
Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

author:Luo Ji food

Kumquat is a very delicious fruit, compared with most fruits, kumquat is very small in size, but it can not stand the sweet taste, and sour taste, so it will be more appetizing. Kumquat is warm and sweet, and has the effect of relieving depression and coughing and phlegm. Washed can be eaten directly, can also be used to make preserves, often watch the costume drama of the small partner knows, candied fruit is the court concubine hand-picked "snack", that is a high-end snack, the average person can not eat.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

Of course, it is too simple for us to eat candied fruit now, we can buy ready-made ones directly, and we can also eat candied fruits made of various ingredients. Kumquat preserves taste sour and sweet, eat is also a more chewy taste, as a snack to eat very relieved, the key can also cough phlegm, really delicious. The key is that the method is simple, after the kumquat is fried, it is put into the oven to bake, and what cannot be eaten can also be sealed and stored, and it can be taken at any time when you want to eat, which is very convenient. For foodies, it is definitely necessary to collect the practice and play their cooking skills at any time.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

Cuisine: Kumquat preserves

Ingredients: kumquat, rock sugar, powdered sugar

Cooking steps:

1, ready to ripe fresh kumquat, almost the size can be, after washing, put in the brine to soak it, about 30 to 60 minutes, so that it can be washed more cleanly, wait until the brew is good, the kumquat is fished out and rinsed again, directly drain the water and set aside.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

2, the processed kumquat is divided into two, the seeds inside do not need to be removed, because the kumquat seeds can play a role in cough and phlegm. Prepare the pan again, pour the cut kumquats into the pan, sprinkle some rock sugar on the surface, and just like that for one night. How much sugar is also very important, like to eat sweet to add a little more, but do not add too much, otherwise the sweet mole will not be delicious, after all, kumquat is originally sweet.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

3, the next morning, see if the rock sugar inside is completely melted.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

4, if it does not melt completely, directly turn on the low heat to heat, heat to the pot of rock sugar melt.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

5, about ten minutes to cook, here the rock sugar in the pot will melt, but in the process of cooking, you must keep stir-frying with a spatula to prevent it from cooking paste.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

6, to cook the kumquat in the pot to a translucent degree, cook to this extent can be.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

7: This way you can turn off the heat, put the cooked kumquat clip out and put it in the baking pan, but spread a layer of oil paper on the baking tray in advance.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

8, the last is the baking pan into the oven, set the appropriate time and temperature to bake, the baking process will be handed over to the oven to complete.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

9, wait until the roast is ready to take it out, sprinkle a layer of powdered sugar on the surface of the kumquat, so that you can prevent the kumquats from sticking together, so that you can eat.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

10, if there are more roasted kumquats, you can also put them in a sealed jar to save, you can take it when you want to eat, very convenient, the taste is also very sweet.

Kumquat is made into candied fruit, which tastes sweet and sour, and is depressing and appetizing

Cooking Tips:

1, when heating, the whole process should be used on low heat, and from time to time with the spatula stir-frying, which can prevent emergency sticking to the bottom of the pan.

2, how much rock sugar to add is also to see the personal taste, it is recommended not to add too much, otherwise the sweet mole is not delicious. Finally, the roasted kumquat can be sprinkled with a layer of powdered sugar, which can prevent the kumquat from sticking together and can be better preserved.

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