
Prose: Wild chrysanthemums

author:Writer 荟

Text/Yu Tao

【About the author】Yu Tao, a writer from Fangcheng County, Henan Province, has worked as a journalist and clerk, and is now teaching in high school. Three-foot podium, life is plain, the heart is surging and the words are supplied.

Prose: Wild chrysanthemums

【This article is published with the authorization of the author】

In the late autumn, it is the time when the chrysanthemums are in full bloom. There are already vendors pushing tricycles to sell chrysanthemums in the streets. Chrysanthemums are colorful and full of flowers, which is gratifying.

I love wild chrysanthemums alone, and I love the "wild" of chrysanthemums.

Villagers often prefix the names of the animals and plants in these natural mountains with the word "wild" in front of them. There are wild celery by the water, wild rape in the fields, pheasants on the hills, and wild chrysanthemums everywhere. Because of "wildness", there is freedom and arbitrariness, more arbitrariness and indulgence.

The countryside chrysanthemums "wild" in the growing environment. Compared with the flowers of the greenhouse, they grow in the fields, greenhouses, greenhouses, and pots, and the wild chrysanthemums grow in front of and behind the houses, in the fields, and on the rocky peaks of the hills. It grows where it wants, and it grows where it can grow. They grow timidly in the front and back of the house, where the grass is densely packed. In the fields they grow wildly. Hilly rocky peaks, they grow proudly. They grow in front of and behind the house and are inevitably eaten by pigs, cattle and sheep; they are inevitably pecked by chickens, ducks and geese. They also undergo cutting and burial of plows and rakes growing in the fields. Farmers sometimes use scythes and hoes to cut off its stems and hoes off its roots. Through spring and summer, they will still bloom the joy of their short life in the autumn of September, with lovely flowers swaying freely in the wind against the blue sky and white clouds, birds and insects.

Prose: Wild chrysanthemums

The "wild" of the chrysanthemum is in shape. It is high or low, fat or thin, large or small, neat or fragmented, flowery or flowerless. All this seems to depend not on the genetics and variety, but more on the environment in which it grows. The shape of wild chrysanthemums is full of wild food. They see limited sunlight in front of and behind the house, often grow thin and tall, coupled with the pecking of livestock and poultry, the stems inevitably appear messy and scarred. In the fields, the sun is full of moisture, and they grow fat and strong. Clusters and clumps grow in pieces, people thrive, and the momentum is compelling. It seems to grow in a race with crops. Hilly rocky peaks, the land is barren, the climate is harsh, they are half a plant, three or two dwarf growth, appear thin and short, the branches and leaves appear fragmented and untidy, but the branches and leaves upwards are strong and powerful, piercing the blue sky, and the wind dances powerfully, with a unique charm.

In spring and summer, the weeds are abundant, and the wild chrysanthemums are hidden in the tussocks, although the broken leaves are soft green and difficult to attract attention. In September, when frost falls and paraquat withers, wild chrysanthemums are full of chrysanthemums, golden in color, and full of aroma. The Akino Wilderness is ruled by it. Some are full of flowers with bent stems, some are embellished with one or two flowers, which are very modest, and there are no flowers on the branches, which is more subtle, but also gratifying.

The "wild" of chrysanthemums is in incense. Those who cultivate flowers today will be able to blossom, bloom big, bloom brightly, and bloom strangely. Those who cannot blossom will feel useless and abandon it; those who can blossom, the flowers are small, the color is not colorful, and the color is not rare, they will feel that they are inferior, indifferent. Few people evaluate flowers and plants with the fragrance of flowers and the smell of flowers. I think that those who cultivate flowers and grasses need to have three realms: one is to taste its fragrance and taste its taste; the other is to look at its lush foliage and greenery; and the third is to appreciate its flowers. I love wild chrysanthemums with dark green stems and leaves, rich floral aromas, bitter flowers, and raw and dry.

In the autumn of September, stroll through the wilderness, paraquat, only chrysanthemums are golden. Accompanied by a breath of fresh fragrance, bitter and strong smell refreshing. The flowers are large and small, with petals, with buds, and with half-open, and so on. The fragrance of flowers fills the lonely wilderness, although the aroma is wafting, there are no bees, butterflies to dance, and even mischievous small insects are rarely visited. Maybe they all hibernated. The fragrance of wild chrysanthemums, not for bees and butterflies, not for everyone. The embellishment of wild chrysanthemums, the hills and ridges are like splendid embroidery. The aroma filled the peasants to stop and frequently bow their heads. There are children carrying bamboo baskets or cloth bags to pick flowers. Ask: Steamed, dried, can be made into tea, has the effect of dispelling heat and eliminating evil. There is another child, who asks that the flowers can fill the pillow core, which can treat dizziness and insomnia. It turns out that wildflowers are also of great use.

Wild chrysanthemums are different from the rich flowers of peonies; different from the flowers of the lonely pride of the plum; different from the flowers of roses. It does not seek to sell at a high price, to be awarded a prize, or to move into the temple. It is only rooted in the soil, nourished by it, and will be rewarded with a floral fragrance.

The wild chrysanthemum is not in the cold and lonely pride, not in the uninhibited, crazy, but in the spring, summer green, autumn yellow. It is a short life, living out its true self, rooted in the countryside and returning to the countryside, free, unrestrained, and regret-free in life.

Prose: Wild chrysanthemums

(Image from the Internet)

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