
Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

author:Popular science circle

Cat is one of the common domestic animals in life, as a companion pet, cats are sometimes well-behaved and cute, sometimes cold and difficult to domesticate, moody but loved by people.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

Domestic cats evolved from wild cats, and in the history of domestication, domestic cats have gone through longer and harder efforts than dogs to break away from the wild world.

According to historical records, the ancestors of European domestic cats were African bobcats, and the ancestors of Asian domestic cats were Indian desert cats.
Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

Archaeologists believe that ancient Egypt was the earliest area of domestic cat domestication, and about 9,000 years ago, due to the importance of cats' ability to catch rats, ancient Egyptians began to raise and breed domestic cats. Therefore, the history of domestic cat domestication can actually be called the history of cats exterminating rats for humans.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

The cat's superb mouse-catching skills have impressed human beings, and gradually occupy an extremely important position in domestic rare animals, becoming one of the most common domestic animals in the folk.

Because of its docile temperament, soft and cute image, people feel pity, with the prosperity of the economy and the improvement of living standards, the domestic cat has become one of the most beloved companion animals of human beings.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

However, biologists believe that domestic cats do not rely too much on humans to survive like other domestic animals, but only see "opportunities" in human life and voluntarily enter human life, in fact, cats still retain the ability to survive independently.

Cats, belonging to the mammalian order, carnivorous order, cat family, pet cat breeds there are about 200 kinds, roughly can be divided into long-haired cats and short-haired cats. For the image of the cat, it can be described in four words: short, round, soft, and warm, with this feature, it easily captured the love of humans.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

Cat owners are estimated to have such an experience, sometimes no matter how to call its name, cats always put on a cold, unreasonable look, and the dog's response is completely different. Some people think that this is because the cat cannot clearly distinguish the owner's voice, and some people think that maybe the cat is too lazy...

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

However, a study by the University of Tokyo showed that the vast majority of cats can actually recognize their owners' voices, but they refuse to respond.

Researchers also made an important discovery that today's domestic cats not only retain most of the genetic characteristics of feral cats, but also retain most of their wild behaviors, such as keen night vision, independent livelihood, hunting characteristics, and so on.
Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

The desire to hunt domestic cats will not fade because humans give enough food, cats are natural "killers", according to the relevant statistics of the United States, 47% of bird deaths are from the mouth of cats.

The reason why cats do not harm humans is mainly because human beings are too large.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

Darwin, in his book Variations of Animals and Plants at Home, recounts that he had seen many domestic cats break away from human breeding, quickly rewild and revert to their primitive ancestors, and easily mate with feral cats to produce offspring.

It is difficult for humans to fully domesticate a cat, and the biggest domestication result in thousands of years is just a few more cats with beautiful coat colors.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

In addition, domestic cats do not expect humans to help find a mate, making cats mating is difficult, and even if humans intervene systematically, it is relatively difficult to obtain embryos.

Cats are highly reproductive and are the only felines that are not listed as rare or endangered.

The life span of cats is generally 12-17 years, and kittens generally reach sexual maturity until about 10-12 months and can be mated. The number of litters in the female cat's nest is staggering, generally 4-6 per litter, and 3 litters can be produced per year, and if there is no human intervention, the cat can simply be called a "walking sowing machine".

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

Strong reproductive capacity, coupled with the flood of urban food garbage, has made it easy for wild cats and stray cats to survive outdoors, and the number has soared, so many organizations have emerged to adopt stray cats and help them neuter.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

Nowadays, more and more people love cats and raise cats, if there is no condition to raise kittens, sterilization for cats has become a sign of civilized pet raising.

Cats belong to seasonal estrus animals, usually in the spring and autumn two seasons of estrus, into the estrus period of the cat, almost in a state of madness, especially at night, the cat bark, like a burst of baby crying, annoying.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

When the female cat is in heat, it will make a different call than usual, appear restless, the tail is raised from time to time, and careful observation will also find that it likes to rub its head and neck on objects, roll and so on.

In addition, at this time, the female cat has a strong smell of secretions, which has the effect of attracting male cats.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

Male cats in estrus are also behaving abnormally as usual, with a loss of appetite, a tail tilted to one side, and a rough and shrill bark.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

Cats in estrus look very painful, but this is also a normal physiological phenomenon. The breeding process, for the female cat population, is punishable.

The duration of cat estrus is about 3-7 days, and the female cat does not undergo mating until the 4-10th day after estrus, mostly choosing to do it in a quiet place at night.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

Male and female cats in estrus will only mate if both partners approve. However, after mating, the female cat will have a strange move: not only will she roll on the ground and bark miserably, but she will also turn her head and attack the male fiercely. Why do female cats behave in such an aberrant manner?

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

The mating time of cats is very short, and during the breeding process, the male cat will closely follow the steps of the female cat and see the opportunity to bite the neck of the female cat. This behavior may cause pain to the female cat.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

The main thing is that the reproductive organs of male cats are covered with "barbs", which can cause great pain to the female cat during breeding. However, the female cat who was bitten in the neck could not move, made a miserable cry, and suffered silently and held a grudge.

Once mating is complete, if the male cat does not recognize each other and still does not leave, the female cat, who is rolling on the ground in pain, will attack.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

This phenomenon is related to the breeding strategy of domestic cats, which are stimulating ovulation animals and need to be stimulated by mating to be able to ovulate. Therefore, the physiological structure of male cats will be more special, otherwise it will not stimulate ovulation of their spouses and thus reproduce the next generation.

Why does the female cat roll on the ground after mating, bark so miserably, and turn her head to attack the male? Why do cats, who have not been fully domesticated, have the reproductive ability of successful cats and the mating of female cats during the estrus period, relentlessly attack male cats?

In nature, under different ecological environments, different animals will develop reproductive strategies that adapt to their own environment, and the ultimate goal is to pass on their genes from generation to generation.


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