
When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

author:Bing said

Author: Dehengshu

Statement: Soldiers say original, plagiarism will be investigated

Chairman Mao said: "The October Revolution brought us Marxism-Leninism with the sound of a cannon. "It is a very apt summary of the tremendous role of the October Revolution that broke out in Russia in 1917 in promoting the revolution in modern China. It is precisely because of the success of the October Revolution that a large number of people of insight in modern China have found a bright way out of poverty and weakness in the chaos of history.

When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

The Russian October Revolution, the cruiser Aurora, which fired the first shot at the Winter Palace

However, in the process of learning from the Soviet revolution, there were also mistakes in ignoring the national conditions and copying them as they were. After the defeat of the Great Revolution in 1927, our Party, in the lessons of blood and fire, strengthened its determination to use armed struggle to win victory. Just as the workers' and peasants' movement was in full swing and the Red Army was establishing bases throughout the country, in June 1930, Li Lisan proposed to follow the successful model of the Soviet Revolution and implement the plan to organize armed uprisings in the central cities and concentrate the Red Army to capture the central cities.

When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

Li Lisan

This plan is very risky. In the situation of struggle at that time, if the plan was implemented hastily, it would certainly cause huge casualties and even be in danger of overturning. Fortunately, the Commanders of the Red Army at that time were far-sighted, dared to take responsibility and commanded flexibly, not only gave up decisively when the plan could not be done, but also created the feat of the Red Army's first capture of the provincial capital city in the process of implementation of the plan.

On June 15, 1930, under Li Lisan's idea of "meeting the division in Wuhan and drinking on the Yangtze River", the Red Third Army, which had just been established by the joint organization of the Red 5th Army and the Red 8th Army, held an operational conference to study the action plan of the "Division Wuhan". Peng Dehuai, then commander-in-chief of the Red Third Army, carefully analyzed the enemy's situation at the meeting. Considering that there were 5 regiments of Jiang Jun's army in Wuhan at that time, the city defense was strong and it was difficult to take it lightly. In addition, in Yueyang and Yangxin around Wuhan, there were the enemy's Qian Dajun and Luosen troops stationed respectively, and once the Red Third Army could not attack Wuhan for a long time, it was bound to fall into the encirclement of the enemy. Therefore, Peng Dehuai did not advocate a strong attack on Wuhan, but set his sights on Changsha.

When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

Peng Dehuai, awarded the rank of marshal in 1955, organized the Pingjiang Uprising in 1928, and formed the Red Third Army in June 1930

In 1930, when the Central Plains War broke out between Chiang Kai-shek, Feng Yuxiang and Yan Xishan, the Hunan warlord He Jian, who supported Chiang Kai-shek, also fought against the anti-Chiang Kai-shek Warlord Zhang Fakui and the Guizhou warlord Li Zongren on the Xianggui border. Therefore, Peng Dehuai made a plan to pretend to attack Wuhan to lure the enemy and take advantage of the falsehood to seize Changsha.

When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

Before the Central Plains War in 1930, the warlords were divided

After the battle meeting, Peng Dehuai led the main force of the Red Third Army to attack Echeng and Tongshan at the junction of the two provinces, and threatened to attack Wuhan. Upon hearing this news, Qian Dajun's troops stationed in Yueyang immediately rushed to Wuhan for reinforcements, leaving only 1 regiment in Yueyang to garrison. Seeing that the defense of Yueyang, a key place linking Changsha and Wuhan, was empty, the Red Third Army, after capturing Tongshan and Chongyang counties, attacked Yueyang without stopping. On July 4, the Red Third Army captured Yueyang and captured a large number of weapons and ammunition.

Among the weapons captured by the Red Third Army in Yueyang were several 75 mountain cannons, which made Peng Dehuai a treasure. In the past, the various departments of the Third Red Army had been fighting guerrillas in the Xiang'e-Gansu base area for many years, and rifles and grenades were the main weapons, and there were no artillery or artillery at all. The capture of several artillery pieces this time will undoubtedly greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the Red Third Army, and will also greatly help the next step of attacking Changsha. Unfortunately, from top to bottom, only two people in the entire Red Third Army could use artillery, one was Wu Ting, a Korean cadre who had studied artillery at the Northern Officers' School, and the other was Peng Dehuai, the commander-in-chief of the regiment who had studied in the Hunan Army's Wutang and followed the Xiang Army to participate in the Northern Expedition.

When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

The 75 mountain guns used by the Northern Expeditionary Army and the specific type of 75 mountain guns captured by the Red Third Army are still difficult to verify

According to Peng Dehuai's Autobiography, after the Red Third Army occupied Yuezhou, British, American, Japanese and other warships immediately carried their own personnel away from the riverbank. The great powers also ordered their warships to anchor on the surface of the water slightly closer to the riverbank and use their naval guns to fire at the county seat of Yuezhou, causing great harm to the local people.

The great powers dared to be so arrogant, obviously believing that the Red Army was poorly equipped and did not have long-range firearms, so they wantonly attacked the Red Army, and the Red Army could not help them. Peng Dehuai saw this and was determined to teach them a good lesson with the captured artillery. Therefore, he and Wu Ting took some soldiers and quietly reached the shore with artillery, choosing a hidden position to set up artillery. When the enemy ships approached the river bank again and prepared to commit a crime, Peng Dehuai and Wu Ting coordinated their guns and fired dozens of shells at the enemy ships in succession. After hitting a dozen shells, the warship sailed away from the riverbank. After that, other foreign warships no longer dared to go near the riverbank.

When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

Wuting, known as the "originator of the artillery of the Red Army"

After the capture of Yueyang, the enemy was still worried that the Red Army was preparing to encircle Wuhan. Taking advantage of this opportunity, the Red Third Army began to secretly deploy plans to attack Changsha.

On July 22, the Red Third Army, which arrived in Pingjiang, held a meeting to commemorate the second anniversary of the Pingjiang Uprising and the oath of attack on Changsha at Caoping, Tianyue Academy. The enemy finally understood that the target of the Red Army was originally Changsha, and He Jian hurriedly ordered his subordinate Zhong Su and Luo Shujia to go to Pingjiang to block the Red Army. Unexpectedly, the Red Third Army had already made preparations, and set up an ambush at the mouth of the Shuangjiang River on July 25, defeating the Zhongbu and Luo Shujia departments. On the 26th, the red three legions divided into two roads, took advantage of the situation to conquer Jinjing, broke through the outer defense line of Changsha, and approached changsha city.

When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

At dawn on July 27, the Red Third Army continued to advance towards Changsha, and on the way, it encountered Liu Jianxu's troops, who had rushed to support them, and the two sides fought fiercely in Qili Lane. Peng Dehuai commanded flexibly, adopted the tactics of frontal containment and lateral detours, attacked the enemy's superior forces with inferior troops, defeated Liu Jianxu's troops, and forced the enemy to flee to Changsha City.

After defeating Liu Jianxu's forces, Peng Dehuai was determined to take advantage of the victory and pursue and take Changsha in one fell swoop. The officers and men of the Red Third Army braved the rain of bullets and bullets to cross the Liuyang River, the last barrier of Changsha City's defense, from DongtunDu and Huxidu in two ways, and attacked Liu Jianxu's troops into Changsha City. After several hours of fierce fighting, the Red Third Army drove the enemy out of Changsha City at 9 p.m. on the 27th and successfully occupied Changsha. He Jian fled to Hexi and Yijiawan, and He Jian himself fled to the Shen River in a small boat.

He Jian was heavily indebted to the Red Army, and Mr. Peng was still gritting his teeth decades later, writing in his autobiography: "He Jian, a wolf dog, fled alone on the west bank of the Xiang River. If this thief is not caught alive, this hatred is still there! ”

When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

Liuyang Riverside Martyrs Park, "Red Army Ferry" stone carved monument

The news of the red army occupying Changsha immediately caused shock to the outside world, because this was the first time that the Red Army had captured the provincial capital. After Changsha lost his hand, He Jian, who was embarrassed and angry, immediately mobilized the main force of the Xiang army to encircle Changsha, and Peng Dehuai saw that the enemy was strong, and decisively withdrew from Changsha on August 5 in order to avoid unnecessary sacrifices.

When the Red Army first seized the provincial capital, Mr. Peng left a regret: He Jian was not caught alive, and this hatred still existed

After the Red Third Army withdrew from Changsha, due to Li Lisan's insistence, the Red Third Army and the Red First Army that rushed to the red army were merged into the Red First Army and attacked Changsha for the second time. However, the enemy was strong, and after the Red Army had failed in fierce battles for more than a month, the Red Army decided on September 12, 1930 to abandon its plan to attack Changsha.

Although the Red Third Army withdrew from Changsha, in this battle, the Red Third Army defeated 20,000 enemies with thousands of people, and in the 8 days of occupying Changsha, it raised a large number of materials and widely publicized the Soviets, so that the People of China could better understand the Red Army, which was of great significance. Recalling the battle with Snow in 1936, Chairman Mao also commented that "its repercussions to the national revolutionary movement were very great."

[Deeply cultivate the history of war, carry forward positive energy, soldiers say that all parties are welcome to submit articles, private messages will be restored]

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