
Amon: The conditions in the border areas are difficult, but it is possible to make children's education like this

【Text/Observer Network Columnist Amon】

The educator Confucius advocated "teaching without class" and "teaching according to aptitude". More than half a century ago, the teachers of the Jin-Cha-Ji anti-Japanese base area had already put into practice in the war-torn battlefield behind enemy lines, and finally achieved success.

On October 17, 1958, Chairman Mao said at a meeting at the Tianjin Cadres Club: "We must train nurserymen and primary school teachers, treat other people's children like our own children, and understand the psychology of children." The mother knows the children, she has beaten, scolded, seen, and knows them. Do childcare workers know everything about so many children? I think it's a problem. ......”

On the 31st, he mentioned again in Shijiazhuang, "Nursery workers should care about their children like mothers, do you have anyone to take care of this matter?" This problem is worth studying, for children to cry and make trouble is not good, to tell children to eat well, dress well, play well, sleep well, to understand their psychological state. When the Chengdu conference criticized the educational circles for comprehensively copying the Soviet phenomenon, he also said: "The five-point system, the five-year consistent system of primary schools, etc., do not even consider the educational experience in the Liberated Areas." ”

In their long-term teaching, the teachers of the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region have continuously summed up their experience, "adhered to the truth, corrected mistakes", and finally found a way to guide the children in the border area.

In teaching, it is emphasized that teachers and children are equal in personality. Some teachers, influenced by feudal education, loved corporal punishment of students, and the Border Region Education Department called for "democratic education and abolition of corporal punishment." Some teachers believe that "no fight can not be talented", secretly physical punishment of children or punishment stations and other mental stimulation, while the border areas encourage children to organize and fight for their rights.

After the liberation of Zhangjiakou, the first-grade teachers of seven primary schools in a certain school have beaten more than 20 students. After the students held a meeting and discussed, it was decided to hold a criticism meeting to reason with the teacher. Some people in the room said, "The teacher beat me with a ruler!" Some said, "The Eighth Route Army is coming, and he still beats people." The students unanimously demanded that he make corrections. The teacher was poor in his words and accepted everyone's opinions. The students were satisfied, but for the first few days the students were unruly. After a disciplinary assault week and review meeting, discipline was restored. The students saw that the teacher's style had changed and began to respect the teacher. The teacher said movingly: "The students are improving faster than I am." Really, you can do things without fighting. The students proudly said: "Today's teachers have improved, and they are no longer the teachers of the past." ”

Amon: The conditions in the border areas are difficult, but it is possible to make children's education like this

Li Baoguang, minister of women's affairs of the Border District Anti-Japanese Coalition, and Li Cuizhen, a model female teacher at Zhujiaying Primary School in Fuping County, had a cordial conversation and encouraged her to cultivate more talents.

In teaching, teachers will also use inspiration, persuasion, suggestion, inducement and other ways to educate students. A student from Dingtang County in Jizhong asked, "Why did you still need to reduce rent and interest rates during the War of Resistance?" The teacher asked, "Hungry, how do you check the road?" Catch a traitor? In response, the teacher propagated the party's policies and educated the children with practical life experience.

In the process of teaching, teachers often summarize their shortcomings and mistakes in their work in order to better carry out educational work. There is a fourth-grade student in Pingdingshan Beicun Primary School named Wang Forty-Eight, 12 years old. The character is straight and hard, often naughty, the more criticism the more serious, sometimes passive and slack deliberately undisciplined, do not study. Not even 60 points on the final exam is enough. When the teacher Du Wenlin chatted with him alone, he found that he was not a stupid child, so he asked him: "Why don't you study well?" Wang Forty-Eight replied: "My classmates bullied me, the cadres looked down on me, and I was stupid. ”

At first, Teacher Du Wenlin did not carefully consider Wang Forty-Eight's words, and adopted the method of suppression, he did not listen to anything, and criticized him twice in a row. After criticizing him, he praised other small cadres, and this time Wang Forty-Eight's mood was lower, and his naughtiness was even worse.

When Teacher Du Wenlin saw that this method did not work, he made great efforts to study his psychology and carefully observe the situation of his life with his classmates. Finding several problems, Wang Forty-Eight belonged to the "smooth donkey", praised him for being easy to do, the more criticism he was, the more deliberately naughty he was, and the class cadres often stimulated him; he had opinions on the small model of class election, and some class cadres were not in good enough conditions, which also made him feel unfair and was also an important reason for his naughtiness.

Amon: The conditions in the border areas are difficult, but it is possible to make children's education like this

Labor hero Han Fengqian also served as the principal of the primary school in the village, teaching primary school students to learn the convention of supporting the army.

Therefore, Teacher Du Wenlin often talked to him to dispel his resistance. Slowly, Wang Forty-Eight was able to talk to the teacher, and he said to the teacher: "People are heroic cadres, bad is also good, I am broken, a little wrong is naughty." ”

Teacher Du Wenlin deliberately said: "Your temper is not very good, even if you change it for a while, I am afraid that I will not be able to change it often." Wang Forty-Eight said very unconvincedly: "In the future, I will not only be naughty, but also willing to challenge the cadres of the class." However, I was afraid that they would lose my grades, so I asked the teacher to judge me. Teacher Du Wenlin was still a little skeptical of his words, and said, "Good! See what you do in the future. If it really gets better, let's challenge it again. ”

Wang Forty-Eight has really changed, people don't smile and laugh, don't quarrel, and listen carefully to lectures in class. Teacher Du Wenlin saw this situation and encouraged him to challenge the class cadres at the weekly meeting, and specifically put forward the conditions for the challenge, and the teacher was the referee. Wang Forty-Eight's mood was fuller than in the past, and he arrived at the school 22 times in a month's time, listened attentively to lectures in class, and actively spoke during meetings. Coming home can also help the family to do farm work in the fields. When the final exam was held, he actually took the second place in the class, and when it was announced at the class meeting, not only the students were surprised, but even Teacher Du was surprised.

Teachers in the border area find that children are lazy or naughty, carefully study the reasons for this phenomenon, and never give students the hat of "laziness" and "naughtiness". Never arbitrarily strike, sneer, and stimulate children's young minds. Teachers have found in teaching practice that in order to make children understand the truth, obey the truth and consciously abide by discipline, it is necessary to make children dare to speak their hearts boldly in front of the teacher, which requires the teacher to put aside the shelf of "the dignity of the teacher" and be the "friend" of the student.

People are social animals, and the family environment during growth will affect the child's life. Teachers in the border area often visit home to find out how the children's families affect their shortcomings, and then persuade, persuade and encourage the children. Liu Xiangrong, a child of Lingqiu Dagaoshi, was transformed after the teacher followed the rules and temptations.

Amon: The conditions in the border areas are difficult, but it is possible to make children's education like this

In 1940, the Border Region Commemoration of children's Day on April Fourth awarded awards to three exemplary children

Liu Xiangrong dared to go out in the middle of the night in the dark at the age of thirteen or fourteen, not afraid of the dark and not afraid of the cold. The hillside is full of chaos, sometimes hidden in people's cellars, not coming out for a day or two, and eating yams and corn in the cellars when hungry. Often people go down to the cellar to get things, and he is frightened.

He also took advantage of the absence of his next-door neighbor or the village master to steal other people's dry food and exchange it for tofu. Sometimes the family told him to go to collect firewood, and he used the stolen money to buy other people's children. If his father beat him, he would run, and when he ran for three or four days, his father said to the primary school teacher:

"I can't do anything with this thing, he is a dead wolf and doesn't eat it, and the ghost doesn't take it." I asked the government to kill him several times, lest he cause me trouble and offend the villagers. But the government did not agree. ”

When Teacher Zang visited his home, he learned about Liu Xiangrong's family situation through his neighbors and village cadres: his mother died early, his family was very poor, and he left his three children unattended. Liu Xiangrong's father was a stunned young man, scolding and reaching out, often not giving his children food. When the tantrum is lost, the child is afraid to go home. Other children in the village also bullied the child, prompting him to develop a character of not being afraid of heaven and earth.

Teacher Tibet first coaxed Liu Xiangrong to the school, cooked for him, washed his clothes, let him experience the teacher's care, chatted with him to understand his psychology, pointed out his past naughtiness and mistakes, and also cited some good student things. He said to Liu Xiangrong: "If you change the shortcomings of the past, you can become a good student." In the past, the teacher must have talked less with you, and I don't know what is in your heart, so we will talk more about it later. Liu Xiangrong said to the teacher, "It is! What the teacher said was not bad at all. ”

After that, Teacher Zang often talked to him, and after gaining trust, he further told him about the discipline of the school and the things about learning, as well as the benefits of learning. Liu Xiangrong said satisfactorily: "If you had told me this before, I would have been no naughty." ”

Teacher Tibet paid attention to discovering his advantages, he played more firewood than other children, he encouraged him to collect more firewood, sold money, entrusted people to buy some stationery on the set, and gave them to other poor classmates to increase the friendship between him and his classmates when they could not finish; let good students influence him, help him, and drive him; mobilize him and others to challenge him at class meetings and put forward specific goals that can be achieved. A little bit of progress, just praise him in class.

Slowly, Liu Xiangrong knew his shortcomings, made up his mind to change, and corrected the problems of naughtiness and stealing. Not only did they arrive at school on time every day, but other children who did not go to school were mobilized to go to school for education. Don't argue, don't fight, don't let others quarrel. When you get home, you don't need to be supervised by adults, and you automatically push the mill, cut the grass, and find wild vegetables.

Amon: The conditions in the border areas are difficult, but it is possible to make children's education like this

Children in the border area cared for the wounded of the Eighth Route Army

His father saw that he was more sensible than before, and his attitude towards him gradually changed, and he became a good student. The villagers said: "Earlier, everyone said that they were as naughty as Liu Xiangrong, and there would be no good results in the future. It was really fast to change, but now I have heard and heard the Tao so much. ”

Teachers in the border area also pay attention to the cultivation of children's self-esteem in teaching, and they find that the higher the children's self-esteem, the fastest to accept opinions; first praise the advantages, stimulate the cultivation of children's self-esteem, and then point out the shortcomings so that they can understand the truth and correct mistakes. The student's doing wrong thing is not just criticism, on the contrary, it is more close to him, so that the student feels that others look up to him, and educates on the basis of cultivating self-esteem, rewarding more and criticizing less.

Han Chuntai, a 12-year-old boy in the first grade of Daxingzhuang Primary School in Dingtang County, was very naughty, and his classmates gave him a nickname, called "trick-or-treater". Never obey the teacher's discipline, do not listen to lectures in class, often quarrel with classmates, say and do not listen, if the teacher beat him a few times, quarrel with the teacher, ask the teacher: "Are you under the leadership of the Eighth Route Army, the Eighth Road is not allowed to beat people, who let you beat people, go with me to see the district chief!" "The style of democracy of the Eight Roads has affected children, and the courage to resist for the sake of injustice is the true purpose of the Eight Roads Education."

Teacher Chang Fengen used many methods to not work, and later carefully observed this student, found that he was particularly smart, able to speak the Tao, and the father and mother of the family could not say anything about him. Adopting the method of more rewards and less criticism, "it is really good, like a small eight-way." "The children in the border area like the teachers the most like them to say that they are like eight roads, and when they hear this, they put their small breasts high."

Han Chuntai is smart and has prestige among his classmates, although he is a little naughty, but his classmates love to listen to his commands. Therefore, the teacher asked him to serve as the head of the lower grade (there are three or four classes in a classroom according to age), and before the class leader, he deliberately called Han Chuntai to his side and said to him: "The eighth road must lead the masses, and you are now a class cadre, and you must also lead the students to study and work by example." ”

Han Chuntai did not live up to the trust of the teacher, the class leader was particularly good, when the teacher was not there, he urged everyone to study, after school led the students to clean the school yard collectively; when the farm was busy, he also helped the poor students' families to do farm work, and the villagers praised him as a good student with a way.

In the process of teaching, teachers in the border area mobilize students to carry out "criticism and self-criticism", so that students can educate themselves and know what is right and what is wrong.

Dingtang West District East Bu Lu Gang Primary School, Zhi Desheng teacher class has a girl with a temper, bold, competitive spirit, light love to hear that she is not good to say bad. Once, she couldn't do the arithmetic problems that Teacher Zhi Desheng had, so she pouted her mouth and said loudly, "I can't count, I can't come up with such a difficult problem." When others counted it, she said angrily, "I'm not the leader of the group, who figures it out and lets whom." "Her prestige among the girls is high, and the girls believe her words, sometimes organizing girls and boys to oppose each other so that the order in the classroom cannot be maintained.

Zhi Desheng became a teacher for a short time, and he had little experience in education. At first, it was a simple criticism of her but to no avail, but later Teacher Zhi thought of such a way to mobilize students to "carry out criticism and self-criticism.".

In the classroom and outside the classroom, Teacher Zhi often said to the children: "If a person wants to make progress, he must know her own shortcomings and mistakes, but if he knows that he can't do it, he must correct it." If you can't think of your own shortcomings, you can help each other bring them up. However, people put forward shortcomings, do not hate others in the future, know that people put forward your shortcomings to help you progress, for your own good. ”

After several days of propaganda and mobilization, Teacher Zhi adopted the method of "roundabout copying", first mentioning their shortcomings to several students who were easy to accept opinions, and all said that they were willing to change and must change. Some children also automatically ask their teachers for advice. The girl with a strong personality, under the influence of everyone, also asked the teacher to give her advice, and teacher Zhi sincerely pointed out her shortcomings and told her: "You have to change these shortcomings, then you can win a model student." ”

The girl was very competitive and accepted the teacher's opinion. Teacher Zhi pays great attention to ways and methods, and mentions her strengths whenever she points out her shortcomings, so as not to make her resist, so that the shortcomings are slowly corrected and she becomes the class leader. The school has also extended this method to the group review meeting in each class, and everyone is kindly and constantly proposing to each other to achieve the student's self-management ability.

In teaching, paying attention to the characteristics of children's love of movement and making students' cultural and sports tools for teaching according to local conditions is also an important aspect.

Amon: The conditions in the border areas are difficult, but it is possible to make children's education like this

In 1940, at the Children's Day commemoration of April Fourth in the Border Region, children performed shooting performances.

The students of XiDabei Primary School in the first district of Guanxian County either chased or quarreled after class, and fights and curses kept occurring, and they were often punished by teachers, which formed the phenomenon of "all afraid of teachers". The teacher did not fight or scold people when he was there, and when he saw the teacher, he immediately made a mess; the famous set and the dark set made the teacher Gu Dong unable to take care of the west, and it was not okay to leave for a moment, and the teacher's work was also greatly affected, and nothing could be done.

Children are naturally active, and the teachers in the border area think: If we want to prevent them from beating and making trouble, lack of criticism is not the cure, only try to organize them to do legitimate games when they are free outside the classroom, so that they will not fight.

More than half a century ago, the people were poor, the teacher because of the ugliness of the simple let the children in extracurricular groups with laterite into a variety of pieces, such as square, triangle, write numbers on it, after the class asked children to use chess pieces to do "slight square" or "258" games (jin-Cha-Ji Border District teachers invented children's games, the author is not clear how, please also know the explicit), you can also learn numbers.

The primary school students who just went let the older female classmates lead them to use the chess pieces to recognize the numbers, and also let some students fold the small wooden sticks into a paragraph, one inch to two inches long, practicing group words, so that on the one hand, they made a game, on the other hand, they tested the students, and they could also distinguish the new word stroke order.

The playground is equipped with simple game equipment, such as high jumping and long jump pits, and students have finished class, some high jump, some long jump. At the beginning, the teachers each class was out of class, who played what, assigned to the students, and insisted on it every day, the children developed self-consciousness, no longer needed the teacher's assignment, after the class automatically played, the previous phenomenon of fighting and swearing naturally disappeared.

During the two sessions, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited the members of the medical and health education circles attending the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and said: "Education, whether school education or family education, cannot pay too much attention to scores. Scores are a matter of the moment, and they must be viewed from the perspective of lifelong growth goals. If in the end a healthy and mature personality is not formed, it is not qualified. There are more psychological problems in children now, and some very small children have a lot of psychological problems. "In this regard, how to better run education? The experience gained by teachers in teaching in the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region more than half a century ago is still of practical significance in contemporary society.

(This article is from "Heroes of the Towel: A Photography collection of Women and Children in jin-Cha-Ji in the War of Resistance Against Japan.") )

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