
Liu Bei's pioneer wu - Wu Ban

author:Historical and political figures

Wu Banzi Yuanxiong ,birth and death unknown, was a native of Chenliu Commandery (陳留郡, in modern Kaifeng, Henan). A general of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period. As a leader, he accompanied Liu Bei in the Battle of Wu, and later accompanied the Shu Han chancellor Zhuge Liang in the Northern Expedition to Cao Wei, and in 231 AD (the ninth year of Jianxing) the Northern Expedition to destroy Sima Yi. Officer to the General of the Hun Horse, Feng Mianzhu Marquis. Wu Ban was known for his heroic chivalry at that time, and because his sister Wu was empress mu of Shu Han, she had a high status among the generals of Shu Han.

Liu Bei's pioneer wu - Wu Ban

Wu Ban

Wu Ban was a native of ChenLiu County, his father Wu Kuang was an official under the Eastern Han general He Jin, and his brother was Wu Yi, an important general of the later Shu Han Dynasty. Wu Ban was a heroic and chivalrous man, and was famous at that time. Later, he followed Liu Bei as the leader.

In July of the first year of Zhang Wu's reign (221), Liu Bei sent an army to attack Sun Wu and appointed Wu Ban and Feng Xi as vanguards. At that time, Wu stationed Lu Xun, Li Yi, Liu A, and others in the area of Wu County and Zigui County, and Wu Ban and Feng Xi unified the army from Wu County to defeat Li Yi and others, and advanced all the way to Zigui.

Liu Bei's pioneer wu - Wu Ban

In the first month of Zhang Wu's second year (222), Liu Bei's army came to Zigui County, and Wu Ban and Chen Shi led the water army to advance to the Yiling line and occupied both sides of the Yangtze River. In February, Liu Bei personally led the generals to march to Yidao County, Yiting, and sent Wu Ban to lead thousands of people to set up camp on the flat ground to challenge the Wu army led by Lu Xun, while he himself led 8,000 ambush troops to dive into the valley and wanted to ambush Lu Xun, but Lu Xun saw through it and the plan failed. Since then, the two armies have been in a standoff. However, in June of the same year, the Han army was defeated, and Wu Ban returned to Shuzhong with Liu Bei.

In the third year of Zhang Wu (223), Liu Bei died, and the crown prince Liu Chan succeeded to the throne and changed his name to Yuan Jianxing. During the Jianxing period, Wu Ban was promoted to the rank of Rear Admiral and was given the title of Marquis of Anle Ting.

In February of the ninth year of Jianxing (231), the Shu Han chancellor Zhuge Liang made the fourth northern expedition to Cao Wei, and Wu Ban followed him as the rear commander, and Cao Wei sent Sima Yi to lead the Wei army to resist the Han army. In May, Wu Ban, Wei Yan, and Gao Xiang defeated Sima Yi in a field battle, and received the first rank of the Wei army of 3,000 grades, 5,000 collars of iron armor, and 3,100 crossbows, and Sima Yi had to return to the camp. In June, due to the lack of grain and grass transportation, the Han army returned to Shuzhong. In August, after the Northern Expedition army was returned, Li Yan, who was in charge of grain and grass transportation, cheated and wanted to escape responsibility, and Wu Ban and zhuge Liang jointly wrote to Liu Chan to request the removal of Li Yan. After that, Wu Ban was gradually promoted to the rank of General of the Hussars, awarded the Festival Charm, and was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Mianzhu.

Liu Bei's pioneer wu - Wu Ban

Wu Ban appeared in the novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" from the 81st to the 102nd time, and his image was much richer than that of wu ban in history, and he was a general of the Shu Han Dynasty. His first appearance was as General Zhang Feibu and assisted Shou Langzhong. After Zhang Fei was killed, Wu Ban issued a message to Liu Bei. Liu Bei sent an army to attack Wu, with Wu Ban as the vanguard, marched all the way to Yidu, and defeated the Wu general Sun Huan, besieging him at Yiling City. Sun Quan commanded the Wu army with Lu Xun as the governor, and Liu Bei used Wu Ban to lure the enemy and led his elite troops to ambush in the valley, but was seen by Lu Xun. After Lu Xun burned the camp, Wu Ban barely managed to break out of the siege and was saved by Zhao Yun.

Liu Bei's pioneer wu - Wu Ban

Zhuge Liang went out to the Northern Expedition to Cao Wei, and Wu Ban followed him as a general and Marquis of Anle. When the three left Qishan, the Wei general Sun Li wanted to lead the Han army to battle and took the opportunity to attack the camp, and Zhuge Liang ambushed the outside of the camp with Wu Ban and Wu Yi to break the Wei army. Zhuge Liang went out of Qishan and lured Sima Yi to battle with Wu Ban, Wu Yi, Ma Zhong, and Zhang Ling, and the Han army took the opportunity to attack the Wei army camp and destroy Sima Yi, and then accompanied the generals to attack the Wei general Cao Zhenzhai and break it. When wu left Qishan, Wu Ban stayed behind in the Qishan camp. Zhuge Liang's sixth northern expedition against Cao Wei led the generals to attack Northern Yuan, ordering Wu Ban and Wu Yi to lead raft troops to burn the pontoon bridge of the Wei army, and the Wei generals Zhang Hu and Le Qiang were randomly shot on the shore, and Wu Ban was killed by an arrow.

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