
Datong Wenshi: The ins and outs of the "rise" and "waste" of hunyuan ancient city

author:Mr. Yongsan Dai
Datong Wenshi: The ins and outs of the "rise" and "waste" of hunyuan ancient city

Hunyuan's earliest city pool was founded in the Western Han Dynasty, in the west of the present-day county town of Twenty Mile Mountain on the left of Mazhuang, south of Hengshan, right back of the Mountain, in the middle of the three mountains, so the new Mangshi was called The Langzhang County, that is, the Han Dynasty's Chengxian County, due to the Han Dynasty's continuous resistance to foreign attacks and pacifies, the original Yanbei region was frequently in war, Hun originated from the inevitable, the Xiongnu plundered the Han Dynasty, needless to say, in the two years of the AD alone, the Han Guangwu Emperor Liu Xiu had been with Lufang, who occupied the Yanbei region, in Chengxian County, Fanqi (County Governance, Twenty miles north of present-day Hunyuan City, but the author believes that in the area of xifang city in the present-day hunyuan county, the author has a special examination, this article does not repeat, the size of its city has been untested) several times, its damage to the city can be imagined.

During the two Jin Dynasties and the Northern and Southern Dynasties, various ethnic groups repeatedly fought in Northern Yan. In the Northern Wei Dynasty, the capital pingcheng (present-day Datong City), Hunyuan belonged to the interior of Qi, due to the stability of development and environment, the city was consolidated, but then after Emperor Xiaowen moved the capital to Luoyang, the "Rebellion of the Six Towns" Hunyuan City became a border city again, and it was once again reduced to war. Because the old city is an earthen city, the terrain is low-lying, there is water from the east and west, flowing out from the armpits on both sides of the mountain, every time it rains, the flash floods are swollen, the sound is thunderous, and the city is frequently flooded. Moreover, the land in this area is humid and salty, which is not suitable for people to live.

In the later Tang Dynasty, Li Siyuan, a native of Yingzhou, that is, Tang Mingzong ascended the throne (926-933 AD), relatively clear politics, production developed, the economy tended to prosper, and the financial resources were relatively strong, in order to improve the living environment, it was decided to relocate the old city of Hunyuan (Hancheng County). After many surveys, the place of the present county seat was finally selected.

Datong Wenshi: The ins and outs of the "rise" and "waste" of hunyuan ancient city

Compared with the old city, the new site has obvious advantages, here from east to west from high to down, the middle bulge part of the area is larger, shaped like a turtle, for people to live, so along the terrain, built here a "turtle city". With a circumference of four hundred and twenty steps, the city wall is five feet high and one foot wide, with one gate opening in the east and west. There was a moat outside the city, two feet wide and seven feet deep. This was the initial size of the Old City after it moved from the low-lying west to the higher parts. (Why Hunyuan is called "Turtle City", the author has a special argument)

In the long period after that, the Liao, Song, Jin, and Yuan dynasties repeatedly competed for the Northern Yan region, the war was continuous, the social turmoil was constant, Hunyuan City often changed hands in this environment, the defenders had no time and could not afford to repair and strengthen the city, the city wall tilted and collapsed, the city trench was damaged and silted; the small-scale repairs in the meantime were not worth detailing, and the so-called city pool had long been unrecognizable.

After the Ming Dynasty unified the whole country, due to the continuous invasion of the northern minorities in the north of the Ming Dynasty, the imperial court generally attached importance to military equipment, and the construction of Hunyuan City pool was as many as five or six times, of which the largest scale was two. At the beginning of the Ming Dynasty, during the tenure of Chen Yuan of Zhizhou, the city was renovated, and the city wall was increased by one zhang to two and five feet, and the moat was deepened, but this was not a large-scale repair. In the twenty-second year of Ming Chengzu Yongle (1424), the Wala army attacked Datong.

Datong Wenshi: The ins and outs of the "rise" and "waste" of hunyuan ancient city

In the fourth year of Emperor Yingzong's reign (1460), tatar soldiers from the north attacked Biansai in three ways, invading the Northern Yan region, and in 1480 they attacked Hunyuan. After that, the war with the Ming Dynasty continued, and the northern border town of Datong was extremely unsafe, and in order to strengthen the defense, the Ming Dynasty built the 600-mile Great Wall from Datong Middle Road in the east to Biaotouguan in 1485.

In the forty-second year (1563) of Emperor Jiajing of the Ming Dynasty, Yan Songxian of Yishui County, Hebei Province, was appointed as the governor of Hunyuan Zhizhou, and this person conformed to the situation at that time and attached great importance to the construction of the city. As soon as he arrived, he toured the castle, greatly lamenting the destruction of the border city of Hunyuan City, and decided to rebuild it. Yan Songxian adopted the policy of stabilizing the people's livelihood, saving costs, collecting less taxes, reclaiming land, giving relief to disaster victims, eliminating violence and peace, and devoting himself to cultivating politics and developing production.

Two years later, when the local area was harmonious and the harvest was bumper, Yan Songxian believed that it was possible to requisition the people's power, so he built a large number of civil engineering and began to build the city, mainly with military soldiers, not with the people to supplement the project. from

The forty-fifth year of Jiajing (1566) began on March 15, and was completed by the end of June, and it was successful in March. The circumference of the city remains unchanged (four miles and two hundred and twenty steps), the height of the city wall is three feet and seven feet, the depth of the trench is three zhang, the city tower and the guard pavilion are added, the east and west gates are set up, the south city is made of stone gates, so as to open the water, the acropolis has walls, the weiyuan has trenches, from narrow and shallow to wide and deep, the walls are from narrow and low to wide and high, and there are many auxiliary buildings, which is the first time in the history of Hunyuan City to completely repair the city.

Datong Wenshi: The ins and outs of the "rise" and "waste" of hunyuan ancient city

Since the Tatars attacked Northern Yanbei in 1460, for more than a hundred years, the ming dynasty's northern border wars continued until the fifth year of Muzong Longqing (1571), when the Ming court made the Tatar leader Li Da Khan the King of Shunyi, and soon resumed the "tea and horse market" trade. After that, the ming dynasty border was relatively stable, but the Ming rulers still did not dare to slacken off, often sent large officers to inspect the border, the second year of the Ming Dynasty Wanli (1574), a ming court called Wu Dui inspector passed through Hunyuan, listened to the opinions of local officials, believed that Hunyuan, as a frontier state, was the first to bear the brunt of the war in the north, and the old tucheng should be brick packed and consolidated. After reporting to the dynasty, the order pulled out more than 19,000 silver and was limited to three years to complete the reporting.

The project was jointly responsible for Liu Fuli of Zhizhou, Lin Fengju of The Garrison, and Dong Que, a native of the prefecture, and the people of the prefecture were jointly responsible for the work, the official treasury supported the silver, the logging on the mountain, and the burning of bricks in the field. From the start of construction in March of the second year of the Wanli Calendar to the October of the third year of the Wanli Calendar, it took less than two years for the project to complete the fourteen-mile project in the urban area ahead of schedule.

The city wall is four zhang high, the stone wall foundation, the tile wall, the base thickness is three and five feet, the top thickness is two zhang, the outer city is called urn city, the moon city, and the inner and outer heights are two zhang and seven feet. Because the east gate of the city faces Hengshan Mountain, it is named "Wangyue"; the west gate has a wide field of vision and faces the Hunying River, so it is signed "Pingchuan" on the city tower. In the twenty-ninth year of the Wanli Calendar, Yushi Cui Bangliang opened the South Gate again, because it was facing Cuiping Mountain, so it was named "Yingcui". In this way, the Ming Dynasty became the dynasty that built the Hunyuan City Pool the most vigorously, and the scale and solidity of the city pool were unprecedented.

Datong Wenshi: The ins and outs of the "rise" and "waste" of hunyuan ancient city

Entering the Qing Dynasty, Hunyuan City Pool suffered a serious damage, Shunzhi fifth year winter (December 1648), Datong general Jiang Ou rebelled against the Qing, Hunyuan garrison Tang Hu and Baofeng Zhai people Fang Yingxiang (Fang Iii) responded in Benzhou, in February of the sixth year to kill Zhi Thirty Rong Erqi, Qing soldiers besieged the city for the remaining three days, the first four days of March, with iron cannons to blast open the northeast corner of the city wall, attacked Hunyuan City. Fang San and Tang Hu died heroically, the residents of the city were washed in blood, tens of thousands of dead, and later a "righteous tomb" was built, and there were 50,000 corpses lying in the inside, after this war, the houses in the city became ashes, the city walls collapsed in many places, the southern city collapsed, and the pedestrian passage was unimpeded.

Since then, although through the efforts of many state officials, the city has also been repaired six or seven times in an effort to restore its scale, but due to the local people's poverty and lack of money, the Qing Dynasty gradually declined, so basically no major projects were built, and repairs were only repaired.

During the Xinhai Revolution, the fall of the Qing Dynasty, in the summer of 1926, the guangdong revolutionary government launched the Northern Expedition against imperialism and the Beiyang warlords. The warlord forces formed a counter-revolutionary alliance and jointly attacked the revolution. At that time, the Zhenwu Department of the Nationalist Military was ordered to attack Hunyuan. After many fierce battles, the Jin army Duozhen, who was firmly defending Hunyuan City, in order to strengthen the defense of the city, rushed to build two internal and external moats around the city in June, and buried explosives to bombard the city wall, but due to the strict defense of the Jin army, the plan was unsuccessful.

Datong Wenshi: The ins and outs of the "rise" and "waste" of hunyuan ancient city

Later, because the reinforcements of the Zhi and Feng warlords were too strong, the Nationalist army was forced to withdraw from the siege. During the battle, although the Nationalist army also placed mountain shelling on snake hill in Shenxi Village, because the target was a small temple tower in the city, shells fell in nearby puddles, so the residents suffered few casualties and the city wall was not damaged.

In September 1937, the Wokou invaded and occupied Hunyuan City, and on October 10, the 678th Regiment of the 344th Brigade of the 115th Division of the Eighth Route Army recaptured Hunyuan City. When the evacuation was made at the end of December, the south gate was built with sand, and the east and west gates of the county seat were left.

During the Liberation War, our army lacked new weapons, and took the city as a stronghold to resist the destruction of the enemy's aircraft and artillery, and if it was occupied by the enemy, our army could not break through, or had to pay a heavy price to break through. Therefore, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in 1945, the hunyuan people mobilized thousands of people in the powerful wave of defending the liberated areas and driving out the Nationalist army, filling in the city and demolishing the city wall. Since then, Hunyuan has not left any remnants of the ancient city pool.

Datong Wenshi: The ins and outs of the "rise" and "waste" of hunyuan ancient city

Note: Some of the pictures are illustrated

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