
Chen Chusheng's girlfriend's positive photo exposed the pregnancy luo Xiangjin was not worth more than a billionaire second generation

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Ningxia Online ( Entertainment News:

Chen Chusheng's girlfriend's positive photo exposed the pregnancy luo Xiangjin was not worth more than a billionaire second generation

Chen Chusheng's girlfriend's positive photo exposed the pregnancy luo Xiangjin was not worth more than a billionaire second generation

At the end of 2013, Huang Jianxiang revealed that Chen Chusheng, who had passed the age of establishment, had completed his life's work and was suspected of having obtained a license. However, the question of whether to obtain a license was subsequently denied by Chen Chusheng's propaganda, and at the same time, the identity of his girlfriend's female boss with a net worth of more than 100 million yuan was also denied. On August 1 this year, Chen Chusheng posted a photo of his wife on Weibo and admitted that he was about to become a father. Because Chen Chusheng rarely mentions his emotional life, there has been speculation that his girlfriend's identity is the second generation of the rich, as well as the rich wife in the catering industry. It was not until last year that Chen Chusheng made public that he had accompanied his girlfriend since his debut to calm the speculation.

In 2007, Chen Chusheng and Zhang Jie debuted together through "Happy Male Voice", and then successfully stepped into the show business circle, but in 2009, they joined Huayi after falling into a severance storm with the owner Tianyu Media. After his debut, Chen Chusheng's emotional problems have also been reported by the media many times, and even the news of marriage has been reported, but chen Chusheng has denied it.

Ningxia Online ( Small Editor Finishing! Ningxia Online ( Entertainment News:

Chen Chusheng's girlfriend's positive photo exposed the pregnancy luo Xiangjin was not worth more than a billionaire second generation

However, in August this year, Chen Chusheng's girlfriend was exposed again, and she was pregnant for 7 months. In the photos exposed by the media, Chen Chusheng's girlfriend has a square face and large eyes. Earlier, Chen Chusheng admitted the relationship and disclosed the details of the relationship. Chen Chusheng said, "People should be in love, in love you will learn a lot, tell yourself what is right for you." What I ask for is to be kind, good to my parents, and good to me. "It was actually a performance that I met, the sister of a friend." Feeling comfortable at first sight of her, he left each other's phones. We talked for more than a month before we met again. ”

It is reported that Chen Chusheng's girlfriend Luo Xiangjin is a very virtuous Cantonese girl. In order to take full care of Chen Chusheng's life and work, she has long resigned and become a "full-time housewife".

Ningxia Online ( Small Editor Finishing!

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