
Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

author:Guangxi Satellite TV

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Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City in ancient times.

It is said that when Lao Tzu came out of Hangu Pass, there was a purple qi flying from the east, and when the guards saw the purple qi, they saw Lao Tzu riding a green bull and coming out, and the gatekeeper immediately understood that this was a saint out of the pass.

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

Since then, "purple and purple qi coming east" has been regarded as an auspicious allegory, representing the appearance of sages or emperors.

The ancient emperor's status is noble, the palace where he lives is extremely well guarded, and it is difficult for ordinary people to approach, so in summary, the ancient Forbidden City has the title of "Forbidden City".

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

But you know what?

Even such a place has been invaded by ordinary people, and even left a rather ironic sign on the plaque of the palace.

What's going on, let's look down together.

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

The location of this sign is the Longzong Gate of the Forbidden City.

This Longzong Gate was built during the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, and was later rebuilt twice during the Wanli and Qing Dynasty Shunzhi years.

Today, the area west of Longzong Gate is not currently open to tourists, but the space inside the gate has been transformed into a place for tourists to eat and rest.

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

There is a door hanging at the top of the longzong gate facing west, and if you look closely, you will find that there is a small black dot on the left side of the gold line with the word "Zong" on the door forehead.

In fact, it is an arrow that is deeply nailed to the entrance.

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

Yes, that's the ironic sign of this broken arrow.

The ancient royal palace was heavily guarded, and being able to use cold weapons and even shoot plaques in such places was not an insult to the royal family?

So when and under what circumstances did this arrow stay here?

The time goes back about 200 years.

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

In the Qing Dynasty, there was a fierce battle in Longzongmen.

In the eighteenth year of Jiaqing (1813), a peasant revolt occurred in the Central Plains, and the peasant leader Lin Qing planned and led a team of Gyeonggi to directly attack the Forbidden City.

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

At that time, the Jiaqing Emperor was hunting in the paddock, so only a small number of Janissaries remained in the capital.

Lin Qing felt that the timing was good, so he gathered more than 200 people to attack the Forbidden City.

On September 14, the rebels dressed up in disguise and divided into two routes, planning to enter Miyagi from the East and West Gates. A force of Xihuamen, led by the eunuchs Liu Decai and Liu Jin, quickly attacked Longzongmen and fought fiercely here.

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

In the end, the rebel army was defeated.

During the battle, the rebels fired an arrow at the plaque of Longzong gate. After the battle, the Jiaqing Emperor ordered the arrow to be cut off, but the arrow was not removed and left on the plaque.

This stay has been there until now.

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

This drama in which the peasant rebel army directly took over the imperial palace gave the Jiaqing Emperor a great shock.

The wording of the historical records is "to cause things that were not done in the Han, Tang, Song, and Ming dynasties."

The Jiaqing Emperor made an exception in his profound introspection and issued a "edict of self-sin" to the world to examine his own mistakes as a human master.

He also ordered that no one should pull out the broken arrows on the Longzong Gate, and those who pulled out would die! Maybe he wants to use this as a spur to spur himself on and wake up future generations!

Why does no one dare to take the broken arrow on the plaque of the Forbidden City?

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