously very "foreign". But the author also wants to remind everyone that we have to "hang around" when using it.

After all, our ancient literati were all extremely affectionate, and the words they wrote were often very numb. For example, Liu Yong's timeless famous sentence "The belt gradually widens and there is no regret, and the people are haggard for Yi", which is for you to be gaunt and thin for you; Wen Tingjun's "Linglong dice An Hongdou, into the bone lovesickness knows not to know", is the acacia into the bone.

Wei Zhuang's flesh and hemp love words have been praised as classics by many literati, and the ancients did not lose to the present

These two famous sentences, the author reminds everyone, if the feelings are not up to this step or do not use easily. Then a friend may have asked, if the feelings are deeper than liu yong and Wen Tingjun's two sentences, then which sentence should we use? That person believes that when the boy confesses, he can use Yuan Shu's "once the sea was shipwrecked as water, except for Wushan is not a cloud", which means that because you can no longer look at other people. When the girl confesses, she can use the song "Si Di Xiang Spring Tour" that she wants to say to everyone in this issue.

Wei Zhuang's flesh and hemp love words have been praised as classics by many literati, and the ancients did not lose to the present

This poem is written about a woman's admiration for a man, and if we carefully read it, we will find that this love poem, which was praised as a classic by many ancient literati, was written boldly and numbly. Thin-skinned girls do not dare to use it easily on the male god, and even if they do, they do not dare to read it in public. Let's take a look at what he wrote:

"Si Di Xiang" (Late Tang Dynasty. Wei zhuang) Spring tour. Apricot blossoms blow all over the head. Strangers who are young and full of wind. The concubine intends to marry her for the rest of her life. Even if you are ruthlessly abandoned, you cannot be ashamed.
Wei Zhuang's flesh and hemp love words have been praised as classics by many literati, and the ancients did not lose to the present

As a representative of the "Huajian School", Wei Zhuang wrote such a bold love word, in fact, it is not counted, after all, he also wrote such a famous sentence as "Last night and midnight, the pillow clearly dreamed", which can only be said that the ancients did not lose today's people. Many poetry critics in ancient times have long been accustomed to this style of his, after all, although they write boldly, they do have a level. The Qing Dynasty literati Shen Xiong, He Pei and others all highly respected this word.

The upper part of the word tells us a story and a scene at the beginning. One spring day, a flower girl and her friends went to qingqing, and the spring wind blew through, accompanied by the fragrance of apricot blossoms. Suddenly the woman saw a personable young man on the road in the field, and his demeanor was flowing and free. The girl fell in love with him at first sight, so there was the content of the next step.

Wei Zhuang's flesh and hemp love words have been praised as classics by many literati, and the ancients did not lose to the present

In this Shang, the most interesting is the three words "spring tour". Throwing these 3 words directly at the beginning is equivalent to setting the tone of the scenery at once! The season when everything awakens is a good time for love. Wei Zhuang's directness and agility are amazing.

The lower part of the word can actually be a woman's psychological activity, because it is not known in the heart, it can naturally be bold enough to set no margins. I want to make a promise to follow him for the rest of my life. Even if in the end he didn't want me, I wasn't ashamed.

The boldness of the lyricist is actually not only in the 6 words of "rest in life" and "can not be ashamed", but in the fact that he will really only meet once and make such a decision? On this point, the Ming Dynasty scholar Yuan Yi commented as follows:

People ridicule him for his contempt and shame, but they do not know how to feel indignant and make this groan.

Wei Zhuang's flesh and hemp love words have been praised as classics by many literati, and the ancients did not lose to the present

He believes that those who say that this word is written too much, in fact, they have not read it at all, and Wei Zhuang only borrowed such a love poem to express his resentment that he did not encounter. That is to say, Yuan Yi believes that this is not a work of love at all, but to express his own ambition by writing love. For this statement, the author does not agree. Whether it is from the text itself or the mood, this song is written about love. There is no need for us to "excuse" Wei Da's poet in order to maintain his reputation, saying that this is not about love.

In fact, it's not a big deal to admit that it's a love song. As early as the "Book of Poetry", there are a large number of bold and extravagant works, such as "Zheng Feng. Zi Zhen", "Zhou Nan Ru Tomb", etc. The bold pursuit of love is precisely a major feature of classical love words. How happy to express the words that dare not be done and dare not say in real life in the form of words! How well do you think this song is written? Discussion is welcome.

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