
【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

author:Wheat man
【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

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"Xiaoman" should be full!

Wheat bean grouting, small and full, the temperature difference is reduced, the precipitation increases, and the yellow is everywhere for ten days...

On May 20 this year, Xiaoman (perennial 20~22), is the 8th solar term in the 24 solar terms, when the sun reaches the yellow longitude of 60 °, the summer crop grains are filling, has reached full but not mature, except for the northeast and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, all over the country are gradually entering the summer, the average daily temperature reaches 22 °C, the temperature difference between the north and the south is reduced, and the precipitation increases. Xiaoman is the season suitable for rice planting, and it is also the time to harvest rape in the Jiangnan area. Xiaoman health should do a good job of "heat and humidity", especially in the southern region.

【Solar Term Farming Song】

1. "Xiaoman is green, yellow, green, white and red, and also harvests and sows early action, field management is not relaxed, and fleece and shearing prevent cold wind." (applicable to the Jianghuai area)

2. "Xiaoman wheat grains are gradually full, summer harvest and summer planting are planned early, early spring crops are diligent and the soil is loosened, and cotton seedlings should be finely piped" (applicable to the Huanghuaihai area)

3. "Xiaoman is warm and springy, prevent and control aphids and wheat straw flies, top dressing in rice fields to promote large spikes, and fleece and shearing to prevent cold wind." (applicable to Jiangnan and South China)

4. "The temperature is high in Xiaoman, the ditch is cleared and drained to prevent waterlogging, the field is topdressed, the rice ears are attacked, and the disease is prevented, the insects are treated and weeds are removed." (for the Southwest region)

5. "Xiaoman is mild and springy, prescribe the right medicine to treat diseases and insects, do a good job of sparse flowers and fruits, and watermelon pressing vine sheep shearing." (for Northwest Territories)

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

1. [Characteristics of the Festival]

Xiaoman waits for three waits: one waits for the bitter vegetable show, the second waits for the grass to die, and the third waits for the wheat autumn solstice. The flowers that bloom in this solar term include poppy, soapberry, Nantian bamboo, leaf boxwood, jujube and so on. In the first 5 days, the bitter herbs have grown very luxuriantly; After 5 days, under the strong sunlight, the thin and soft grass began to die; After another 5 days, the wheat has produced heavy ears and is about to ripen for harvest.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Diagram of the characteristics of the three candidates of Xiaoman

2. [Solar Terms]


●International Children's Day: Children's Day (also known as Children's Day, International Children's Day) is scheduled on June 1 every year, which is a holiday to protect the right to survival, health care and education of children in all countries in the world, to improve children's lives, and to oppose child abuse and poisoning. At present, many countries in the world have designated June 1 as a children's holiday, so we usually call Children's Day an international children's day. On March 30, 1950, the old April 4 Children's Day was abolished. On June 1, 1951, the name of International Children's Day was established. June 1 is not only International Children's Day, but also "World Milk Day".

【Xiaoman Customs】

● Sacrifice to the god of the car: In the small Manchu season, the folk spread the custom of "sacrificing three cars", that is, the water wheel, the oil wheel and the silk car. Legend has it that the god of the waterwheel is a white dragon, and people put fish, incense, candles and other items in front of the waterwheel to worship. Interestingly, there is a cup of white water in the offerings, and the white water is poured into the field during the worship, which means to bless the water to be prosperous.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

●Sacrifice to the silkworm god: According to legend, Xiaoman is the birthday of the silkworm god, so there is a silkworm festival in Jiangsu and Zhejiang during the Xiaoman solar term. In the traditional Chinese society of male ploughing and female weaving, silk is an important raw material for "weaving" in the southern region. Because silkworms are difficult to raise, silkworms were regarded as "heavenly things" in ancient times, and silkworm prayer ceremonies were held when silkworms were released before and after the Xiaoman solar term, hoping that the silkworm god would bless silkworms to have a good harvest.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

● Look at the wheat slightly yellow: In the Guanzhong area of Shaanxi, every year when the wheat is about to ripen, the married daughter has to go back to her parents' house to visit and greet the preparation of the summer harvest, this custom is called "watching the wheat slightly yellow".

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

● Roasted wheat: In some areas of the north, when the wheat is about to ripen, farmers go to the field to inspect the growth, and often bring back some half-green and half-yellow wheat ears that are picked, and then roasted on the stove and rub off the wheat mango and green skin with both hands for children to eat. Roasted wheat has a burnt aroma and chews firmly, making it a precious memory of many people's childhood. Roasted wheat is not only fun, but it also carries the good wishes of farmers for a good harvest.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Seasonal Foods and Taboos】

● Suitable for eating bitter: small full solar term should eat bitter vegetables (also known as bitter bitter vegetables), bitter with astringency, astringent with sweet, fresh and refreshing, cool and tender, rich in nutrition, containing a variety of vitamins, minerals, choline, sugar, riboflavin and mannitol required by the human body, etc., with the functions of clearing heat, cooling blood and detoxifying. The "Compendium of Materia Medica" records: "(Bitter herbs) are taken for a long time, with peace of mind and qi, light body, and resistant to aging." ”

●Avoid greasy, spicy, eat less seafood and raw and cold food, : In the small full season, avoid fatty, wet and damp food, such as animal fat, fish, etc. In addition, it is not advisable to eat sour and spicy foods such as raw onions, raw garlic, ginger, mustard, pepper, and chili peppers. People with sensitive constitution should beware of spleen and stomach disharmony caused by eating fish, shrimp, crab and other food allergies, which contain dampness and heat.

●Recommended diet: Eat hardships and try freshness, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and the recommended ingredients are cucumbers, barley, cherries, daylilies, etc.

3. [Agricultural Dynamics]

Before and after Xiaoman, the Jianghuai area was in the mature harvest period of barley, rapeseed, broad bean and pea, the grain filling and filling period of wheat, the jointing and long ear stage of spring maize, the seedling stage of spring peanut and spring sesame, the rooting stage of spring sweet potato, the branching stage of cotton, the seedling stage of indica rice and medium and large japonica rice, the valley setting stage of japonica rice of small seedling age, and the beginning of sowing of summer sowing crops.

【Jianghuai area】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Huanghuaihai area】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Tohoku Region】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Jiangnan South China】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Southwest China】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Northwest Territories】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

4. [Agricultural Reminder]

【Jianghuai area】

◎Mechanized harvesting and timely drying of barley wax at the end of ripening; Harvest broad beans and dried pea seeds in time after the silkworm (pea) beans are ripe; When the rape horn fruit is seven or eight ripe, it can be cut down manually or mechanically, and then concentrated threshing or mechanical picking and threshing after 3~5 days of stacking. The straw is crushed and evenly thrown back to the field, ploughed in time, and timely sown summer corn, summer soybean, summer sesame and other stubble crops.

◎ Timely planting of wheat and oil cotton: (1) From late May to early to mid-June, when the seedlings are 5~6 leaves, the large and small seedlings are transplanted separately; (2) Covering the stubble or mulch film with holes and transplanting, the depth of the hole is 1.5~2 cm greater than the height of the bowl; (3) Reasonable dense planting, about 2000 plants per mu, row spacing of 1~1.2 meters, plant spacing of 0.3~0.35 meters; (4) Apply sufficient basal fertilizer, 750~1000 kg of human and animal manure, 25~35 kg of 45% compound fertilizer, 7.5 kg of potassium chloride, 1 kg of boron fertilizer and 1 kg of zinc fertilizer per mu, and apply strips 20 cm away from cotton roots; (5) After planting, pour enough unity water, and dig a set of ditches in time; (6) Cultivating soil to promote the vitality of trees and seedlings; (7) Timely prevention and control of blind bugs, aphids, etc.

◎Rice throwing, bowl seedling raising, 2 leaves and 1 heart stage spray relay fertilizer. Machine transplanted seedlings (small age) began to raise seedlings in batches: (1) fine seedling boards; (2) The suitable sowing period is from May 20 to June 5, that is, 15~20 days before machine insertion, and the seeds are soaked with pesticides before sowing; (3) Sow 130~150 grams of bud grain (or 100~110 grams of dry seeds) per plate with water, cover the seeds with soil, and seal the non-woven fabric; (4) When the second true leaf of the seedling reaches 1~3 cm, uncover, irrigate and spray weaning fertilizer 4~5 kg of urea per mu; (5) Spray foliar fertilizer when there is a lack of fertilizer and yellowing; (6) Seedling field control of gray planthopper, two borer, etc.

◎Spring corn should be treated with jointing fertilizer of 10~12.5 kg of ammonium carbonate or 5 kg of urea per mu at the small bell stage.

◎ Spring peanut sowing sweep the tail, just top the soil seedling field in time to break the membrane to introduce seedlings, remove the soil to clear the tree, check the seedlings and replenish the seedlings, check the cluster tree period in time and pick out the side branches buried under the film, pay attention to the prevention and control of pests and diseases at the seedling stage.

◎Spring sweet potatoes continue to be planted, and the planted fields should pay attention to cultivating and weeding, draining and reducing waterlogging.

◎Spring sesame seedlings, check seedlings and replant, 1~2 true leaf time seedlings, cultivating and weeding, and control diseases and insects.

【Huanghuaihai area】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Tohoku Region】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Jiangnan South China】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Southwest China】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Northwest Territories】

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

5. [Interpretation of Agricultural Proverbs]

1. [Small full, small full, wheat grains are gradually full]

【拼音】xiǎo mǎn xiǎo mǎn, grinding lì jiàn mǎn

【英译】Wheat grain filling is close to end and the leaves of wheat plants begin to turn yellow in Lesser Fullness season.

【Note】Most of the wheat filling in the winter wheat area of the mainland is about to end, the grain is close to full, and the wheat grain begins to turn yellow. Similar agricultural proverbs include "wheat to small full day and night yellow" and so on.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Wheat grains are getting full

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Wheat grains turn yellow

2, [Xiaoman is dissatisfied, Mai has a risk]

【拼音】xiǎo mǎn compensation mǎn, grinding yǒu yī xiǎn

【英译】Wheat grain filling should be close to end,otherwise there will

be a risk for achieving high yield.

【Note】In the Huanghuai region and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, wheat is in the milky maturity stage when it is small, and it is easy to suffer from dry and hot wind or high temperature to ripen and ripen, resulting in the yellowing of wheat leaves, insufficient grain filling, and shriveling and reduced yield.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Symptoms of dry hot air hazards in wheat

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Symptoms of wheat ripening at high temperatures

3. [Watermelon is afraid of hot rain, wheat is afraid of hot wind]

【拼音】xī guā pà rè yǔ, grind zǐ pà rè fēng

【英译】Watermelon plants are vulnerable to rain while wheat plants are vulnerable to dry and hot wind.

【Note】When the small is full, the field watermelon is in the fruit-setting stage, the temperature is too high will affect the pollen vitality, and the water resistance of the pollen is weak, once the male and female flower stigma is drenched with rain, it will lose fertility, affecting pollination, fertilization and fruiting; Wheat is in the grain-filling stage and is very susceptible to hot and dry winds. Similar agricultural proverbs include "wheat yellow does not want wind, there is wind to reduce the harvest", "wheat harvest rain in March, fear of April wind" and so on.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Watermelon fruit set

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Wheat filling

4. [Hot ripe grain, solid grain; Hot cooked wheat, a pile of bran】

【拼音】rè shú gǔ, lì shí gǔ; rè shú grin, kāng yī duī

【英译】High temperature favors for millet maturity,but does harm to wheat at maturing stage.

【Note】Millet grain filling and maturity require a higher temperature, if the temperature is lower than 20 °C at the yellow maturity stage, a large number of grains will appear; When wheat is ripe, it will encounter dry and hot wind, which will lead to insufficient grain filling, shriveled grains and reduced yield.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Millet is ripe for grouting

5. [Barley is not small, wheat is not mango]

【拼音】dà grinding suck guò xiǎo mǎn, xiǎo grinding suck guò chuong zhòng

【英译】The harvest of barley is generally in Lesser Fullness season while wheat harvest is no later than the season of Grain in Ear.

In the southern wheat region of the mainland, the harvest period of barley is generally around the Xiaoman Festival, and the harvest period of wheat is around the Mango Festival. The agricultural proverb in the northern wheat region is usually "barley is not more than mango seeds, and wheat is not more than summer solstice".

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Barley and wheat machine harvesting

6, [Xiaoman sees three new]

【拼音】xiǎo mǎn jiàn sān xīn

【英译】Summer crops, fruits and vegetables are gradually on the market for human consumption at Grain Full.

【Note】Generally refers to the Xiaoman season, a variety of field crops and melons, fruits and vegetables have matured and harvested for people to taste, so it is also called "Xiaoman sees three fresh". However, the "three new" or "three fresh" refers to different places in different places, the Jiangnan region mostly refers to barley, rape, broad beans, and the Huanghuai region mostly refers to wheat (kernel), garlic, and silkworm cocoons.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside
【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Canola ripe for harvest

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside
【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside
【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Wheat kernels at the late stage of milk ripening

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

broad bean

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Harvest garlic at the right time

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

silkworm cocoon

7. [Small Mantou Three Cars]

【拼音】xiǎo mǎn line sān chē

【英译】It is time to pressrape seeds for oil, spin silk from cocoon and irrigating paddy fields with water-wheeled machine in Lesser Full season.

【Note】Three cars refer to oil trucks, silk cars, and water wheels, and when the Jiangnan area reaches the Xiaoman solar term, rapeseed has matured, silkworms have formed cocoons, and rice should be transplanted, so it is necessary to squeeze oil, cut silk, and turn over water in time.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside


【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside


【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside
【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Turn over the water

8. [Xiaoman sesame mango beans, autumn equinox wheat planting]

【拼音】xiǎo mǎn zhī ma máng zhòng dòu, qiū fēn zòng sharpen shí hòu

【英译】Sesame seeds, summer soy beans and winter wheat are sown in Lesser Fullness season, Grain in Ear season and Autumn Equinox season,respectively.

Note: It is mostly applicable to the Huanghuai region. It refers to the small man before and after the planting of sesame seeds, the mango planting before and after the summer soybean, and the autumn equinox is the time for winter wheat sowing.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Grow sesame seeds

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Machine soybeans

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Machine sown wheat

9. [Small mulberry black, mango seed three wheat harvest]

【拼音】xiǎo mǎn sāng shèn hēi, zhòng sān grind shōu

【英译】Mulberry is mature and becomes black in Grain Full season. Barley and wheat are ready for harvest at Grain in Ear season.

Note: It is mostly applicable to the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. During the small full season, the mulberries (the fruits of the mulberry tree) ripen and turn black, and they are ready for picking. During the mango planting season, barley, yuan wheat (naked barley), wheat and so on have been harvested at home.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside


【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Picked mulberries

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Left: Barley Bowl; Medium: Yuan wheat incubator; Right: Wheat Bowl

6. [Appreciation of Agricultural Poems]

Return to the countryside at four o'clock music spring and summer two songs (the second) Song Ouyang Xiu

The south wind blows the grass in the plain, and the grass and trees are deep and the huts are small.

The wheat ears are full of children, and the mulberry leaves are full of fat.

The old man is happy to be old and mature (1), and the woman knows that the season is good.

Begonia pear dense nightingole, sea pomegranate red chirp mountain bird (2).

Who is the Tian family? It's not too early for me to know.

When I was begging and strong, I was already old.

[Concise Interpretation] (1) But: only, only. (2) 啭 (zhuàn): The bird chirps tactfully.

The summer south wind blows all kinds of wild grasses on the plains, and the small hut can be seen in the depths of the grass. The tender green ears of wheat in the nearby wheat fields have been drawn, and when they sway in the breeze, they shake their heads like children, and they are cute and cute; The leaves on the mulberry tree are growing fat and strong, and the silkworms are full.

For the farmers, they are still looking forward to the harvest of the year, and they are happy to have a good harvest year, but they have no time to take care of the rural scenery and the beauty of the season. The fields are densely populated with begonia and pear trees, the nightwarblers are chirping, the pomegranates are bright red, and the mountain birds are singing gracefully, which will not make the farmers happy. I should have retired when I was strong, the years have passed, and now I am old, and it is too late to go into hiding.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Small full milk maturity

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Flower chaise - begonia

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside


Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072), a politician and writer in the Northern Song Dynasty. The word Yongshu, a drunkard, a 61 layman, Han nationality, a native of Yongfeng County, Jizhou (now Yongfeng County, Ji'an City, Jiangxi Province), is politically famous. Inji Prefecture originally belonged to Luling County, and called itself "Luling Ouyang Xiu". The official is a bachelor of Hanlin, a privy deputy envoy, and a governor of political affairs, and is known as Wenzhong, and is known as Ouyang Wenzhong.

Later generations called it together with Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan and Su Shi as the "Four Great Masters of Ancient Articles". Together with Han Yu, Liu Zongyuan, Su Shi, Su Xun, Su Zhe, Wang Anshi, and Zeng Gong, they are known as the "Eight Masters of Tang and Song Dynasty Prose". Ouyang Xiu was the first literary leader in the literary history of the Song Dynasty to create a generation of literary styles, led the Northern Song Dynasty poetry and literature innovation movement, and inherited and developed Han Yu's ancient literary theory.

The high achievement of his prose creation was complemented by his correct theory of ancient literature, thus creating a generation of literary style. While Ouyang Xiu changed the style of writing, he also innovated the style of poetry and words. In terms of historiography, there are also high achievements. He is the author of "Ouyang Wenzhong's Public Collection".

This poem describes the scene of peasant life in the Xiaoman season, expressing the yearning for pastoral life, and the poet laments that he has returned to seclusion too late. The meaning of "Xiaoman" is that when the sun reaches 60 degrees of yellow longitude, summer crops, especially wheat grains, begin to fill full but not mature, which is the prelude to harvest, as written in the poem, "The wheat ears are full of young children, and the mulberry leaves are full of fattening".

At this time, most areas of the mainland have entered the summer one after another, the temperature difference between the north and the south has been further narrowed, the precipitation has further increased, and the spring-sown crops have grown vigorously, and they are about to enter the busy period of summer harvest, summer planting, and summer management. The vast wheat areas across the country should pay close attention to pest control and root spraying fertilizer, and implement "one spray and three preventions"; Measures should also be taken to prevent the impact of "hot and dry wind" and reduce the harm of "hot and dry wind" to wheat. The Jianghuai and Jiangnan regions have entered the best period for rice seedling raising.

The village family April word clear, check and be cautious

(Part 1)

At the beginning of the small manchu, the cluster was late (1), and the fat cocoons of the mountains were as white as fat.

Fei Ta three young occupy the wind (2), and sell silk early in February.

(Part 2)

The mountain wife was barefoot and unkempt, and from then on she toiled until the autumn (3).

The cape is more bitter for agriculture (4), and the family is strong for the cattle.

[Concise Interpretation] (1) Upper cluster: commonly known as "going up the mountain", referring to the silkworm going up the mountain to form cocoons. Clusters, silkworm clusters, silkworms spin silk cocoons, with straw, bamboo slices and so on to make a mountain shape. (2) Three young: The author's own note: "Three young, that is, three sleeps." "Silkworms are born to pupa and molt three or four times. When molting, it does not eat or move, and it is in a sleeping state. The third molt is called "three sleeps". (3) Labor: the appearance of hard work. (4) Cape: refers to a remote and remote place.

(one of them) after the small man, the silkworm went up the mountain to form cocoons, a little late, the silkworm mountain is full of fat and white cocoons, they work hard to complete the process of three sleeps, less than two months can sell silk.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

(2) The women of the mountain people and villages are barefoot and have their heads covered, and they have to work hard to live a life from now on. Only when I was a farmer in a remote and remote place did I know that the peasants were miserable, and the whole family worked hard to use them as cattle.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

【Meet the Author】 Cha Shenxing (1650-1727), a poet of the Qing Dynasty and the ancestor of the famous contemporary writer Jin Yong. The first name is Silian, the word Xia Chong, the number Chatian; After changing his name to Shen Xing, the word repentance, the number of his mountain, the number of smoke wave fishermen, in his later years, he lived in the early white hermitage, so it is also called the first white. Haining Yuanhua (now Zhejiang) people.

In the forty-second year of Kangxi (1703), Jinshi; Specially awarded the Hanlin Academy for editing and entering the inner court. In the fifty-second year (1713), he returned from begging and returned to the house, and lived at home for more than 10 years. In the fourth year of Yongzheng (1726), because of the slander case of his younger brother Cha Siting, he was convicted of his parents' failure to educate, and was arrested and sent to Beijing, and was released the following year, and died soon after.

Cha Shen Xing poetics Dongpo, let go of Weng, taste Su poems. Since Zhu Yizun's death, he has been the leader of the Southeast Poetry Circle. He is the author of "Other Mountain Poems".

The work profoundly reflects the social reality of the countryside in the early Qing Dynasty.

One of them describes the scene of the harvest of silkworm cocoons and the joy of the farmer, and also describes the extreme importance of silkworm affairs to the farmer from the side, which very implicitly highlights the difficulty of the farmer's life. The first sentence said that Xiaoman had just passed the silkworm before he was "on the cluster", and the farmer felt "late", faintly revealing his concern about the silkworm matter. The last three sentences write that the silkworm fat cocoon is white, and the silk can be sold soon, and the joy and relief of the farmer are overflowing. The words "Fei He" show the farmers' gratitude to the silkworms. The four lines of the poem, through the psychological changes of the farmer from sorrow to joy, show the extreme importance of silkworm affairs to the farmer, and the difficulties of the farmer's life are also contained in it, which is extremely rich in the wonder.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Elementary school students popularize sericulture

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Contemporary seaside farmhouse courtyard

Second, he writes about the poverty of seaside farmers, which profoundly reflects the social reality of the countryside in the early Qing Dynasty. The first sentence depicts a portrait of an extremely poor peasant family in white strokes, while the second sentence reveals the arduous labor of the peasants, who have no rest all year round. Three lines are the poet's lamentation, and four lines further show the misery and cruelty of the peasants' labor of replacing cattle with people. The theme of this poem is "The cape is more bitter for farmers", and the other three lines are the premise of the poet's "knowing more bitterness". It conveys the author's strong spiritual shock after witnessing the suffering of the peasants, and shows sincere sympathy for the working people.

Rural April Song Weng roll

The green mountains are full of white rivers (1), and the rain is like smoke in the sound of Zigui (2).

There are few idlers in the countryside in April, so the sericulture is planted again.

【Concise Interpretation】(1) Bai Manchuan: refers to the water color in the rice field reflecting the skylight. (2) Sub-regulation: cuckoo bird.

The grass and trees on the hillsides and fields are luxuriant, and the water color in the rice fields reflects the light of the sky. The sky was misty and rainy, the cuckoos cried, and the earth was a thriving scene. April has arrived, no one is idle, and the sericulture work that has just been completed is busy planting rice again.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside
【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Silkworm Daughter

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

Artificial rice transplanting

【Approaching the Author】Weng Juan (birth and death unknown), poet of the Southern Song Dynasty. The word continues to be ancient, the word Lingshu, Yongjia (now Wenzhou, Zhejiang) people. He has never been an official in his life, and he has repeatedly failed to pass the Jinshi examination, and he is a literati in cloth. Together with Zhao Shixiu, Xu Zhao, and Xu Ji, they are called "Yongjia Four Spirits". Most of his poems pay attention to skills, have a fresh and far-reaching meaning, pay attention to tempering words, write good scenery and white descriptions, sometimes have good sentences, and are recited by people, and he is the author of "Four Rock Collection" and "Wei Bixuan Collection".

The first two sentences describe the natural scenes: Luyuan, Baichuan, Zigui, and Yanyu, and the unique scenery of the water town in early summer is outlined in a few strokes. It vividly shows the unique scenery of "April in the countryside". The last two sentences describe the busy farming, picking mulberry and raising silkworms and planting rice seedlings, which are the two major agricultural tasks related to clothing and food.

The author does not directly say that people are too busy, but says that there are few idlers, and deliberately says it tactfully and soothingly, in order to maintain a calm and quiet bearing in the midst of people's busy and nervous situation, and this calm and quiet is in harmony with the hazy tones of the watercolor paintings described in the first two sentences. The front and back echo and intertwine into a brightly colored picture. The language of this poem is simple and vivid, the style is simple and natural, and it is full of life, expressing the author's praise for the hard work of farmers.

【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

—————— END ——————

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【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

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【Xiaoman】Ploughing the countryside

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