
Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

author:Su huang rice

Full of Han Chinese, it is often used to describe the sumptuous dishes. It is a Chinese feast formed by combining the essence of Manchu and Han cuisine. The earliest record of the Manchu and Han dynasties is found in Li Dou's Yangzhou Painting Records during the Qianlong period. Manchu barbecue, hot pot, and shabu-shabu are indispensable dishes for the manchu feast. At the same time, it also includes the characteristics of Han cooking, grilled, fried, fried, smoked, roasted and so on, which sounds really mouth-watering.

Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

The Manchu Han seat is divided into two parts, the full seat and the Han seat, which collects the recipes of the catering industry in the cities around the Lower River after the middle of the Qing Dynasty and the content of some food books, and the full table is recorded as follows:

Whole pig (or red and white whole pig on the plate, head and hooves), whole sheep, roast piglet (live weight 8 pounds), hanging stove duck (a pair), white steamed piglet (oil bag), white steamed duck (one pair), climbing (grilled) piglet, fragrant duck (soy sauce, pepper, xiaoyin, cloves, sausages), steamed piglets (oil bags), white halba (weight 6 pounds or dry steaming), hanging oven duck (or butterfly chicken), roasted Harba (weighing six pounds), white steamed chicken, white steamed black fork (or half or whole), pine nut chicken, red and white breast (weight 5 pounds), burnt ribs (weighing six pounds), Boiled ribs (6 kg), Solou (red and white 4 kg), red and white offal (liver, large intestine), pork bone with (marrow, famous dragon strip), sheep zhao style, sheep brain (inner circle, ham, sea cucumber, roasted pig brain), lamb tripe (garlic, bamboo shoots, meat shredded stir-fry), bad sheep tail.

Since the people of the Qianlong period only had such a saying as a full seat in The Manchu Han Dynasty, Zhen Huan certainly could not eat it when she was young. So, what can Zhen Huan eat?

When the Qing Dynasty had not yet entered the Central Plains, Nurhaci had already prescribed diet. Pasta and meat are mainly eaten at the feast. In the eighth year of the Mandate of Heaven (1623), Nurhaci personally formulated a feast menu for the Eight Flags Belle, which stipulated that the main diets of the Eight Flags Baylor were:

There is one kind of twist cake, two kinds of wheat cake, one kind of korean cake, one kind of tea cake, one kind of steamed bun powder, one kind of fruit, goose, chicken, thick white soup, and large broth.
Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

The evidence is not established, and other historical sources are also recorded. The Itinerary of Xuanhe Otomi's Envoy to the Golden Kingdom reads: "Jurchen customs, drinking alcohol, serving porridge, rice, meat and pasta". Judging from the "King's Manchurian Origin Examination • National Customs", the scene of the meal is quite fierce, everyone sits on the kang, eats some pickles, eats some meat. The meat is either cooked or raw, dipped in garlic sauce, and you take out your own saber and cut the meat to eat, no need to be polite.

The gold lord will gather the crowd to eat together, then on the kang, with dwarf table or wooden plate, people put a bowl of barnyard rice, add daggers on it, list with lukes, long melons, all salted, do not use wooden plates to hold pigs, sheep, chickens, deer, rabbits, wolves, chamois, roe deer, foxes, cattle, horses, geese, geese, fish, ducks and other meat, or burnt or cooked, or raw mustard garlic juice clear fertile, one after another for the column. Take the saber each and cut the rice. When they eat, they drink from a thin glass of wine, and the same is true of the royal feasters.

Scholars who have studied the food system in the early Qing Dynasty pointed out that "there were two types of imperial diets in the Qing Dynasty, the noodle-based meals made by Manchu chefs were called 'Rao Rao Mats'; and the meat-based meals made by Han Chefs were called 'Fish And Meat Mats', which were later combined into a colorful diet." Of course, some people say that the Manchu chefs are mainly "hot pot seats" and "barbecue seats".

Rao, is a general term for the opposite food. Dumplings are also a type of dumpling, which the Manchus call "boiled dumplings". Maybe the northeast people eat dumplings for the New Year, or the Tradition of the Manchus. Boiled dumplings are also called "Aijig Dumplings" in Manchu language, Manchu dumplings (boiled dumplings) are mostly pork sauerkraut filling, dumplings are roughly divided into two categories, one is in the Chinese New Year's Eve night, people want to eat freshly wrapped dumplings; the other is frozen dumplings, after the dumplings are wrapped, then frozen, and so when there are guests to visit to entertain guests, convenient and fast. Other dumplings mainly include: sticky cake dumplings, boiled dumplings, suzi leaf dumplings, linden leaf dumplings, sour dumplings, etc.

Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

Another specialty food is the sticky bean bun. The general ingredient of the sticky bean bun is to grind the sticky yellow rice or sticky corn into noodles, after the noodles are reconciled, the sticky noodles are first pressed into a cake shape, and then the bean paste filling is wrapped in the cake, and then the ball is formed into the shape of a steamed bun, and finally placed on the steamer cage drawer. Sticky bean buns taste very good, sweet but not greasy, sticky and strong. Eat sticky bean buns can choose to dip sugar, you can also choose to fry, fried sticky bean buns are also called fried cake. When eating sticky bean buns, it should be noted that it must be eaten hot, and if it is cold, it will affect its taste and taste.

Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

When it comes to rao, modern people often eat saqi horses. Sachima is also called "sugar entanglement," and Fucha Dunchong's "Records of the Yanjing Dynasty" says: "Saqima is a Manchu dumpling, made of rock sugar and creamy white noodles, shaped like glutinous rice, baked in a lime wood oven, and made into cubes, sweet and edible."

Therefore, the Chinese name of Sachima is also called "golden silk cake", which is a traditional dessert loved by the Manchus. The method is: the beaten eggs and flour and evenly, rolled into strips, into the oil pot to cook, the water, cream, sugar, honey and so on boiled into a thick juice, and then mixed with the fried noodles, stirred, poured into the wooden trough that has been laid with green silk and red silk, flattened, to be cooled, with a knife cut into long cubes, saqima sweet and soft, oily but not greasy, so far popular.

Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

Rao is also a commonly used offering to the heavens, and the "King's Manchurian Sacrifice Ceremony for the Sacrifice of the Gods" records:

In the spring and autumn of Ōuchi every year, the pole festival is offered with cakes and sticks. In the first month, offerings are made with steamed buns. In May, it is offered with linden leaves. In June, the offering was made with Suye Bao. In July, it is offered with a steamed cream cake. In August, dumplings are served...

In later generations, there is such a saying as the prosperous life of Kangqian, so what did the Qianlong Emperor eat? Are there eight treasures such as humps, bear paws, monkey brains, orangutan lips, elephant trunks, leopard fetuses, rhino tails, and deer tendons? For example, in the sixty years of Qianlong (1795), Qianlong's dinner was as follows:

Deer intestine deer belly hot pot one product, Swallow yam wine stew duck hot pot one product, fat chicken chicken crown meat hot pot one product, yam shallot pepper chicken soup hot pot one product, soup chicken one product, lamb tripe slice one product, bird's nest duck one product, steamed Kanto duck deer tail saving plate one product, roasted fat roe deer meat saving plate one product, elephant eye small steamed bun first product, white sugar oil cake one product, rice cake one product, side dishes five products, salty one dish, japonica dried rice one product.

However, these dishes may not be eaten by the emperor, and the emperor is likely to eat the "small kitchen" of the queen concubine. In the words of the last emperor Puyi, "eat one look at two eyes and look at three", many meals are just in front of the emperor to put on a pomp, many dishes emperor has not touched chopsticks, "flashy but not real, fee but not favored, camp but not nourished, light and tasteless."

Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

According to Puyi's record in "The First Half of My Life":

The greatest expenditure of manpower, material and financial resources is in the pomp and circumstance, there is nothing more than eating... When it is time to eat... a team of dozens of well-dressed eunuchs, carrying seven large and small dining tables, holding dozens of zhu lacquer boxes painted with golden dragons, the vast and mighty, straight to the Yangxin Hall to come ... Two tables of weekday dishes, another table of hot pot in winter, in addition to a variety of dim sum, rice, porridge three tables, pickles a small table. The utensils are bright yellow porcelain painted with dragon patterns and the words "Long Life Without Boundaries", silverware in winter, porcelain jars with hot water under the support, and each dish or bowl has a silver medal, which is set up to guard against poisoning... A small eunuch called out "bowl lid", so four or five little eunuchs set out to remove the silver lid on each dish and put it in a large box to take it away...
Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

The meals of the Qing Palace were divided into daily meals for the empress dowager and various feasts. The emperor's daily meals were undertaken by the imperial dining room, and the concubines' meals were undertaken by the palace dining rooms. The feast was co-hosted by the Guanglu Temple, the Rebbe's Seongsei Kiyoshi Division, and the Imperial Tea Room. The Imperial Tea Room includes a dining room, a tea room and a tea room, of which there are more than 120 people in the Imperial Tea Room and the Tea Room, in addition to 1560 eunuchs.

There were 1670 officials in the Jingshan Qing Bureau alone. The emperor usually eats called passing meals, eating or eating, and the usual eating points are not fixed, mostly in the palace or places where they often move.

Empresses, empresses, and concubines generally dined in their own palaces, and no one could dine at the same table as the emperor without special intent. Therefore, Zhen Huan generally eats in the palace herself, and may not be much lively. As for tableware, it also varies according to grade regulations.

Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

In the Qing Palace, there is no such thing as a full seat of Manchu and Han, and it is only generally called "upper seat and middle seat", but in terms of actual content, it has been manchu and Han, and the "Manchu Han Seat" in the Qing Palace has been operating invisibly in a special political environment.

Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

The banquet system of the Qing Palace Guanglu Temple was mainly Manchu regulations. Due to the political needs and national ideas of the rulers of the Qing Dynasty, the most important feasts in the imperial court at that time were dominated by the "full table" food system. However, the "Han Xi" was stipulated to be applied to cultural activities such as teaching the scriptures, examinations for literary and martial arts meetings, and revision of books and dictionaries. The shandong cuisine in the imperial meal of the Qing Palace and the Suyang diet flavor introduced into the court during the Kangqian period were the basis for the "Han cuisine" part of the later "Manchu Han Full Seat".

Qing Emperors Love To Eat? What did everyone in the Qing Dynasty palace eat? Is there a full table in Manchuria? Manchu food tradition: dumplings, sticky bean buns, Emperor Sachima and The Name and Truth of the Manchu And Han Dynasty Meal

Although many feasts are not called Manchu full seats, they also reflect the characteristics of Manchu han full seats. For example, the banquet of courtiers, the feast of longevity, the feast of a thousand monks, the feast of festivals (spring ploughing feast, dragon boat feast, beggar feast, Mid-Autumn Feast, Chongyang feast, winter solstice feast, Chinese New Year's Eve feast) and so on. Although the Manchus had their own inherent food customs, after entering the Central Plains, under the fusion of Manchu and Han cultures and the needs of rule, they accepted a large number of Han food customs. Laba porridge, Lantern, Brown, Xionghuang wine, Chongyang cake, beggar cake, moon cake, etc. are all available in the Qing Palace.

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