
Theorist Zhu Xi: The history of philosophy is a great person who has inherited from the top to the bottom

author:Interesting history

Zhu Xi, known as Zhu Zi in the world, was a famous theologian in the Southern Song Dynasty, a master of Confucianism, who was born in 1130 AD and died in 1200 AD, at the age of 70, which had a profound impact on future generations of philosophical thinkers, and was a great person in the history of Chinese philosophy.

Theorist Zhu Xi: The history of philosophy is a great person who has inherited from the top to the bottom

Zhu Xi like

There are many anecdotes about Zhu Xi, which are still circulating in the folk, from which we can glimpse the character characteristics of Zhu Xi, a great man.

Zhu Xi's story has Shenbi Zhenliu, Bubuxiang, Goose Lake Meeting, etc., the most famous and most mythological is the Shenbi Zhenliu, according to legend, Zhu Xi visited the residence of a book friend one day, saw the surrounding environment lush, the mountains and forests were quiet, a moment of itching hands to find a friend to come to the pen and ink paper, splashed ink on the spot, inscribed the word "Ju Jing" to the friend, and left a writing pen, the friend who received Zhu Xi's inscription immediately as a treasure, this word and pen as an heirloom treasure, passed on to the descendants, to the Kangxi year of the Qing Dynasty, When this friend's descendants took the family heirloom treasure to cross the river by boat when they took office as an official, unexpectedly, in the middle of the river, a demon wind and evil waves were set off in the river, and the people in the same boat could not avoid disasters and threw the evil things in the middle of the river, but this descendant did not carry such objects, and in a hurry, finally put the treasured Zhu Xi inscription's mao pen into the river, suddenly, the wind and waves in the river were calm, everyone was very happy, and afterwards learned that it was Zhu Xi's used magic pen, which was passed down as a beautiful talk for a while, and in this way, the story of the zhenliu of the divine pen was passed down to this day.

There is also a story of Zhu Xi Bu Xiang, also quite mythical, according to legend, Zhu Xi in his later years to avoid disasters, lived in a tea shop in the village of Shanxia, this tea shop is very unique, located in the countryside woodland, even mosquitoes do not invade, it turned out to be a thoughtful and careful boss lady with wormwood smoked for the sake, and later the local villagers called this kind of wormwood that Zhu Xi stepped on as bubu incense.

Zhu Xi's ideological propositions

Zhu Xi, born on September 15, 1130, died on April 23, 1200, a famous thinker, educator, philosopher during the Southern Song Dynasty, was the core representative of Cheng Zhu Lixue, once served as the southern Song Dynasty's Jiangxi, Fujian Zhangzhou prefect and other officials, for the official Qingzheng Lianming, founded bailu academy, Yuelu academy, Wuyi academy, etc., is the first ancient to propose a complete education system, the education model of later generations has great inspiration.

Theorist Zhu Xi: The history of philosophy is a great person who has inherited from the top to the bottom

As the core representative of Cheng Zhu Lixue, Zhu Xi's ideological ideas can be simply summarized as the Taiji of Taoism, and through the study of Confucian classics, through his own understanding, he developed into the theory of righteousness.

The basis of Zhu Xi's ideological proposition is Cheng Hao's theory of theory, reason, that is, tao, tai chi, he believes that reason is the law of all things in the world, everything has a reason, it has the polarity of tai chi, the theory is logically higher than the qi, but the qi has the initiative, it is the raw material for making all things, the reason can not be separated from the qi, they can be transformed through gradual change. And the reason is metaphysical, the qi is metaphysical, the reason is preceded by natural phenomena and social phenomena, compared to the qi, the reason is the first nature, the qi is the second nature, the rational qi is contained in the qi, the rational and the qi are the two poles of Tai Chi, the birth of all things, the harmony of all things.

Through the continuous improvement and development of this ideological proposition, Zhu Xi established a relatively complete philosophical system, which is an epoch-making event in Chinese history, although China has experienced thousands of years of development, but the history of philosophical thought has not developed much, Zhu Xi and his followers have inherited and carried forward the simple philosophical ideas of ancient China from the Confucius and Mencius era.

Evaluation of Zhu Xi

Zhu Xi was a famous theorist of the Southern Song Dynasty, and his theories covered many aspects and had a profound impact on future generations. He summarized the rational thought of the ancients and developed the science of science into a unified system, and its ideas were called official science. His ideas of "preserving heavenly reason, destroying people's desires" and "three principles and five constants" became the spiritual pillars for consolidating the position of feudal rule.

Theorist Zhu Xi: The history of philosophy is a great person who has inherited from the top to the bottom

Portrait of Zhu Xi

Some people think that he is a hypocrite who demands the people with the standards of a saint, while others think that he is erudite and multi-talented, promoted the development of Chinese education and culture, and can be mentioned with Confucius.

The main aspects of those who criticize Zhu Xi are as follows: First, many of his Confucian views imprisoned people's minds, consolidated the feudal monarchy, and served the rulers. He advocated that the views of "from one to the end", "three from four virtues", and "three principles and five constants" in Confucianism have become stumbling blocks hindering China's development, and these decadent ideas have not only reduced the status of Chinese women, but also become the root cause of the backwardness of ancient Chinese thought. Secondly, Zhu Xi likes to evaluate historical figures with his own knowledge, which is inevitably too subjective. Let many people who do not agree with Zhu Xi think that Zhu Xi is nonsense and does not respect history. Finally, there are some bad deeds of Zhu Xi, such as seducing nuns and daughters-in-law, etc. Whether these deeds are true or not we do not know, Zhu Xi, who has high moral requirements, has such rumors, so that people who were originally prejudiced against Zhu Xi began to stand in the anti-Zhu Xi team.

There are also many people who praise Zhu Xi, and the highest evaluation of Zhu Xi is his contribution to Chinese education. The educational methods and reading methods he advocated still have a great influence today. He was passionate about education, and he not only founded the academy himself, but also rebuilt the famous White Deer Cave Academy and Yuelu Academy, training a large number of intellectuals for the country. Secondly, during his tenure as an official, Zhu Xi was upright and honest, observed the people's feelings, and thought about the people. It also created a "social warehouse", which effectively prevented peasant riots and was an effective measure to solve the national food problem.

Zhu Xi is a mortal, not a god, people will make mistakes, we should not deny the whole person according to one or two things of his, his self-discipline and ten years of diligence, his contributions to literature, science, philosophy, etc. can not be ignored.

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