
Rafsanjani family: The power is monstrous, no one can shake, but ahmadinejad eliminated many famous and prestigious families in one fell swoop, and the Rafsanjani family knew the current affairs and was forced to fall for Junjie

author:Huan language

As the old saying goes, "Money can make ghosts grind."

This is true for individuals, and it extends to the national level, and money and power are also closely related. The rise and fall of a family is inseparable from the accumulation of capital. When it comes to Iran's famous families, you may think of the Khomeini family, the Khamenei family and the Rafsanjani family.

Rafsanjani family: The power is monstrous, no one can shake, but ahmadinejad eliminated many famous and prestigious families in one fell swoop, and the Rafsanjani family knew the current affairs and was forced to fall for Junjie

The Khomeini family is the most glorious family in Iran. The patriarch of the clan, Khomeini, is the founding father of the Islamic Republic of Iran and a collateral descendant of Muhammad of Islam.

His prestige is boundless, and despite his death for many years, his governing philosophy still runs through Iranian politics and influences generations of Iranian people.

The Khomeini family, many honors and glory, prestige is outstanding, not only in the church no one can reach, in the people's voice is a wave higher than a wave, his statues are all over Iran, but because of the family ancestors for fame and fortune, he has always looked down on money, so never collect wealth, never create momentum.

Therefore, the family did not last long, and the family slowly declined, so naturally it is not the richest family.

Khamenei, as Khomeini's heir, followed Khomeini closely and fully devoted himself to the revolution, and after Khomeini's death, he became the supreme leader of Iran, not only regent, but also involved in the army, grasping the law, and establishing a solid relationship with the powerful figure Rafsanjani to support his pragmatic reform policy.

Rafsanjani family: The power is monstrous, no one can shake, but ahmadinejad eliminated many famous and prestigious families in one fell swoop, and the Rafsanjani family knew the current affairs and was forced to fall for Junjie

Iran's rich family

Rafsanjani was not born into a political family, he was born into a farming family in 1934. But his father was in business and religious. Later, with the efforts of Rafsanjani himself, he entered the political world, and his career was even more prosperous, successively serving as the minister of the interior, the speaker of the parliament, and all the way to the presidency.

The Rafsanjani family is powerful and the number of families is also very large.

Rafsanjani, who had 8 siblings and later had 5 children, was a veritable family.

The other members of the family are also prominent, involving both business and politics: his younger brother has long held the lifeblood of Iran and holds the power of the oil minister, his son is the CEO of a subway group in Iran, and his daughter is a political entry.

The Rafsanjani family has power throughout Iran, and has many businesses under its name, controlling the city's infrastructure and oil lifeline.

Rafsanjani's rise was due to the revolution that followed Khomeini. In Iran's current political system, his position is much higher than that of the Khamenei family, especially among the believers. Moreover, the Rafsanjani family produced an Iranian president for an eight-year term, which not only created the wealth of the entire family, but also accumulated great power in the family.

The family's wealth is numerous, and it is the richest family in Iran.

Not only did the family prosper, but Rafsanjani's staff and protégés were all over the world, holding the economic and political lifeblood, and the power was monstrous and invincible.

Rafsanjani family: The power is monstrous, no one can shake, but ahmadinejad eliminated many famous and prestigious families in one fell swoop, and the Rafsanjani family knew the current affairs and was forced to fall for Junjie

Iranian politician

Rafsanjani's career has also been on a steady track, not only because he has good ability, but more importantly, he knows how to seize opportunities. He knew who his nobleman was, and Rafsanjani had been following Khomeini in his early years, who had followed Supreme Leader in his early years.

As the saying goes, "the person who knows the times is a junjie", it not only has a good relationship with Khomeini, but also has a good friendship with Khamenei.

Therefore, his official fortunes were not unreasonable later.

In October 1979, at the age of 45, Rafsanjani became acting minister of the interior.

A year later, he became Speaker of the House, a position he held for nine years.

Rafsanjani and Khamenei have always been his right-hand men and have always had a good relationship during his administration, and after Khomeini's death, there was a power vacuum in Iran, and Rafsanjani, then acting commander-in-chief of the armed forces, took the initiative to ask for the election of then-President Khamenei as the supreme leader and relinquished the presidency.

Rafsanjani family: The power is monstrous, no one can shake, but ahmadinejad eliminated many famous and prestigious families in one fell swoop, and the Rafsanjani family knew the current affairs and was forced to fall for Junjie


At first, Rafsanjani and Khamenei were politically aligned and were good partners in politics. They have always advocated the same domestic and foreign policies, hoping to quickly end the Iraq War, and even jointly wrote a letter hoping to accept this proposition at Khomeini.

This phenomenon continued until Khomeini's death, and the two were more unanimous in their opposition, excluding interference and opposition. At the same time, it has also done a lot of practical things, which has greatly improved Iran's diplomatic environment and once became a good story in Iranian political circles.

However, power is always coveted, and in the eight years that Rafsanjani was president, their family power reached its peak, which also caused a gap between the two families. Over time, Rafsanjani almost ran counter to Khamenei in terms of political views, and began to compete with each other, quite a "mountain does not tolerate two tigers".

In terms of domestic policy, Rafsanjani advocated the development of the market economy, encouraged the development of enterprises, expanded privatization, and strived to integrate with Western capitalist countries. But Khamenei's policy is still very conservative, always wanting to be independent of the international, insisting on confrontation with the Western world, still wanting theocracy to unify the religion and grasp the economic lifeline.

The backlog of various contradictions has led to the initial friend eventually going to the opposite side.

Rafsanjani family: The power is monstrous, no one can shake, but ahmadinejad eliminated many famous and prestigious families in one fell swoop, and the Rafsanjani family knew the current affairs and was forced to fall for Junjie

The Rafsanjani family

Under various pressures, Rafsanjani's political views are also struggling in Iran.

Rafsanjani advocated marketization and secularization, opposed theocracy, hoped that the church would not interfere in politics, and even tried to negotiate with Western capitalism. Although these policies are very important for enterprises, they are not good policies for middle and low-level people. Even many people feel that such a policy is for the sake of the Rafsanjani family to accumulate wealth, and they are not optimistic.

But forced by helplessness, forced by pressure, even if the Khamenei family could not get the Rafsanjani family at all, so they had to endure, and no one could shake it.

In the 2005 presidential election, Ahmadinejad won everyone's votes with thunder and became the new president of Iran.

When he came to power, it was bloody.

Rafsanjani family: The power is monstrous, no one can shake, but ahmadinejad eliminated many famous and prestigious families in one fell swoop, and the Rafsanjani family knew the current affairs and was forced to fall for Junjie

As soon as Ahmadinejad took office, he delivered an important speech, profoundly expounding on the building of a clean and honest government and intensifying the fight against corruption, putting forward a series of theoretical support and practical actions, encouraging the leading body to conscientiously implement and study theoretical knowledge, and the means were not soft.

It is of great significance to make all of Iran aware of the long-term, complex and arduous nature of anti-corruption work, maintain political determination, strengthen the direction of the stand, focus on goals and tasks, and further deepen the construction of party style and clean government and the anti-corruption struggle.

As soon as he came to power, he was determined to carry out drastic reforms, he began to rectify the political circles, straighten out the money, began to fight corruption with powerful means, took power in his own hands, began to crack down on family forces, cracked down on corruption, and confiscated property. Therefore, the status of the Rafsanjani family is somewhat precarious.

Probably also a "chicken and a monkey", as soon as Ahmadinejad came to power, he ordered the arrest of the core figures of the Rafsanjani family, Hashmi, the son of Rafsanjani, and his daughter Faezer. In addition, there are also many small rattles caught in the net.

After this battle, the power of the Rafsanjani family was greatly weakened, causing power and money to fall to the bottom. Even the owner of the house is depressed.

Rafsanjani family: The power is monstrous, no one can shake, but ahmadinejad eliminated many famous and prestigious families in one fell swoop, and the Rafsanjani family knew the current affairs and was forced to fall for Junjie

Although the policy is fierce, Ahmadinejad is indeed a wise man, and everything he does is for Iran.

He distributed all the oil wealth he collected to the people, so that the people's lives have been greatly improved, although it is only a drop in the bucket, but it still wins the love of all the people.

But Ahmadinejad's career is not smooth, it can be said that "mantis catches cicadas, yellow finches are behind" Although Ahmadinejad got rid of the Rafsanjani family, but the Khamenei family is a "fisherman's profit", not only to get rid of the big problem, but also began to suppress Ahmadinejad, and even let Ahmadinejad go to jail, which can be described as a bird and a good bow.

Iran's political circles are very complicated, the forces of all sides are complex, and the integration of politics and religions is even more complicated, but where the situation in Iran goes, it must be solved internally by Iran.

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