
Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition

author:First cuisine
I am Ah Fei, every day there are several home-cooked dishes to share with you, click to follow to take you to appreciate the food on the tip of the tongue.

[Mooncakes mean reunion, and Chinese the taste of reunion in their bones, there will always be this dumpling that has a history of more than 1,800 years]

▲ The taste of home, more is the taste of food. When the taste of "food" is integrated into the taste of "reunion", it is integrated into the blood of family affection, and the food will be warmer and longer

▲▲ August 15 is coming, the family can get together to reunite and enjoy the moon to eat mooncakes, about the Mid-Autumn Festival to eat mooncakes actually began to circulate in the Ming Dynasty. At that time, the clever baker printed the mythical story of Chang'e Running Moon as a food art pattern on the moon cake, making the moon cake an essential food for the Mid-Autumn Festival. Whenever the moon rises in the Mid-Autumn Festival, the family sets up a case in the open air, offering moon cakes, pomegranates, dates and other melons and fruits on the table, after the moon, the whole family sits around the table, eats and talks, and enjoys the bright moon together

▲▲▲Of course, the spokesperson of the reunion culture, in addition to the moon cake, is also indispensable to the figure of dumplings that have a history of more than 1800 years in the Chinese gene, dumplings originated in the Eastern Han Dynasty, pioneered by the medical saint Zhang Zhongjing, during the Three Kingdoms period, dumplings have become a food, known as "crescent wontons", to the Southern and Northern Dynasties, wontons "shaped like a moon, the world is all-you-can eat". Around the Time of the Tang Dynasty, dumplings had become almost the same as today's dumplings, and they were fished out and eaten individually on a plate. The Song Dynasty called dumplings "Jiao'er", is it very cute, it is the etymology of the word "dumplings" we have now, dumplings in the Song Dynasty, introduced to Mongolia. With the conquest of the Mongol Empire, dumplings also spread all over the world (therefore, dumplings can now be eaten in many parts of the world, of course, many have changed their practices, and the appearance and taste are far from our Chinese dumplings). In the Qing Dynasty, dumplings began to have an allegory, generally wrapped before the Chinese New Year's Eve evening (now 23:00 p.m.), stay until midnight to eat, then is the beginning of the first day of the first lunar month, eating dumplings to take the meaning of "more years of intercourse", "zi" for "zi shi", "jiao" and "dumplings" harmonic sound, there is "festive reunion" and "auspicious ruyi" meaning, for Chinese who advocate family reunion, in the Chinese New Year's Eve night, all the thanksgiving and blessings of the year are wrapped into the thin dumpling skin! The red flames of the boiling water churning dumplings, the more cooked the more you feel the taste, and so accompanied by the sound of firecrackers to welcome the old, fill the dumplings, but also fill the hope for the coming year' good.

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition

▲▲▲▲▲And now in addition to eating dumplings on the winter solstice (every year on the day of the winter solstice of the lunar calendar, dumplings are an indispensable holiday meal) there is a custom of eating dumplings on the winter solstice in Henan, which is called eating "pinching the ears", which means that as long as you eat the dumplings on the winter solstice, you will not freeze the ears. Family members go out to eat dumplings, which means to look forward to reunion, hoping that people who go out can be safe and return as soon as possible. In many places in China, there is a dumpling custom, every New Year's Festival, to welcome relatives and friends, always have to pack dumplings to eat. Especially on the first day of the Chinese New Year, the whole family sat together, eating steaming dumplings, talking about the changes of the year, talking about the shortness of parents, laughing and laughing at a table

▲▲▲▲▲▲ A combination of various ingredients of dumplings, can ferociously invade our taste buds, but also moisturize the tip of our tongue to appreciate the beauty of umami, it is implanted like a gene in the emotional depths of each of us, no matter how much food we have eaten, no matter how far we go, no matter where we are, even if we are tortured by setbacks in life or confused or tired can be instantly cured, today Ah Fei will share with you the smooth and delicious traditional pork scallion dumpling method, of course, Learn this, you can also make leek eggs, pork cabbage, pork leeks, beef radish, lamb scallions, leek shrimp, three fresh stuffing dumplings with different flavors ~ ~ ~

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition

——The delicious technique of dumplings——

1, with cool water and noodles add a little salt, dumpling skin is not easy to break will be more powerful;

2, and noodles forget to put salt can also add a little salt to the boiled dumpling water, so that the dumplings are not easy to break;

3, when cooking dumplings, do not let the fire open too much, in the case of boiling, will affect the taste of dumplings;

Material preparation:

【Ingredients】300 g of flour

【Ingredients】Pork 200 g / green onion / ginger

【Ingredients】 Dark soy sauce 3 g / Salt 2 g / Thirteen spices 1 g / Chicken powder 1 g / Sesame sesame oil 10 g / Pepper 1 g

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition

--【How to make a tool system】--

Step 1: And noodles we add 300 grams of flour in the basin, 2 grams of salt to increase the gluten, with cold water and noodles, while stirring, the noodles of the dumplings should be made with cold water and, more tendons, not easy to cook, stir until there is no dry flour, knead the dough into a slightly harder dough, cover with a plate to prevent water evaporation, seal the dumplings for 15 minutes~

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition
Ah Fei nagged: After reconciling the noodles, be sure to seal the noodles

Step 2: The time to prepare the ingredients for the noodles, we prepare the filling, prepare 200 grams of pork, first cut into small pieces, then chop into meat fillings, a green onion, after breaking open, cut into green onions, a small piece of ginger, cut into minced ginger, and put together with the meat filling

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition
Ah Fei nagging: Ah Fei is a bit in a hurry today, the green onion and ginger are a bit willful, let's not imitate, want the dumplings to taste more creamy, you can make the green onions and ginger cut smaller and more crushed

Step 3: Add 3 grams of soy sauce to the filling, 2 grams of salt, 1 gram of thirteen spices, 1 gram of chicken powder, 10 grams of sesame sesame oil, 1 gram of pepper powder, stir evenly, so that the seasoning and meat filling are evenly blended together~

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition

Step 4: Sprinkle dry flour on the rolling board, take out the dumplings, knead them for a while, knead the dough smoothly, roll into long strips, roll into small dough of uniform size, sprinkle dry flour on the dough to prevent sticking, flatten the dough one by one, roll out into a dumpling skin with a slightly thicker middle and a slightly thinner edge, so that when wrapped, it is not easy to reveal the filling

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition
Ah Fei nagged: There are husbands shouting husbands, children shouting children, there are seven aunts shouting eight aunts, and making dumplings is a hilarious one

Step 5: After the dumpling skin is rolled out, we start to wrap the dumplings, take out a dumpling skin, put a spoonful of filling, fold the dumpling skin in half, press the thumbs of both hands, the dumplings are ready, the dumplings are wrapped in this way Very fast, a moment of kung fu will be wrapped in a full plate ~

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition
Ah Fei nagging: Ah Fei will also pack yuanbao dumplings, triangle dumplings, crescent dumplings, locked dumplings, limited time, not squealing, want to pack what shape everyone also shows their magic

Step 6: Boil the water in the pot, bring the water to a boil over high heat, put the wrapped dumplings into the pot, the dumplings are slightly fixed, gently push the water surface in the direction, so that the water inside the pot rotates to prevent the dumplings from sticking to the bottom of the pot

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition
Ah Fei nagged: Dumplings must be boiled before boiling

Step seven: out of the pot process, keep the medium heat, the water in the pot should not be too boiling, when a large amount of foaming, add a spoonful of water to cool down, add water to repeat the process three times, cover the pot lid and cook for 1 minute, after 1 minute, push the dumplings again, let the dumplings evenly heat, lift the pot to cook the skin, cover the pot to cook the filling, cook until the dumplings are all floating, it looks bulging, indicating that the dumplings have been cooked, you can put out ~

Family together, just like this stuffed dumplings, thin skin filling, eat for decades or love [dumplings] characteristics - thin skin filling rich nutrition
Ah Fei recommended: The Mid-Autumn Festival family is together, eating mooncakes, and then a reunion dumpling, it is perfect! If you like it, please forward the message~

【The first delicacy, the "live" recipe on your table】

Article Editor: Qiqi drinks

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