
In order to cure the cold, the Hangzhou woman ate this small red fruit and almost died! Doctor's urgent reminder: don't believe in such folk remedies...

Source: Hangzhou Daily

"150j, bipolar shock defibrillation!" The doctor pressed two shock boards to the patient's chest, "boo" a sound, the elderly patient's body quickly bounced up, "Slow down!" "The doctors and nurses were slightly relieved... This thrilling scene occurred in the emergency department of Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital the other day.

70-year-old Aunt Liu (pseudonym) could not have imagined that after taking the folk remedy Nan Tianzhu after a cold, she actually let her walk back and forth many times near the Ghost Gate Pass!

According to the data, the ripening period of Nantian bamboo fruit is from November to January of the following year, and the winter vacation is coming, and parents should educate children not to eat "small red fruit" by mistake!

In order to cure the cold, the Hangzhou woman ate this small red fruit and almost died! Doctor's urgent reminder: don't believe in such folk remedies...

Treat colds with the folk remedy Nantian bamboo

Unexpectedly, it became a "life-killing pill"

"Our folk remedies for treating colds with Nantian bamboo there, who knows that it will break into such a big 'disaster', scared to death!" Aunt Liu's family recalled the patient's dangerous situation, shook her head and sighed.

Aunt Liu is usually in good health, she used to have a cold, and she used home remedies to treat colds, and felt that there was some effect. Entering the New Year, another cold wave struck, and the aunt accidentally caught a cold again, a little nasal congestion, and runny nose. I wanted to stay up, but there was no sign of improvement for a few days, so my family proposed to try the previous home remedy again. Unexpectedly, this time it ran into a catastrophe, and the folk remedy turned out to be a "life-taking pill", almost sending the old man's life.

The big mother's family said that the folk remedy is actually a very common southern bamboo in the south, and the bright red fruit is very beautiful, and many families have planted it for ornamentation. Big mom first ate the fruit of Nan Tianzhu this time, bright "little red fruit", feel runny nose, nasal congestion seems to be better, but not obvious, in order to strengthen the curative effect, the family then took the leaves of Nan Tianzhu to put in the pot to cook, let the big mother drink soup.

In order to cure the cold, the Hangzhou woman ate this small red fruit and almost died! Doctor's urgent reminder: don't believe in such folk remedies...

In this way, the big mother's home remedy drank for 3 days in a row, and something was wrong. At first, her stomach was uncomfortable, her chest was stuffy and painful, her head felt dizzy, and then a more frightening situation appeared: repeated fainting and urinary incontinence... Sent to the hospital, an electrocardiogram is done, severe arrhythmias, ventricular fibrillation.

Doctors explain that ventricular fibrillation is the most common fatal arrhythmia that causes cardiac arrest, and about 80% of patients who develop cardiac arrest are caused by ventricular fibrillation. The local hospital immediately carried out rescue, but the patient's dangerous symptoms were repeated. Late at night, the 120 ambulance urgently transferred the aunt to the emergency department of Zhejiang Provincial People's Hospital to continue the rescue.

The doctor pulled her back from the ghost gate again and again

11 electric shocks defibrillation, she saved her life

"With a defibrillator, controlling a certain amount of current through the heart can eliminate some arrhythmias and restore the heart rhythm to normal." The patient was sent to the hospital, and the ventricular fibrillation and ventricular tachycardia have been repeated, and shen Ye, the attending physician of the emergency department, was actively treated after receiving the treatment. "We learned that the local hospital has been defibrillated 6 times, and we know that this is a tug-of-war, the patient's vital signs tend to be stable does not mean that the treatment has been successful, and the 'decisive battle' is likely to be ahead."

Sure enough, half an hour later, the god of death was fierce again, followed by a wave of attacks, "after that, basically, half an hour of ventricular fibrillation attacks, we had prepared, immediately with electric shock defibrillation to 'wake up', and then attacked again, was 'awakened' again, and the cycle began again, until the early morning of the next day." The medical staff involved in the rescue said.

The tug-of-war lasted for more than two hours, with 5 electric shock defibrillations, plus 6 times at the local hospital, and a total of 11 battles with the god of death. Immediately afterwards, the patient is admitted to the Emergency Intensive Care Unit (EICU) and given bedside blood perfusion + crrt... At the same time, qian Linyan, director of the Department of Cardiology, was immediately contacted for consultation and a temporary pacemaker was implanted next to the bed.

In order to cure the cold, the Hangzhou woman ate this small red fruit and almost died! Doctor's urgent reminder: don't believe in such folk remedies...

Under the 24-hour close monitoring and meticulous medical care of Li Qian, director of the emergency intensive care unit, Zheng Shuangqin, head nurse, and other medical staff, Aunt Liu's consciousness has been cleared, and there is no malignant arrhythmia, syncope, etc. After turning the danger into a disaster, the big mother said with some trepidation, thinking about it, she was afraid, took such a folk remedy, and actually closed the ghost door.

If you get sick, you still have to follow your doctor's advice

Don't be a "doctor" and take your own medicine

Director Li Qian introduced that the fruit of Nantianzhu looks a bit like some dried fruits, listening to folk remedies, and eating them casually without dialectical argumentation, which is very dangerous. According to relevant information, the whole plant of Nantian bamboo is poisonous, and the plant contains a variety of alkaloids.

At the same time, Nantianzhu also has medicinal value, and medicinal use can treat many diseases, but it needs professional extraction. Due to its high toxicity, Nantianzhu cannot be directly used as a chinese medicine introduction.

In order to cure the cold, the Hangzhou woman ate this small red fruit and almost died! Doctor's urgent reminder: don't believe in such folk remedies...

"Tufangzi can not be taken by yourself to eat casually, when taking medicines, you must follow the doctor's advice, do not take some unknown plants, drugs, etc." Director Li Qian said that there are some plants and fruits, like mushrooms in the field, which look very good, but in fact, several of them contain toxicity, and eating them may be life-threatening, and there are rescue cases every year.

Once the poisoned fruit such as wild mushrooms and southern bamboo is mistakenly eaten, the poisoned person is sent to the hospital for the first time, and it is best to bring the poisoned fruit that was accidentally eaten, so that the doctor's treatment is more accurate. In addition, the bright red and attractive fruit of nantian bamboo is easy to be eaten by young children, so parents should also remind children not to eat by mistake.

Director Li Qian also reminded that January is generally the coldest day every year, there are more people with colds, we should pay more attention to keep warm; in the case of upper respiratory tract infections, it is not recommended that patients blindly boil at home or use drugs privately, they should go to the hospital as soon as possible, follow the doctor's advice, and do not be a "doctor" yourself, delay treatment or bring danger.

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