
For the sake of film, we met in Pingtan The first IM Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival ended

author:Taiwan Strait Net

On October 25-28, the Taiwan Straits Herald correspondent in Fuzhou, Lin Qin, a three-day film festival with the goal of supporting the image creation power of young people in colleges and universities on both sides of the strait, was initiated by the Fujian Provincial Radio, Film and Television Group, and jointly sponsored by the Fujian Provincial Film Bureau, the Fujian Provincial Radio and Television Bureau, the Fujian Provincial Radio, Film and Television Group, and the Pingtan Comprehensive Experimental Zone Management Committee, and the im cross-strait youth film festival ended at the Pingtan Film and Television Base, and a number of honorary awards in the short film unit of the main competition were announced, and a total of 30 films won awards.

Im Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival integrates short film promotion, forum, screening and master class, focusing on the excavation of young film and television talents and helping excellent film and television projects. The film "Take Your Mother Out to Play" directed by Sui Shufen of National Taiwan University of the Arts won the best film (300,000 yuan in prize money), "Molly" by Zhong Xinxuan of the American Art Center School of Design won the Grand Jury Award (250,000 yuan), the best director was won by Zhao Zixuan of the Beijing Film Academy (200,000 yuan), "The Beast Under the Mountain" won the best (drama, non-drama) short film (150,000 yuan each), "Kusbek" won the "Shengnong" new growth plan (150,000 yuan), "The Beast Under the Mountain" won the best (150,000 yuan) short film (150,000 yuan each), "Kusbek" won the "Shengnong" new growth plan (prize money 150,000 yuan), "The Beast Under the Mountain" won the best (150,000 yuan prize), "Kusbek" won the "Shengnong" new growth plan (prize money 150,000 yuan), "The Beast Under the Mountain" and other six works won the best (plot, non-plot) short film (150,000 yuan each prize), "Kusbek" won the "Shengnong" new growth plan (prize money of 150,000 yuan), "The Beast 20 works, including "The Light Chaser from the East", won excellent (plot, non-plot) short films (each with a prize of 80,000 yuan). The encouragement and support of this prize for young filmmakers is far-reaching, and it is also a support and love for young filmmakers from the first Im Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival.

Final judging judges Hu Zhifeng, Wang Xiaoshuai, Xu Xiaoming, Chen Lingzhen, Zhang Ming, actors Tu Men, Huo Siyan, Huang Xiaolei, Taiwan's Comuscom'z Band, as well as Qin Xiaoyu, Xing Jian, Wang Xin, Zhu Lexian, Chen Bin, Ning Yuqi, Zhu Xianliang, Tang Xiaoyan, Rao Shuguang, Zhou Xing, Li Yizhong, Zhang Ali and other film and television industry leaders attended the award ceremony, they did not hesitate to give applause to the young people, to the im.

Focusing on the theme of "Every Wave Goes to the Island", this year's film festival set up a number of units such as the screening of the shortlisted works of the "Shining Island" competition, the screening of the digital restoration version of taiwan's new film "The Wind From the Sea", the screening of the mainland film of "Era Mirror", the master class of film directors of "Waves and Islands", and the "Under the Illumination of Real Light" Youth Documentary Forum. Among them, the most high-profile main competition unit received a total of 1195 films from 276 colleges and universities around the world, including 820 drama films and 375 non-drama films. After preliminary review and re-evaluation, a total of 50 works stood out and were shortlisted for this year's main competition unit of IM short films, and the film festival recorded the "highlight moments" of young filmmakers, and also witnessed the prosperity of Chinese films.

For the sake of film, we met in Pingtan The first IM Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival ended

This year's IM Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival invited Hu Zhifeng, President of the Film and Television Society of Chinese Universities, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of the Beijing Film Academy (presiding over the work), to serve as the chairman of the Academic Committee of the IM Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival, and Wang Xiaoshuai, an internationally renowned Chinese film director and one of the "sixth generation directors" of films, served as the chairman of the jury. Together with film and television producer Chen Lingzhen, Taiwanese director Xu Xiaoming, mainland director Zhang Ming, Taiwanese director Li Youning, and 15 other film and television industry players on both sides of the strait, they formed a jury.

"If the new director who started from Pingtan today can record this moment, and continue to maintain and remember the touch of this moment and the enthusiasm of this moment on the long road after departure, then I believe that you can really go a long way, go a long way, and reach the ideal realm in your mind, so the cuteness of a filmmaker is here, and the filmmaker is always young." At the award ceremony, these few heartfelt words of Wang Xiaoshuai, a famous film director and chairman of the jury of the Im Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival, made young filmmakers on both sides of the strait surging with excitement and sailed to distant places.

The first Im Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival invited Wang Xiaoshuai, one of the "sixth generation directors" of the film, to serve as the chairman of the jury and participate in the final review of the film. When receiving the invitation, Wang Xiaoshuai said: "It is a great honor to have two main reasons for me to come here. First, because of Fujian, I have lived and worked here for a while, met many friends and colleagues, and always maintained a deep friendship. The second reason, of course, is that because of film, especially the Youth Short Film Festival, I think I should take on this mission. At the same time, I can take this opportunity to communicate with young filmmakers and make suggestions for their start-up, and at the same time, I can feel their youthful energy and vitality. ”

Wang Xiaoshuai said that China's film industry has developed rapidly in recent years, and it is "opportune" to hold film festivals for young people on both sides of the strait, and young filmmakers from the Chinese-speaking circles such as the cross-strait, Hong Kong and Macao regions, and Singapore have participated together, making the overall vision broader.

im is an abbreviation for "in moments", meaning "from this moment on". As a supporter and witness to the growth of young film and television creators in colleges and universities on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, the Im Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival is committed to building a stage for more young filmmakers to display their talents from the perspective of college groups.

For the sake of film, we met in Pingtan The first IM Cross-Strait Youth Film Festival ended

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