
Such a beautiful quiver, what a heart-wrenching broken arrow

author:PigMan and Peggy 19

Today, I saw a small story in an abstract: During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, a father and his son went out to fight. The father has become a general, and the son is only a pawn. Another trumpet sounded, the war drums thundered, and father solemnly held up an arrow bag with an arrow inserted in it. The father solemnly said to his son: "This is a family attack treasure arrow, with the side of the side, the strength is infinite, but must not be drawn out." "It was an extremely exquisite quiver, made of thick cowhide, with a faintly glowing copper edge, and if you look at the exposed tail of the arrow, you can identify at a glance that it is made of fine peacock feathers." The son raised his eyebrows in joy, greedily deducing the appearance of the arrows and arrows, and it seemed that the sound of arrows whizzing by his ears was passing by, and the enemy commander broke his horse and died in response. Sure enough, the son with the arrow was heroic and invincible. When the trumpet of the charge sounded again, the son could no longer help the arrogance of victory, completely betrayed his father's instructions, and a strong desire drove him, and with a cry, he pulled out the treasure arrow and tried to see what was going on. Suddenly he was stunned. A broken arrow, and the quiver contained a broken arrow. I've been fighting with broken arrows! The son was frightened out of a cold sweat, as if the house had lost its pillars in an instant, and the will collapsed violently. The result is self-evident, and his son died tragically in the rebellion.

The content of the story is a bit exaggerated, but its essence still has some practical significance: this treasure arrow that is pinned on victory and defeat is actually broken!

In the process of children's growth, the love of parents is the sharpest arrow! The child is the flesh and bones of the parents, the mother gives the flesh to the child, and the father gives the bone to the child. We always firmly believe that the companionship of parents is an irreplaceable existence for anyone, the arms of parents are the most reliable shelter for children when they are young, and the arms of parents are the warmest memories of children's growth.

Such a beautiful quiver, what a heart-wrenching broken arrow

This image is from the web

Children who leave their parents are extremely insecure. The incident of Zhang Zixin, a 9-year-old missing girl in Hangzhou, should still be fresh in everyone's memory. When Xinxin was a child, her parents had not yet separated, and she paid great attention to the care of her children, and Xinxin also needed her parents to pick up her home after school. But when she has witnessed the breakdown of the family, especially since 2016 has not seen her mother or even waited for her mother's phone, her father has been brought up by her grandparents for many years, she no longer needs her father and mother, as long as someone is kind to her, she is particularly clingy, which may be the love she craves. So the tenant took advantage of the neglect, and the little sweet man took her away. When everyone was praying for the safe return of this lovely child, the bad news came that the child's body was found and drowned.

Such a beautiful quiver, what a heart-wrenching broken arrow

No matter how hard it is, whether it is the failure of marriage, or the wandering on the subsistence line, they insist on taking their children with them. Some people may say: Child, I'm sorry, Daddy can't pick up the brick and hold you, and he can't afford to raise you when he puts down the brick. But more people tell us: as a parent, standing up is everything!

Such a beautiful quiver, what a heart-wrenching broken arrow

Li Meijin, a professor of psychology at the Chinese Min public security university, said: When a child is small, no matter how difficult it is, you must bring it yourself. Because before the age of 6 is an important period for children to establish a sense of security, but also a critical period for the formation of children's personality and habits. During this period, parents must accompany their children, eat with their children, read picture books with their children, and live with their children. Your every word and deed deeply affects him: after you look at the phone, he will watch TV for time; you trick him into not honoring the gift he promised him before, and he may lie to you next time; he will learn the same thing if you don't wash your hands after you go to the toilet; your daily necessities are littered, and his toys are estimated to be missing; you are too tired to go to bed without washing, and his homework is estimated to be stranded after falling asleep.... All your food, clothing, shelter, and daily life form an example in your child's brain, and he feels right, because it is taught to him by his proud parents!

Such a beautiful quiver, what a heart-wrenching broken arrow

You're right and wrong! Children without judgment need their parents to give them the helm, to show the way, to give them strength! These are the sharpest arrows that parents can give their children! And these must be armed when they are children, and once they are finalized, it is really difficult to change. When they grow up, they will understand that they themselves are the arrows given by their parents. If it is tough, if it is sharp, if it is to wear a hundred steps through the yang, a hundred hairs and a hundred shots, it is only themselves who sharpen it and save it.

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