
There were several errors in yesterday's article, and I apologize for the misleading! Explanation for two errors:

author:Garden Langzhong

#谷丰计划 #

Yesterday Xiaobian wrote an article on the control of garden plants and shell insects, after writing @ Youguo Agronomy, @ Huxiang Youth, two teachers pointed out two mistakes, but it was a small omission in writing the article, first of all, for the misleading of these mistakes to everyone, Xiaobian apologizes! In addition, I would like to thank the two teachers for their serious guidance!

There were several errors in yesterday's article, and I apologize for the misleading! Explanation for two errors:

The picture shows the use of stone sulfur compound pointed out by the teacher of Youguo Agronomy

There were several errors in yesterday's article, and I apologize for the misleading! Explanation for two errors:

The picture shows the prohibition of oxidation fruit pointed out by the young teacher of Huxiang

First, the use of stone sulfur compound concentration problems:

There were several errors in yesterday's article, and I apologize for the misleading! Explanation for two errors:

The picture is a screenshot from yesterday's small article

Yesterday, when Xiaobian wrote about the winter qingyuan and the use of stone sulfur compound to eliminate wintering insect eggs, it is recommended that you use 3 pomax stone sulfur compound for spraying.

Here Xiaobian did not explain clearly, 3 baume degrees of stone sulfur compound is mainly suitable for deciduous seedlings and flowers, in the early spring or winter dormancy period for clearing the garden. For evergreen plants, such as boxwood, privet, rhododendron, etc., use a stone sulfur compound of 0.1 to 0.2 baume degrees. For evergreen plants, if the concentration of stone sulfur compound is too high, it will cause medicinal harm to the plant.

And about the use of stone sulfur compound also need to pay attention to a lot of problems, Xiaobian will write a special article after the introduction of stone sulfur compound precautions.

Second, for the problem of disabling the oxidation of leguo:

There were several errors in yesterday's article, and I apologize for the misleading! Explanation for two errors:

The picture is a screenshot in yesterday's article

Yesterday, when Talking about the medicinal control of the insects in the incubation period, Xiaobian recommended 40% of the oxidized happy fruit to everyone.

In 2017, the Ministry of Agriculture made a regulation that from August 1, 2019, the use of acetaminphos, butyl thioxifer, and Lego on vegetables, melons and fruits, tea, fungi and Chinese herbal medicine crops will be prohibited.

There were several errors in yesterday's article, and I apologize for the misleading! Explanation for two errors:

The picture shows a screenshot of China Pesticide Network

Do technical articles to be rigorous, because it is very likely that because of their own articles to bring you the wrong guidance, and then cause immeasurable losses, this xiaobian will always keep in mind. For the errors in yesterday's article, Xiaobian apologizes, and hopes that everyone will supervise and correct in the future creative process. If there is an error, I hope that everyone will correct it in time.

I am very grateful to today's headlines for this platform, which gives Xiaobian a channel to share and communicate with everyone. While sharing, Xiaobian also learned a lot of things.

Finally, I apologize again for yesterday's mistake. Thank you again for your corrections!

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