
First Secretary Words Xiaokang 丨 The First Secretary of Jixiong Community in Jixiong Town, Gongga County, Cicheng Kampot - the "First Secretary" who was repeatedly retained by the villagers

author:Main news in Tibet

Seven years ago, a young man named Cicheng Kampot came to jixiong community in Jixiong Town, Gongga County, and he loved grassroots work and felt that the countryside was a hot land. In the past seven years, he has solved more than 60 practical problems for the masses, actively assisted the community "two committees" to explore and establish the idea of "party building leading development and industry consolidation and poverty alleviation", and generated income for the community collective through the leadership of community party organizations and the participation of industry. Today, let's look at the "well-off life" in the eyes of the first secretary of Jixiong Community in Jixiong Town, Gongga County.

First Secretary Words Xiaokang 丨 The First Secretary of Jixiong Community in Jixiong Town, Gongga County, Cicheng Kampot - the "First Secretary" who was repeatedly retained by the villagers

Cicheng Kampot carried out a home visit in Dawa

Strength support base

The troika "traps" rural revitalization

Jixiong Community is ideally located on the south bank of the beautiful Brahmaputra River, adjacent to the county seat of Gongga. According to Cicheng Kampot, Jixiong Community has a collective economy such as sand quarry, brick factory, mixed mixing plant, and housing rent. In 2020, these collective economies generated 5.6 million yuan in income for villagers in the Jixiong community. In 2020, the total economic income of Jixiong Community was 37.8456 million yuan, and the per capita disposable income reached 18328.18 yuan.

In order to achieve the effective connection between consolidating the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, the Jixiong community has worked together to plan new work ideas, that is, the troika "traps" rural revitalization. What is a troika? One is that there are people in charge, the second is that there are rules and directors, and the third is that there is money to do things. Cicheng Kampot said that this is the strength, guarantee and foundation for carrying out the work of rural revitalization.

Declare a district-level well-off demonstration village

The villagers here have more say

At 6 o'clock in the morning, the sky on the banks of the Brahmaputra River had just broken, and Dawa, a resident of Jixiong Community, had gotten up. After making rice dumplings, making butter tea, and having a hot breakfast, he was going to work. Dawa, 61, has found a job on his own, cleaning the community's sanitation and earning 800 yuan a month. "I'm in good health right now, and it's not a big deal for me." After cleaning, it is also time to send the little grandson to school, cleaning and sending children to school is the daily "compulsory course" of the elderly in Dawa.

In 2013, the Dawa family moved into Deji New Village ("Happy Village" in Tibetan), a well-off demonstration village. Since then, life has become more and more prosperous. Dawa recalled that the house where he used to live, the place where the livestock were raised and the place where people lived were not separated, and the environment was poor. After moving to Happiness Village, people and animals were separated, cattle were raised in cowsheds, and people lived in rooms with clean windows. Water power grids, hardened pavements, community greenery, street lighting... Happy New Village is readily available.

Dawa often told his two sons: "The current policy is so good, we should work hard to protect this hard-won happy life." Following his father's teachings, the eldest son, Raba Tsering, learned the art of painting Tibetan furniture, and the younger son, Radze, learned driving techniques. Today, Laba Tsering runs a Tibetan furniture store in Lhasa, and his younger son works in transportation and construction in Gongga County, and the family's life is booming.

Seven years to do one thing

He has a "mountain south taste" between his words.

On December 15, 2014, Cicheng Kampot came to the Jixiong community as a university student village official, and the following year served as the first secretary of the community. Time passed like a white colt, and in the blink of an eye, seven years had passed. When he first arrived in the community, Cicheng Kampot was shy and shy, sometimes so nervous that he could not speak for half a day. Now, whether it is policy preaching or dealing with contradictions and disputes, he can stand alone, born in Changtang, northern Tibet, he will occasionally come up with a sentence or two of Shannan dialect, and the community residents like this young man very much.

Usually, the term of office of the "First Secretary" is two years, so why do you stay for seven years? Cicheng Kampot told a story. There is a grandmother in the village named Solangbari, whose house has fallen into disrepair and become a dangerous house, but she is reluctant to move to a centralized support area. Faced with this dilemma, Cicheng Kampot often visited his grandmother, basking in the sun, drinking sweet tea, and chatting about his heart. Finally, on the day that the community repaired the house for the elderly and moved into the new home, the old man took the hand of Cicheng Kampot and said, "O child! I have never lived in such a nice house in my life. Thank you Communist Party! "It is this kind of thing that makes Cicheng Kampot realize the meaning behind this job."

In 2018, when the term of office of the first secretary of Cicheng Kampot was coming to an end, the villagers went to the town government to report the situation, and they hoped that Cicheng Kampot would stay and not leave. In this way, he continued to work until April this year, and then Heying Kampot took the villagers' expectations and embarked on a new job.

Source: Quick Search Tibet

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