
The door nail meatloaf is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant and moist, and the bite of fresh soup overflows with beauty

author:Chengdu tourism food recommendation

Old Beijing Door Nail Meatloaf is a dish made mainly from flour, beef filling, green onions and so on. It is named because it is shaped like a door nail on a city gate in ancient times. Door nail meatloaf is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant and moist, and a bite of fresh soup overflows with unique flavor.

The door nail meatloaf is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant and moist, and the bite of fresh soup overflows with beauty

【Door nail meatloaf】

Ingredients to be prepared: 400 grams of beef, 2 green onions, 1 gram of peppercorns, 1 gram of allspice powder, a little ginger, 1 egg, 20 grams of oil, 20 grams of sesame oil, 1 tablespoon of dry yellow sauce, 50ml of water, 20 grams of sugar, 3 grams of salt, a little cooking oil.

Ingredients to be prepared: 250 grams of ordinary flour, 2 grams of salt, 40-60 grams of boiling water, 90-110 grams of warm water

【Start making】The first step is to prepare the above ingredients, then divide them into parts, and now prepare the dough. Prepare a large bowl, pour the flour into the bowl, then add salt, then pour boiling water, stir it evenly, pour cold water and stir into a flocculent shape;

The second step is to stir the dough into a flocculent shape, then knead the dough into a smooth dough with a layer of oil on the surface and cover the plastic wrap noodles. (The best time to relax is about 2 hours) The time to relax the dough can come to make beef filling;

Step 3: Prepare a piece of fresh beef, clean the beef, and then dry it with kitchen paper. Cut it into small pieces first, and then chop the beef, beef should not be chopped into puree, it is better to retain a little graininess; (Meat filling is best chopped with a knife)

The door nail meatloaf is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant and moist, and the bite of fresh soup overflows with beauty

Step 4: Prepare two green onions, wash them, split them from the middle, spread them on a board and cut them into thin wires, then slightly chop them with a knife. The shallots are the most fragrant;

The fifth step, prepare the ingredients ginger shredded into ginger minced, can be replaced with ginger juice or ginger powder, after all, many people do not like to eat the meat stuffing inside the granules; ginger can be very good to fishy, so the meat filling can not be without it;

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Step 6: Dig out a spoonful of dry yellow sauce, add two spoonfuls of water, dilute it, and stir well. Pour in the appropriate amount of cooking oil in a small pot, put the peppercorn powder and five-spice powder, turn on the low heat and stir-fry, add the minced ginger and a pinch of green onion, sauté to make the aroma, pour in the boiled dry yellow sauce, stir-fry until the water is absorbed, turn off the heat;

The seventh step, after the water is absorbed, a layer of oil will precipitate on the surface, then you can turn off the heat, then add sugar and oil consumption, stir well, and let cool. Pound an egg into the beef filling, add about 3 grams of salt, pour sesame oil, and finally pour in the cooled yellow sauce;

Step 8, then stir it evenly in one direction, make the meat filling strong, stir until the meat filling is sticky, and then pour the water into the meat filling three times, each time you need to stir until it is absorbed, and then pour it into the next time. Finally, pour in the chopped shallots and stir well;

The door nail meatloaf is tender on the outside and tender on the inside, fragrant and moist, and the bite of fresh soup overflows with beauty

Step 9: Divide the mixture into about 40 grams of filling, knead the rounds, and send them to the freezer freezer for one hour. Put the loose dough on the kneading pad, no need to knead it, just roll it into long strips, but roll it into small agents one by one, each small dose is about 25 grams.

Step 10: Flatten the small dough, roll out into a large dough with a thick middle and thin edges, put it in your hand, and then put in a meat filling, all wrapped up, and the closing place must be pinched tightly to prevent the juice from leaking when heating. Prepare a frying pan on the heat, add the right amount of oil to the pan, add the wrapped pie and fry slowly over low heat.

Step 11: Finally, fry the golden brown at the bottom, then turn over, pour in a little hot water, then cover and simmer for a while. Wait for the water to burn almost, open the lid to take a look, all fried out of the pan;

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