
Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

author:Meta history

Northern Qi was a regime that existed during the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and the reigning emperors included Gao Yang, Gao Yan, Gao Zhan, Gao Wei, and others. Among these emperors, Gao Yan and Gao Zhan's brothers both broke their brothers' promises after ascending the throne, thought about their sisters-in-law, and even forced them to become their own concubines.

The period of existence of Northern Qi in history was very short, existing for only 28 years. Of course, the decline of the Northern Qi regime was related to every emperor who reigned, and Gao Yang and Gao Zhan were even more guilty, and they were veritable "tyrants".

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

Northern Qi was one of the regimes that existed during the southern and northern dynasties of ancient Wei and Jin in China, and collapsed after 28 years of existence. During this period, most of the monarchs were absurd and tyrannical, robbing the people's women, killing the people, and occupying the wives and daughters of others, which was called one of the most brutal dynasties in Chinese history.

The founding emperor of Northern Qi was Gao Yang, the son of Gao Huan, a major official of Northern Wei, who held military power. In the fifth year of Zhengguang, the Northern Wei Rebellion has since fallen into a situation of divided and chaotic warfare. Faced with this situation, Gao Huan decided to support the puppet emperor Xiaowu Emperor to come to power in order to achieve his goal of controlling the government.

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

In the third year of Yongxi, Emperor Xiaowu was not willing to become just a puppet emperor and decided to flee to guanzhong in order to defect to Yuwen Tai. Gao Huan saw that the puppet emperor he had so painstakingly supported could not be used for himself, so he used his military power and the power of his daughter to depose Emperor Xiaowu and establish Yuan Shanjian as emperor for Emperor Xiaojing, who was then the empress of Emperor Xiaowu.

After Yuan Shan saw that he was proclaimed emperor, Northern Wei was divided and divided into Eastern Wei and Western Wei, with Eastern Wei represented by Gao Huan and others, and Western Wei represented by Emperor Xiaowu and others. Although Gao Huan had already held most of the power of Eastern Wei at that time, he was not satisfied with the status quo, and he decided to attack Western Wei and unify the north.

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

In the fourth year of Wuding, Gao Huan led a large army to attack Western Wei, and he thought he could win a complete victory by natural pride and conceit, but he did not succeed but was defeated by the sword of the Western Wei general Wei Xiaokuan. Gao Huan could not bear the blow and died a year later. Soon after, his son Gao Cheng took over power in Eastern Wei and began his own era.

Compared with his father Gao Huan, Gao Cheng was even more brutal and conceited, and often used political threats to bully Emperor Xiaojing, who could not bear this humiliation and decided to get rid of Gao Cheng. Since he did not have real power, soon after the matter was revealed, Gao Cheng decided to depose Emperor Xiaojing on the charge of treason, and attempted to ascend the throne himself.

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

In the seventh year of Wuding, Gao Cheng premeditated to usurp the throne, but the sky did not follow people's wishes, he was assassinated in the riot, and his younger brother Gao Yang took over the military power of his brother. A year later, Gao Yang felt that the time was ripe, so he forced Emperor Xiaojing to abdicate and ascend the throne himself. Since then, a new regime has been established, known in history as Northern Qi.

After Gao Yang ascended the throne, he was still relatively diligent in government affairs in the early stages, and under his governance, Northern Qi once became a powerful country at that time, even surpassing the two kingdoms of Chen and Western Wei. But this "heyday" situation did not last long before it was defeated by his later absurdity and extravagance.

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

Although Gao Yang is a complete dimwit, he is still very good to his wife, and his wife is Li Zu'e. Even on his deathbed, he did not forget to properly explain that his younger brother Gao Yan must not defile his wife, and Gao Yan also made a commitment to his brother's entrustment.

In the later period, Gao Yang was very faint, and lived a life of indulgence and pleasure every day, even if there was a war on the border, he still went his own way, continuing to play music and dance, and did not care about political affairs at all. As the saying goes, "It's not that you don't report, the time has not yet come", and soon after, Gao Yang died of excessive extravagance.

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

In 559, Emperor Wenxuan of Northern Qi, Gao Yang, died, leaving behind his beloved wife Li Zu'e and the devastated Jiangshan. A year later, Gao Yan succeeded his nephew Gao Yin as the throne and ascended the throne at Jinyang. Like his brother Gao Yang, Gao Yan was also very energetic and friendly in the early stages of Gao Yan, but his later life was also very absurd and extravagant.

Shockingly, Gao Yan coveted the beauty of his sister-in-law Li Zu'e and decided to seize her and make her his empress. This practice of Gao Yan caused public indignation at the time, and the people also vaguely felt that the Northern Qi's Jiangshan would soon perish.

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

There is a fixed number in the dark, and Gao Yan died of an accident after only one year in his reign. Under the influence of Empress Dowager Lou and other ministers, Gao Yan did not pass the throne to his son, but to his younger brother Gao Zhan.

In 561, Gao Zhan ascended the throne and was known as Emperor Wucheng. The first thing Gao Zhan did after ascending the throne was not to seek the welfare of the people, but to carry out a major blood exchange in the palace, and he would kill all the factors that were unfavorable to him, and his tyranny was heinous.

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

In addition to tyranny, he was also very absurd, forcibly occupying the women of the people, and it was common for concubines to marry concubines. But what everyone did not expect was that he was also interested in his sister-in-law Li Zu'e, and also used Li Zu'e's son to threaten her to become his concubine.

In fact, from Li Zu'e's experience, it is not difficult to find that her posture must be very outstanding, otherwise how could the three emperors of the first dynasty be addicted to her. According to historical records, she was "very beautiful" and "the power of the eternal force". But even this does not pay for the absurdity of high performance and superbness.

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

In the end, Li Zu'e was forced to obey Gao Zhan and became Gao Zhan's concubine, but her mind was never on Gao Zhan's body. The so-called "sand that can't be held is better than raising it", and Gao Zhan finally drove Li Zu'e out of the palace. Perhaps it was not a good thing for Li Zu'e to leave the palace, and she would no longer have to see the people she hated.

Perhaps it is that God has eyes, and Gao Zhan, who does no evil, eventually died at a young age. As early as gao yang succeeded to the throne, northern Qi had already fallen apart, and after Gao Zhan's death, northern Qi was even more chaotic, the people had long been dissatisfied with the gao family's rule, and civil uprisings were also frequently broken out. In the end, the Northern Qi regime existed for only 28 years in the hands of several absurd emperors before it completely declined.

Before the emperor died, he begged his brother: The throne gives you not to move your imperial sister-in-law! After the younger brother superficially agreed to ascend the throne, he changed his mind one, founding history two, strong war brother and sister-in-law three, history repeats four, and summed up

Since ancient times, power and status have always been the dream of emperors, and in order to become the most honorable people in the world, they do not hesitate to kill, do not hesitate to violate ethics and morality, and do not hesitate to let the unarmed people suffer. But even if you succeed in ascending the throne, if you just abuse your power, the country is bound to decline, and you will be spurned by future generations.

Although in the entire ancient history, Northern Qi only existed for a short period of 28 years, but its existence is not reasonable, the so-called "existence is reasonable", Northern Qi has also become a better example of waking up to future emperors. Those supreme kings, while enjoying the honor and status that others did not have, also needed to restrain their own actions and take on responsibilities that others did not bear.

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