
Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

author:Parrot kitchen

Coffee, together with cocoa and tea, is known as the world's top three beverages. Because caffeine can stimulate the central nervous system and achieve a refreshing effect, coffee is simply the brush night companion of the overtime party and the student party. So, in addition to being able to refresh, what knowledge of coffee is worth understanding?

Xiaobian specially sorted out 10 cold knowledge about coffee, and shared several mainstream fancy coffee preparation methods by the way, knowing these, I will never encounter embarrassment when ordering in a café~

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee
1. Coffee is not all bitter

Coffee contains caffeine, and caffeine itself is very bitter, so in our cognition, coffee is bitter. In fact, it is not entirely so, according to the different growth environment of coffee beans, the acidity and alcohol content of coffee are different, in addition, there will be different flavors such as nuts, cocoa, flowers and herbs.

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

Acidity was mentioned earlier, and yes, coffee is not only bitter, but also sour, thanks mainly to the tannins in coffee. The combination of sour, sweet and bitter to varying degrees creates a unique mellow flavor of coffee, and in the international evaluation system, acid-free coffee is basically negative and coarse.

Occasionally we drink coffee will have a feeling of more and more sour, because the boiled tannic acid decomposes into pycnicolic acid, which increases the overall acidity of the coffee. The general café drip black coffee appreciation period is about 1 hour, if you taste the acidity in the coffee is different from the usual, most of the waiter is lazy ~ ~

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

p.s. The coffee mentioned here is black coffee that is not flavored with milk sugar, not the blended coffee we often drink, the concoction coffee will be flavored by the addition of milk and sugar, and what we drink is not the original aroma of coffee.

2. Coffee can lose weight and can also be fat

Generally speaking, caffeine helps to promote metabolism, and drinking black coffee in moderation will not only not be fat, but will accelerate fat loss. And we often drink instant, canned and coffee-making coffee in the café, there are milk, sugar and vegetable fat powder, etc., people who want to lose weight should still choose carefully. If you really can't stand the bitterness of black coffee, choose a simple and low-key latte~!

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

As for how to use coffee to achieve better fat loss, we have already described it in detail in previous articles

3. There is no milk in instant coffee

Instant coffee is an extract obtained after evaporating the water in the caffeine solution, which can be drunk directly when brewed, convenient, fast and cheap, and is probably the most popular coffee drink. Some instant coffee will have a strong milk aroma, not because of the addition of "concentrated milk", but the plant fat powder provides a "milk feeling" for the coffee, and the routine is really invincible.

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee
4. The second pot in coffee - "espresso"

If you often drink coffee in coffee shops, you will find that there is a particularly small cup of coffee that is very popular with foreigners, which is the famous espresso, which is also what we often call espresso.

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

Espresso is a high-purity caffeine extract, is a commonly used coffee base for fancy coffee, generally about 50ml of espresso can be mixed about 400ml of fancy coffee, so without dilution direct drinking, it is still very powerful (of course, it is really really very bitter).

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

In addition, there are two common undiluted espresso blends, namely concentrated campbell blue (espresso with cream) and concentrated macchiato (espresso with milk foam), which neutralize the bitterness of coffee through milk foam and cream, and the taste is not bad

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee
5. Most of the blue mountain coffee in the country is a beautiful lie

The first thing to say is that Blue Mountain Coffee is not a fancy coffee such as latte and mocha, but a coffee drink made from coffee beans from the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, which are divided into Blue Mountain Coffee and Alpine Coffee according to different quality. Jamaica's unique geographical environment has created a unique flavor of Blue Mountain Coffee, a perfect combination of sour, bitter and sweet, and has an extraordinary place in the hearts of coffee lovers.

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

The annual production of Blue Mountain coffee is very limited, and the extremely high quality and huge market demand are doomed to its price and not close to the people.

Most of the Blue Mountain coffee on the domestic market is not authentic, a small part of which uses coffee beans around the Blue Mountains of Jamaica, and a smaller part of the blue mountains are mixed with high mountains and blue mountains, and the vast majority of the rest, Xiaobian does not know what it is (a meaningful laugh).

If you really have the opportunity to drink authentic Blue Mountain, then Xiaobian has only one sentence to emphasize: do not add milk and sugar!

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee
6. Cat coffee is the most inhumane coffee

When it comes to cat coffee, Xiaobian's heart can't help but twitch. Cat coffee is not a coffee made of cat, but a kind of coffee beans in Southeast Asia that cannot be digested and excreted after eating coffee fruits by mistake, and its birth itself is accidental.

When people found that these coffee beans excreted by musk cats had a better taste (here I can't help but ask, what did the first person to find out do?). ), and disaster struck.

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

In order to obtain high profits, some people will breed musk cats, deliberately feed coffee beans, these poor little creatures lose their freedom, but also forced to eat a lot of things they can not digest at all, become a victim of human desires, such coffee, even if the taste is good, Xiaobian is also rejected.

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee
7. The coffee beans of a certain Buck, a certain Star, a certain Danglao and a certain Dekee, traced back to a father

The words "Arabica" are common in cafes, and it is not the name of a coffee bean, but a coffee tree species. The Arabica tree species accounts for 70% of the world's coffee beans, grows mostly at higher altitudes, and is the main commercial coffee. Blue Mountain coffee, Kenya coffee, etc. all belong to the Arabica tree species, and the taste is relatively high-quality.

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

In addition to Arabica, Robusta is also a common coffee tree species that tastes tedious and is much cheaper. In addition, there are Liberian and Arabusta species, which are not common on the market.

8. Latte, the deepest hidden undercover in coffee

Latte is translated from latte, which in Hong Kong is also translated as "milk", which means milk in Italian. Latte alone does not mean that it is a representative of coffee, but only that it contains milk.

So when you say you don't want to drink coffee, the waiter at the café recommends you a matcha latte (milk plus matcha powder and syrup) and a black tea latte (milk plus black tea and syrup), which is really not teasing you!

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

Speaking of latte, it should be the entry-level drink of the café, a simple espresso combined with a thin layer of delicate milk foam milk, neither too bitter nor sweet.

Based on lattes, different syrups and spices are added to produce a variety of fancy coffees. Most of the coffee names are also straight like the athletes of our country - adding vanilla syrup is vanilla latte, adding hazelnut syrup is hazelnut latte, adding caramel syrup is of course caramel latte... As for why there is no chocolate latte, because it has not been named Mocha unkindly.

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee
9. Coffee and milk tea have an illegitimate child

Coffee and milk tea, as the two mountains of the beverage industry, are usually quite fiercely competitive, but what many people don't know is that they once broke through the world's ideas and fell in love with each other, and also married a particularly beautiful name - Mandarin Duck.

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

To be precise, mandarin ducks are made from three kinds of drinks, milk, tea and coffee, and it feels like this circle is also quite chaotic. Compared with traditional coffee, the taste of Mandarin duck is closer to milk tea, but the role of caffeine can not be ignored, do not drink too much, otherwise you will not be able to sleep at night Oh ~!

10. Coffee grounds are not slagged at all

After using ground coffee to prepare coffee, it will leave a lot of dregs, which look like dregs, but in fact, it is a good man at home. After drying, it can be placed in the toilet to remove odors and can also be used as a dehumidifier. In addition, because coffee grounds contain a lot of nitrogen, they can also be used as fertilizer to raise flowers and plants. In short, don't waste it because it looks black~!

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

Finally, share a few common fancy coffee recipes, and qualified friends can try it at home!

American style coffee

Espresso + water

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee


Espresso + milk (small amount of milk foam)

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee


Espresso + Milk (plenty of milk foam) + Cinnamon Powder (depending on taste)

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee


Mocha sauce + espresso + milk + cream

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

Caramel Macchiato

Vanilla syrup + milk + espresso + caramel sauce

Why doesn't Starbucks sell the Blue Mountains? Answer 80% of your doubts about coffee

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