
Who are the historical figures with the surname Lao? There was one official to the Viceroy of Yungui, and another was the first president of Zhejiang University

author:Teacher Lee history class

Many people say on the Internet that they have not heard of the surname Lao, in fact, the distribution of the Lao surname is very wide, from the north to Inner Mongolia and the south to Yungui, there is a distribution of the Lao surname.

It is said that the origin of the Lao surname also has some relationship with the "Xu Fu Dongdu" in the Qin Dynasty period, when Qin Shi Huang asked for immortality, but found nothing, the alchemist Xu Fu threw himself into the favor of the Qin Emperor, proposed to go to the sea immortal mountain to find the elixir of immortality, the story behind everyone knows, Xu Fu deceived three thousand boys and girls to go to the sea to find immortals, and has never returned!

Who are the historical figures with the surname Lao? There was one official to the Viceroy of Yungui, and another was the first president of Zhejiang University

Xu Fudongdu

The place where Xu Fu went to sea is today's Qingdao, Shandong, and there is a very famous scenic spot - Laoshan Mountain. Laoshan beer is very famous, right? Laoshan mountain in ancient times was actually called Laoshan Mountain, because the traffic was not developed at that time, so there was almost no contact with the outside world, until the establishment of the Han Empire began to develop this place, the ruler of the Han Empire gave the local people as the surname of Lao, passed down from generation to generation! It is said that this is the origin of the surname Lao.

Who are the historical figures with the surname Lao? There was one official to the Viceroy of Yungui, and another was the first president of Zhejiang University

Laoshan, not just beer

Although the Lao surname has a long history, it is not a big surname after all, so there is no such surname in the "Hundred Family Names" compiled by the mainland region and Taiwan, which also leads to many people not knowing the existence of this surname! In fact, in ancient times, there were still a lot of Lao-named people, the most famous of which were probably Lao Chongguang and Lao Naixuan in the late Qing Dynasty!

Who are the historical figures with the surname Lao? There was one official to the Viceroy of Yungui, and another was the first president of Zhejiang University

Late Qing Chancellor Lao Chongguang

Lao Chongguang (1802-1867), a native of Shanhua (present-day Changsha City), Hunan, was only thirty years old when Daoguang entered the army in the twelfth year, and it is said that he was a person who read poetry and books, but Lao Chongguang's life was indissoluble with leading soldiers! Soon after his debut, he began to fight against the rebel army, suppressing Li Yuanfa's uprising, suppressing the Tiandihui uprising, suppressing the Tianping Heavenly Kingdom Uprising, suppressing the Qianxi Uprising, and everywhere you can find The figure of Lao Chongguang! As the saying goes, blood stains red tops, it is said that this kind of person, Lao Chongguang was gradually promoted and reused by the Qing government, first Guangxi envoys, Guangxi envoys, then Guangdong governors, Liangguang governors, Yungui governors, after death the nickname "Wen Yi"!

Unlike Lao Sogo, who uses knives and guns all day, Lao Naixuan is a complete feudal literati!

Who are the historical figures with the surname Lao? There was one official to the Viceroy of Yungui, and another was the first president of Zhejiang University

At the end of the Qing Dynasty, the early Ming Dynasty scholar Lao Naixuan

Lao Naixuan (1843-1921), zi JiXuan, a native of Jiaxing, Zhejiang, was a jinshi in the middle of the Tongzhi decade, he was not only an official, but also a famous phonologist in modern China, who wrote works such as "Series of Simplified Characters" and "A Brief Explanation of Calculations"!

In 1902, Zhejiang University Hall was established, and Lao Naixuan was appointed as the premier of Zhejiang University Hall, which is equivalent to the current president position, and Zhejiang University Hall is the predecessor of the current Zhejiang University! After the fall of the Qing Dynasty, Lao Naixuan regarded himself as the widow of the Qing Dynasty and took refuge in Qingdao and resolutely did not become an official of the Republic of China.

When Zhang Xun was restored in 1916, he threw himself into this perverse restoration movement and served as the Shangshu of the Fabu! Twelve days later, the farce of Zhang Xun's restoration ended in failure, when the pseudo-officials appointed by Zhang Xun fled without hope, and only Lao Naixuan, a stubborn old Hanlin, vowed not to leave, and to die Mingzhi! Of course, it must not be dead, everyone will say that few people really do it well!

Who are the historical figures with the surname Lao? There was one official to the Viceroy of Yungui, and another was the first president of Zhejiang University

Zhang Xun was restored

In addition to Lao Chongguang and Lao Naixuan, the historical figures surnamed Lao, such as the famous eunuch Lao Yanyuan of the Three Kingdoms Shu Han, the famous Tang Dynasty scholar Lao Yi, the Song Dynasty minister Lao Yin, and one of the "Huanghuagang Seventy-Two Martyrs", the Lao Pei martyr!

Who are the historical figures with the surname Lao? There was one official to the Viceroy of Yungui, and another was the first president of Zhejiang University

Huanghuagang Uprising Martyrs Monument

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