
When you see this little red fruit on the mountain, don't eat it casually, otherwise you will suffer

author:Raising flowers

The highlight of this article: The color of the small fruit of Nantian bamboo is bright red and bright, which contains a substance called Nantianzhu alkali, which is very toxic, do not touch it at will. Prepare slightly alkaline soil when maintaining it, keep the soil slightly moist, and try to prune its branches as much as possible during maintenance, and cut off all the overly dense, long and thin branches.

In the autumn wilderness, we often find many kinds of small fruits, some red and purple, the color is particularly diverse, it looks bright and beautiful.

When you see this little red fruit on the mountain, don't eat it casually, otherwise you will suffer

There is such a small fruit, its color is very bright, it is bright red, a long is a bunch, swaying slightly in the autumn wind, it looks very charming.

The name of this plant is called Nantian bamboo, and this small fruit is also the fruit of Nantian bamboo. Some people see such beautiful little red beans and feel very delicious, so they want to put them in their mouths and taste them.

When you see this little red fruit on the mountain, don't eat it casually, otherwise you will suffer

One of the flower lovers did this, but he immediately tasted the pain, because the fruit was poisonous, and he felt that his mouth instantly became very paralyzed, and the whole person was in pain.

Fortunately, the medical treatment was more timely, so it was not too dangerous, so everyone usually had to pay attention to this.

When you see this little red fruit on the mountain, don't eat it casually, otherwise you will suffer

Why is the fruit of Nantian bamboo so toxic? Because it contains a substance, this substance is called Nantianzhu alkali, it looks ordinary, but its power is very large, it has a certain paralyzing effect on the heart, and even causes paralysis of the entire body and acute coma of people.

Therefore, everyone usually sees some small fruits in the wild, whether they are good-looking or not good-looking, but don't try.

When you see this little red fruit on the mountain, don't eat it casually, otherwise you will suffer

However, although this fruit is super toxic, its ornamentality is very good, which is why it is used as a very important green plant in major urban greening systems to dottle flower beds and roadsides throughout the city.

The plant's leaves are green all year round and look pleasing to the eye, and in winter, its leaves may turn dark green, dark green or even red.

When you see this little red fruit on the mountain, don't eat it casually, otherwise you will suffer

There is also a variety of Southern Heavenly Bamboo, whose leaves are always red and look more vivid. If you want to plant one in your own home, it is actually good, but one thing is to pay attention to, that is, to pay attention to the elderly and children in the family do not touch it at will.

When you see this little red fruit on the mountain, don't eat it casually, otherwise you will suffer

So when we are usually in maintenance, is there also some points to make it grow better, the answer is yes. When we conserve it, we try to prepare it with slightly alkaline soil, and in such an environment, it grows better.

Generally speaking, when we plant it, do not water too much or too little, and try to keep the soil slightly moist.

When you see this little red fruit on the mountain, don't eat it casually, otherwise you will suffer

Usually try to prune it in time, because the growth of this plant is relatively not very fast, if the pruning is not timely, then its branches may grow less beautiful.

Therefore, we usually try to prune its branches when maintaining, cut off the overly dense branches, and cut off all the long and weak ones, and we must also pick the tip and top in time, so that the whole plant grows fuller and the form will be more beautiful.

Have you usually seen this little fruit outside? When you see it, you should pay attention to it

This article was originally published by [Yanghua Daquan], and unauthorized reproduction is prohibited

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