
The Coolidge Effect in the Eyes of Andrologists: Talking About Marriage Management

author:Huizhi Jiukang

Author: Chengdu Sewer, Urological Surgeon, Weibo Top Ten Influential Value Big V in 2017, Top Ten Influential Health and Medical Big V in 2017

The Coolidge Effect in the Eyes of Andrologists: Talking About Marriage Management

The so-called Coolidge effect comes from a story,

When the president of a certain country and his wife Coolidge visited the chicken farm, Coolidge asked the breeder: How long does it take for the rooster to fulfill its sexual obligations to the hen? Breeder answer: more than ten times a week.

Coolidge was deeply touched: Please tell the president.

The president asked: Does the rooster fulfill its obligations with the same hen every time?

The keeper shook his head: each time with a different hen.

The President was relieved to tell Coolidge.

The most plausible explanation is that freshness can trigger the instinctive impulses of animals, and humans as advanced animals are not exempt from vulgarity.

Even a beautiful and sexy woman can't stop a man from finding someone else's woman?

A: In general, yes. Even if the woman looks like a fairy, the joy of the bed is tired and crooked, of course, to pursue a fresher stimulation.

The Coolidge Effect in the Eyes of Andrologists: Talking About Marriage Management

Countless studies have demonstrated this effect, and I don't think the Coolidge effect is a disease, and it's almost impossible for men, even women, to maintain sexual desire for each other for a long time.

In a French study, the freshness period between couples averaged 8 months.

Therefore, the world stages a dog blood plot every day, love at first sight is a fart, and it is a miracle to be white-headed and old.

Chen Guanxi's nude photos scandal has been a sensation, I do not think That Chen Guanxi is sick, but a spontaneous reaction of the brain, and after the fresh period of couple sex, there will be no more surprises, sexual pleasure is definitely lower than expected. So I simply recorded the erotic picture with my past girlfriend as a reward for comforting myself.

Reproduction is one of the starting points of human evolution, and the brain will default to something that can increase your sexual desire, and must face a very good opportunity to reproduce. This is science and truth, so countless men and women have followed each other for a simple goal.

In modern times, reproduction is not the goal, but the pursuit of pleasure and excitement.

Masturbation addiction and frequent gun calls can be addictive, similar to drug use.

Lust is a man's nature, and for women, why not?

Why do women and men behave differently in this regard?

1: Men's sexual desire is more likely to induce and arouse than women, women often need a comprehensive review of character, appearance, knowledge, and class of men (drunk sex does not count).

2: The patriarchal preference that has been passed down for thousands of years has made women more imprisoned.

3: Even in modern society, there is an extreme inequality between men and women, men's wives and concubines are skilled, and the more women have sexual partners, the more they are a slut.

4: Women are very hesitant on the road to finding new love, and the central idea of sexual strategies theory is that mating is conducive to evolution. Women in sexless marriages, there is more possibility of red apricots out of the wall, a subconscious desire, red apricots out of the wall may be able to reconfirm their charm; women with disharmonious sexual relations, there are more possibilities of red apricots out of the wall, want to experience the beauty of sexual life.

Another situation cannot be ignored, every woman has a wayward child in her heart, and hunting and playing once out of the ordinary is the original intention. A very small number of women cheat in order to find the love that belongs to her.

How can women keep men from losing their sexual interest?

A: Very difficult.

If I had to have an answer: the most romantic thing I can think of is to give you all the poses.

The Coolidge Effect in the Eyes of Andrologists: Talking About Marriage Management

Once in a while, I find physical infidelity understandable. And committed to changing sexual partners every day, it is due to moral character, the mirror is broken can buy another one, and once the quality of the person is cloudy, Hugh wants to see himself in the mirror.

Feelings and marriage must be managed as careers, to be fake, to be simplified, and men in particular should understand a truth: succumbing to a woman, they will be able to rise above all husbands.

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