
After the failure of investment in real estate, Li Yapeng poached Li Ziqi's team as an Internet celebrity of pastoral life?

author:Red Star News

Not long ago, the news that Li Yapeng's more than 70 million shares were frozen aroused the attention of the industry, and Li Yapeng's new trend after the failure of lijiang cross-border investment in real estate has also attracted much attention. Recently, many netizens found that Li Yapeng has a new move, he opened an account on a video platform, and sent a lot of videos about pastoral life. In the video, Li Yapeng tastes tea and cooks and basks in farm life, and the painting style is quite similar to that of Li Ziqi, a short video of food. Many netizens left messages under his video, questioning Li Yapeng's poaching of Li Ziqi's team. What's going on?

After the failure of investment in real estate, Li Yapeng poached Li Ziqi's team as an Internet celebrity of pastoral life?

On September 13, Li Yapeng updated the dynamics on a video platform, released a short video titled "Three or five friends, drink tea under the forest, come with pleasure, and return home with pleasure", in this video of less than two minutes, Li Yapeng went to the mountains on the outskirts of Beijing to visit his friends and couples, under the guidance of the hostess, he took a pair of cloth shoes and wore it to the mountains to be grounded.

After the failure of investment in real estate, Li Yapeng poached Li Ziqi's team as an Internet celebrity of pastoral life?

Later, Li Yapeng and his friends went to the mountains to drink tea together, which looked very comfortable.

After the failure of investment in real estate, Li Yapeng poached Li Ziqi's team as an Internet celebrity of pastoral life?

In a short video released by Li Yapeng on September 11, Li Yapeng also read a poem: "A stalk and a flat boat, a zhang silk and an inch hook." As a result, netizens found that Li Yapeng pronounced "bian (pronounced pian) boat" as "bian (bian) boat", and Li Yapeng admitted that he had misread it when interacting with netizens.

After the failure of investment in real estate, Li Yapeng poached Li Ziqi's team as an Internet celebrity of pastoral life?

The Red Star News reporter saw that Li Yapeng currently has more than one million fans on the video platform, and a video about "dealing with the summer" (released on August 23) has more than 650,000 likes. In the video, Li Yapeng planted radishes on the day of the summer, and also popularized relevant knowledge for netizens. After planting turnips, Li Yapeng also cooked himself and made sesame spinach. Li Yapeng in the kitchen was wearing loose clothes, barefoot, and very serious.

After the failure of investment in real estate, Li Yapeng poached Li Ziqi's team as an Internet celebrity of pastoral life?

Li Yapeng planted radish in a short video According to a screenshot of the Douyin video

After the failure of investment in real estate, Li Yapeng poached Li Ziqi's team as an Internet celebrity of pastoral life?

Li Yapeng makes sesame spinach in a short video

Some netizens left messages saying that the video was very awkward to watch, the style was very similar to Li Ziqi, and even many netizens questioned Li Yapeng's team of poaching Li Ziqi.

On the evening of September 13, Li Ziqi's assistant responded through Weibo, denying that the team was dug: "It seems that the network has guessed everything recently, I think it still needs to be explained, Seventh Sister (Li Ziqi) has only temporarily sorted out the problems between the company and third-party companies recently, there is no information such as the network rumor that the team was dug up, and our team did not go out with the activities the day before yesterday!" Please do not create rumors and rumors, let alone implicate unrelated artists and friends, and work together to maintain a clear cyberspace. ”

After the failure of investment in real estate, Li Yapeng poached Li Ziqi's team as an Internet celebrity of pastoral life?

Li Ziqi's assistant tweeted that the team had been poached

In response to this matter, Red Star News reporters called Li Yapeng several times, and when the reporter deadline on September 15, he did not get a response.

Red Star News reporter | Zhang Shihao

Editor| Li Xueli

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After the failure of investment in real estate, Li Yapeng poached Li Ziqi's team as an Internet celebrity of pastoral life?

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