
Gout patients can also eat seafood, which you must not miss

author:Taikang yew
Gout patients can also eat seafood, which you must not miss

Gout recipes

The most troublesome thing for gout patients is to avoid eating seafood.

After half a lifetime of hard work, the material conditions of modern people are finally better than in the past, but they find that they have gout and cannot eat seafood.

Don't bother. Kang Kang has prepared two dishes for everyone today, so that everyone can eat seafood at the same time.

Jellyfish and sea cucumbers are low-purine foods in seafood, and can also be consumed in moderation by gout sufferers.

Gout patients can also eat seafood, which you must not miss


Flat and salty. Return to the liver and kidney meridians.

Clear heat and dissolve phlegm, soft and firm loose knots, line siltation accumulation.

Jellyfish have the effect of stopping wound spread and promoting epithelial formation, which is beneficial for gouty and arthritis.

Applicable population: Beneficial for patients with hypertension, tracheitis, asthma, gastric ulcer, rheumatoid arthritis and so on. It is suitable for simple thyroid patients, and it is suitable for people who are drunk and thirsty.

Gout patients can also eat seafood, which you must not miss

Tomato jellyfish


Jellyfish skin 300 g, tomato 50 g, wet starch, ginger, sugar, rice wine, minced green onion, soy sauce, vegetable oil each appropriate amount.


1. Heat the pot with vegetable oil, pour the jellyfish that has been soaked, rinsed thoroughly and cut into slices into the pot, and add a little ginger, sugar, rice wine, minced green onion, and an appropriate amount of soy sauce to taste and remove fishy.

2. Add the washed and cut tomatoes into slices, sauté on high heat for 3-4 seconds, then humidify a small amount of starch, and stir-fry evenly. When the juice is thick, it can be eaten.


Clear heat and dehumidify, soft and firm loose knots. Suitable for patients with gouty arthritis.

Gout patients can also eat seafood, which you must not miss

Cold mix jellyfish skin

Jellyfish skin 500 g, chicken essence, sesame oil, aged vinegar each appropriate amount.

1. Jellyfish skin is washed with water and soaked repeatedly to remove excess salt.

2. Blanch the washed jellyfish skin in warm water (about 70 degrees) for half a minute, then remove it and soak it in ice water for 1 minute.

3. Remove the jellyfish skin, squeeze out the water, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of chicken essence, aged vinegar, and then put two drops of sesame oil.

Clears heat and dissolves phlegm, dispels wind and dehumidification. Suitable for patients with gouty arthritis.

Gout patients can also eat seafood, which you must not miss

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