
Small full season arrives, at this time should be healthy spleen to get wet, acid is better, pay attention to the heat of the small full recommended soup soup healthy spleen dispel dampness, beware of wet evil commonly used healthy spleen dispel damp acupuncture point acid is appropriate, spicy to avoid the small full recommended food therapy: lotus leaf porridge

author:Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Health and Wellness

Without waiting for LiXia to go long, the second solar term of summer, Xiao Man, can't wait to come.

The "Explanation of the Seventy-Two Waiting Collections of the Moon Order" once mentioned: "In the middle of April, the small full, the things are so small that they are full." The "fullness" of xiaoman is also often used to describe the surplus and shortage of rainwater. At this festival, the temperature rises significantly, the humidity of the air increases, and the moisture in the air is heated and gathered into rainwater. Subsequently, the arrival of rain dispelled the high temperature, and the temperature dropped significantly after the rain. Therefore, humid and rainy, temperature fluctuations may not be the typical climatic characteristics of the small full solar terms.

Due to the heating of the weather and the increase in consumption, it is necessary to replenish nutrients and liquids in time before and after the small full. It is necessary to focus on soups, soups and other liquids, light and can promote appetite, easy to digest diet, in the form of eating less and more meals is the most appropriate.

Pepper pork belly coix seed soup

【Raw Materials】

Pork belly 500 g, coix kernels 50 g, white pepper, green onion, ginger, a pinch of salt


Rub and wash the pork belly with salt and cooking wine until the mucus is removed and cleaned. Wash the pork belly, add a little cooking wine, green onion, ginger blanched water, blanched, take out, slice and set aside. Heat a wok, add a little oil, sauté white pepper, green onion, ginger, add pork belly, hot water, soaked coix seeds and cook for 45 to 60 minutes, season appropriately before cooking.

【Applicable people】

Pork belly has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, white pepper, coix kernel can remove dampness, suitable for moisture sleepy spleen caused by loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, heavy body, fatigue and fatigue of the population. It is necessary to pay attention to the use of people with heat certificates and heat injuries with caution.

If symptoms such as heat injury, summer humidity, and heat stroke have appeared, you should pay attention to dialectical diet. Weak and lazy speakers pay attention to supplementing the spleen, and night sweats and hot flashes pay attention to qi and yin double supplements.

After the small full, the rain became more and the weather was hot and humid. In this kind of weather, the human body is susceptible to the invasion of wet evil, which in turn produces chest tightness, palpitations, loss of appetite, and general drowsiness.

Because the spleen "likes dryness and dampness", it is most affected by wet evil, and the digestive function of the spleen and stomach will be easily affected. Therefore, in the small full of solar terms, it should be based on healthy spleen and dampness, which can be dispelled by acupuncture point massage, and through moxibustion, warm yang, dampness, and pulse, on the one hand, improve the function of spleen and stomach transportation, remove moisture; on the other hand, it can resist the invasion of moisture into the human body, and prevent disease before illness.

Acupuncture points: Foot Sanli Acupoint, Spleen Yu Acupoint, Middle Acupoint, Tianshu Acupoint, Yinling Spring Acupoint, Fenglong Acupoint, Taibai Acupoint, etc.

Moxibustion method: moxibustion for about 20 to 30 minutes a day, every 10 days of moxibustion can rest for 1 to 2 days, warm moxibustion can be.

Precautions: Patients with yin deficiency need to adjust the acupuncture points taken in the moxibustion treatment, please consult a professional doctor after application, and pay attention to the distance of moxibustion to prevent burns.

When the small full, it is advisable to eat foods based on sour taste, try not to eat spicy and dry things, and vegetables and fruits should also be the best seasonal food. Fresh vegetables and fruits in this period are very rich, what kind of ingredients to choose, but also depends on their own physical situation, for example, people with hyperuricemia are not very suitable for eating foods with high purine content, and people with high blood sugar cannot consume too many fruits with high sugar content at one time.

1 fresh lotus leaf, 100 g rice, rock sugar to taste

Wash and shred the fresh lotus leaves; wash the rice; pour water into the pot, add rice and lotus leaves, cook them into a porridge, and add a little rock sugar to taste.

Lotus leaf porridge can clear the heat and dampness, strengthen the spleen and stomach, suitable for people with symptoms such as loss of appetite and full abdomen after entering the summer, especially for friends who are fat and easy to edema. Pay attention to people with tepid hands and feet, cold intolerance and other symptoms do not eat, diabetics eat with caution.