
Chinese herbal wild chrysanthemum


Pinyin yě jú huā

Source 《Materia Medica》

The source is the head-shaped inflorescence of the Asteraceae plants Wild Chrysanthemum, Kitano Chrysanthemum, or Rock Chrysanthemum. Autumn flowers are harvested, dried or dried in the sun when they are in full bloom.

The original morphological plant morphology is detailed in the "wild chrysanthemum" article.

The Habitat Division is mainly produced in Jiangsu, Sichuan, Guangxi, Shandong and other places.

The dry cephalic inflorescence is flattened spherical, 0.5 to 1 cm in diameter, the outer layer is 15 to 20 tongue-like flowers, female, pale yellow, wrinkled and curled; the central tube flower, amphoteric, 3 to 4 mm long, yellow, 5 lobes at the apex, ovary brownish yellow, without crown hair; the bottom has a total bract, composed of 20 to 25 bracts, arranged in 4 layers as a tile, the bracts are ovate or lanceolate, withered yellow, and the edge membranous; each flower is born on the hemispherical flower holder. The taste is bitter, followed by a cool feeling.

The chemical composition of the flower contains locustin-7-rhamnos glucoside, wild chrysanthemum lactone, cornflower glycosides, picrins, α-thujone. It also contains volatile oils, including dl-camphor, twenty-tetradecane, twenty-hexaane and so on. It also contains vitamin A substances and vitamin B1.

Pharmacological effect (1) hypotensive effect

In the acute test on animals, wild chrysanthemum flowers have obvious antihypertensive effects on intraperitoneal injection of 6 to 10 g/kg and oral administration of 15 g/kg in unasseased rats. The effect of whole herb preparation is more toxic than that of flower extract, and the antihypertensive effect is poor. The aqueous solution of wild chrysanthemum alcohol extract also has a hypotensive effect on anesthetizing cats 16 g/kg. The extract HC-1 (containing wild chrysanthemum lactone, flavonoid glycosides, picrins and some impurities) obtained after further refining of this alcohol extract was administered to the small intestine of anesthetized cats for 50 to 100 mg / kg, and the normal blood pressure dog without anesthesia was given a hypotensive effect of 50 to 150 mg / kg, but the effect was slow (due to insoluble in water, it may be absorbed slowly) and could be maintained for more than 2 hours. In dogs with chronic renal hypertension, 100 mg/kg of gastric lavage per day for the first 2 weeks and 200 mg/kg per day for the third week also achieved antihypertensive effect. Cardiac output does not decrease during antihypertensive, mainly due to a decrease in total peripheral resistance. According to preliminary analysis, the principle of action may be due to its anti-adrenaline action and the dilation of peripheral blood vessels, and may also be involved in the central vascular motor center inhibition.

(2) Antiviral, antibacterial effect

In vitro, wild chrysanthemums 1:80 can delay the lesion of cells (human embryonic renal primary monolayer epithelial cells) after orphan virus infection. Wild chrysanthemum decoction 1:320 has inhibitory effects on Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus diphtheria and Bacillus dysentery in vitro.

Toxic wild chrysanthemums have low toxicity and no accumulation of chronic administration. EcG showed that wild chrysanthemum flowers were not toxic to the heart, without anesthesia rat intraperitoneal injection of less than 36 g/kg, the ECG did not change, the dose increased to 52 g/kg, the beat of the heart became significantly slower, the p-r and q-t intervals were prolonged, and the t-wave became wider and blunter. Normal dogs take extract hc-1_300 mg/kg daily for 3 weeks, except for sometimes vomiting, there is no serious toxic reaction, and the measurement of liver and kidney function also shows normal.

Sexual taste bitter and bitter, cool.

(1) "Materia Medica": "The taste is bitter and hard, the air is cold, and there is a small poison." "

(2) "Sichuan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine": "Slightly cold, sweet and bitter, non-toxic." "

Guijing "Materia Medica Seeking Truth": "Into the lungs, liver." "

Functional indications for the treatment of wind and heat, swelling and detoxification. Cure wind fever cold, pneumonia, diphtheria, gastroenteritis: hypertension, boils, carbuncles, aphthous sores, erysipelas, eczema, apocystos.

(1) "Materia Medica": "Break the blood and thin the liver, relieve boils and disperse poison." The housewife had blood in her abdomen and solved the poisonous erysipelas of Tianxing Fire. Wash the scabies, and you can go to the wind to kill insects. "

(2) "Modern Practical Chinese Medicine": "Used for carbuncle boil swelling and suppuration." "

(3) "Suzhou Native Medicinal Materials": "Detoxification and wind removal." Cure vertigo. "

(4) "Zhejiang Handbook of Traditional Chinese Medicine": "Drain pus and detoxify, reduce swelling and relieve pain." Cure carbuncle swelling and boil poisoning, day bubble wet sores. "

(5) "Jiangsu Botanical Medicine": "Cure cholera, abdominal pain." "

(6) "Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine": "Loosen the wind and heat, clear the head, reduce the fire and detoxify." Cures dizziness, headache, redness, swelling and poison. "

(7) "Jiangxi Herbal Medicine": "Cure diphtheria, aphthous sores, children's high fever convulsions and other symptoms." "

(8) "Commonly used Chinese herbal medicine in Shanghai": "Cure high blood pressure." "

Dosage for internal use: decoction, 2 to 4 dollars (fresh 1 to 2 two). External use: mash, rinse mouth or rinse with decoction water.

Compound (1) cure boils: wild chrysanthemums and brown sugar mash pastes on the affected area. If born at the hairline, Garme tablets and raw dragons are the same. (Lingnan Herbal Medicine)

(2) Cure all carbuncles and abscesses, otolaryngological and oral sunburn: wild chrysanthemums one or two six dollars, dandelions one or two six dollars, purple flower ditin one or two, forsythia one or two, dendrobium one or two. Fry in water and serve three times a day.

(3) Cure summer fever boils and skin sores ulceration: wash with wild chrysanthemum flowers or stems and leaves decoction, and cover with medicinal cotton or gauze soaked medicinal soup, several times a day.

(4) Treatment of gastroenteritis, intestinal sound and diarrhea abdominal pain: dried wild chrysanthemum three or four dollars. Decoct the soup, two or three times a day. ((2) Fang below out of the "Materia Medica Tui Chen")

(5) Cure intestinal wind: wild chrysanthemum flowers six two (sun-dried, fried into charcoal), Huai cooked eight two (wine boiled, mashed paste), cannon ginger four two, Cang Shu three two; ground elm two two, north five flavor two two. Honey refining for the pill sycamore large, five dollars per serving, before eating white soup sent down. (Materia Medica)

(6) Prevention of brain flow: one pound of wild chrysanthemums. Crush the medicine, add 10 catties of water, boil until 70% decoction, filter to remove the slag. During the period of cerebral epidemic, two to three nasal drops of the above drug are given twice a day. (Liaoning "Selected Materials of the New Medical Law of Chinese Herbal Medicine")

(7) Treatment of large and leaflet pneumonia, bronchitis, appendicitis and general acute inflammatory diseases: one or two wild chrysanthemums, one or two red five dollars, honeysuckle vine leaves one or two, centella asiatica five dollars, ploughweed grass five reaming, white grass five dollars. Decoction in water, one to two doses daily.

(8) Treatment of urinary tract infections: one or two wild chrysanthemums, one or two sea gold sands. Decoction, two doses daily.

(9) Treatment of diffuse tuberculosis: wild chrysanthemums one or two five dollars, ground gall grass one or two, orchid two two. Decoction in water, one dose daily.

(10) Cure tinea cephalicitis, eczema, and heavenly sores: wild chrysanthemum, neem root bark, bitter ginseng root appropriate amount. Washed outside in water frying. ((7) Fang below out of "Jiangxi Herbal Medicine")

Clinical application (1) prevention of colds

Soak the wild chrysanthemums in boiling water for 1 hour, fry for 30 minutes, take the medicinal solution and take it internally. Adults pay 2 dollars each time, children are reduced. Generally, once a month, people who have a cold 3 to 6 times a year are given medicine every two weeks, and those who often have a cold are given once a week. Compared with the same period in the previous year, the incidence decreased by 13.2% compared with the same period of 1,000 people taking the medicine, and the incidence was also significantly low compared with 261 people who lived in close proximity and basically the same conditions without taking drugs. At the same time, the recurrence of 119 patients with chronic tracheitis before and after administration was compared, and the results were all relapsed when the drug was not administered (in the same period of the previous year), and the recurrence rate after the drug was 38%.

(2) Treatment of respiratory inflammation, etc

With 100% wild chrysanthemum injection, 2 to 4 ml each injection, once every six hours. 40 cases of upper respiratory tract infection were treated, 35 cases were cured, 1 case was improved, 20 cases of tonsillitis were cured, 18 cases were cured, and 20 cases of tracheitis were cured, 5 cases were cured, and 14 cases were improved. On average, it takes 1 to 2 days to reduce fever after taking the drug. In addition, 50% injection was injected with 2 to 3 ml intramuscularly every day to treat acute tonsillitis and other acute inflammation (including tracheitis, pneumonia, endometritis, adnexitis, gingival infection, etc.), a total of 81 cases, with a cure rate of 49.4% and an effective rate of 95%.

(3) Treatment of cervicitis, etc

After vaginal irrigation, apply to the cervix with wild chrysanthemum flower powder once a day for 3 to 5 days. 11 cases of chronic cervicitis were treated and 7 cases were cured. Or with the local treatment of wild chrysanthemum injection, 43 cases of cervicitis, vaginitis, vulvar ulcer, etc. were observed, with an effective rate of 90.7% and a cure rate of 35%.

(4) Treatment of carbuncle toxin boils

Adults use 3 to 5 pairs of fresh wild chrysanthemums every day, frying and serving twice; or mashing about 100 ml of juice and taking it once. It can also be applied to the affected area and replaced with a little dryness. Multiple boils on the whole body and on the head and face. If it is inconvenient to apply externally, it can be soaked in decoction water to wash the part.

(5) Treatment of hypertension

Make a stream extract of wild chrysanthemums and add a single syrup to 5 ml per ml (containing 2 g of raw herbs). Take 10 ml each, 3 times a day. Preliminary observation of 35 patients with stage I., II. and III. hypertension disease, the total efficacy reached 68.57%, of which the apparent effect was 17.14%, the mild effect was 51.43%, and the ineffectiveness was 31.43%. It also has a certain effect on the improvement of symptoms, and insomnia, bloating, headache, and dizziness have improved in more than half of the cases.

Excerpt from the Dictionary of Chinese Medicine

Chinese herbal wild chrysanthemum
Chinese herbal wild chrysanthemum

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