
General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

author:The division said 123

One day in November 1667, at a pavilion in the imperial capital of the Qing Dynasty, a middle-aged man in his forties paced around the house, looking anxious. He frowned at times, and he hesitated at times. Sometimes he would suddenly sit down and unfold a piece of refined rice paper, which was already densely covered with fly-headed letters, but he still carefully changed it with a brush until he was satisfied. This person had a wide face and a wide face, And Yu Xuan Ang, he was no one else, he was Shi Lang, a great general who later had great martial arts and unified Taiwan.

At this moment, Shi Lang, as the admiral of Fujian, was preparing to present the emperor's shuzhang, and this time he was preparing to face Emperor Chen's "Border Trouble Yijing Shu". As we all know, at that time, the Zheng regime divided Taiwan, and Fujian at this time was on the front line of border defense, and war was about to break out in the front. In this case, as a border defense general, why did Shi Lang have to travel thousands of miles to the Beijing Division?

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

Shi Lang is a native of Jinjiang County, Quanzhou Prefecture, Fujian Province, and can be said to be a native of Fujian, and is very familiar with the geographical mountains and rivers around the Taiwan Strait. Shi Lang's historical background is very complicated, in his early years he was a general of Zheng Zhilong, and in 1646 (the third year of Shunzhi), he surrendered with Zheng Zhilong.

Zheng Zhilong's son Zheng Chenggong was determined to resist the Qing, and Shi Lang soon joined Zheng Chenggong's anti-Qing brigade, becoming the youngest, most knowledgeable, and warlike right-hand man under Zheng Chenggong.

Later, Shi Lang and Zheng Chenggong had contradictions in military strategy, which caused Zheng Chenggong's suspicion. In 1651, due to a rebellion, Shi Lang executed Zheng Chenggong's general Zeng De without authorization, and Zheng Chenggong wanted to curse Shi Lang's entire family on this grounds. Although Shi Lang escaped with the help of his friends, his father and brother were executed. From then on, Shi Lang and Zheng Chenggong formed a great vendetta and decided to surrender again, making enemies of the Zheng clan for the rest of their lives.

After Shi Lang surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, he rose all the way up and was later appointed as the admiral of the Fujian Water Division of the Qing Army.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

Zheng Chenggong's Southern Ming armed forces gradually became powerful, and even in 1658-1659, he also carried out a large-scale Northern Expedition and planned to capture Nanjing. Unfortunately, however, the Northern Expeditionary Army first flourished and then declined, ending in a major defeat, which caused Zheng Chenggong's anti-Qing cause to suffer a fatal setback. In this case, Zheng successfully changed his strategy and in 1661 captured the Dutch-occupied island of Taiwan as his long-term base.

In 1661, the Shunzhi Emperor died and was succeeded by the Third Son, the Kangxi Emperor. In order to deal with Zheng Chenggong, the Qing court adopted the "Five Strategies for Leveling Thieves":

The contents include a 20-year-long relocation order, cutting off Zheng Chenggong's economic and trade financial resources for twenty miles from Shandong to guangdong coastal areas; destroying coastal ships and not allowing them to be launched; and at the same time beheading Zheng Zhilong, the father of Chenggong, at the liuyu place of Ningguta (one said to be cut off at Caishikou in Beijing); digging the tomb of Zheng Cheng's ancestors; relocating officers and soldiers to surrender to Chengcheng, and reclaiming wasteland.

Zheng Chenggong heard the bad news one after another, worried, coupled with the soldiers in Taiwan, the people were afraid, and his son Zheng Jing had an affair with the fourth brother's nursing mother in Penghu, and all the things were superimposed, so that Zheng Chenggong was forced to die of an acute illness in early May 1662, at the age of 39.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

After Zheng Chenggong's death, Zheng Chenggong's Taiwan went through another infighting, and Zheng Jing, the son of Zheng Chenggong, successfully seized power and became the head of the Taiwan division regime.

After Zheng Jing took charge of Taiwan, he inherited Zheng Chenggong's policy, assigned various armies to reclaim the land, sent soldiers to farmers, planted grains, and planted cane to boil sugar. In Taiwan, an administrative system was established and six ministries were set up to manage government affairs. He also "built a holy temple and established a school." Trade with Japan, Spain, Britain, etc., and vigorously develop the economy. Since then, "Taiwan has become increasingly prosperous, and the fields and cities have been wanton, and the interior has not been allowed." The Cheng regime also gained a foothold in Taiwan.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

Zheng Jing also knew that his strength was weak and not enough to compete with the mainland for a long time, so in order to make himself strong in time, he pretended to negotiate peace with the Qing court. In March 1664, the Qing army captured Tongshan, and by this time, all of Zheng's main islands off the coast of the mainland were lost. At the end of this year and the spring of the following year, Shi Lang, the admiral of the Fujian Marine Division, sent troops to Taiwan twice, but they were met with strong winds and returned without success. After weighing the pros and cons, the Qing court also hoped to adopt a peaceful strategy.

From the first year of the Kangxi Dynasty to the 19th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Qing court negotiated with the Zheng regime more than a dozen times, showing great patience.

On the first three occasions, the Qing side put forward the condition of "cutting hair and landing on the shore", and Zheng Jing resisted by imitating the Korean example of "calling Chennagong", but failed to negotiate. In 1667, that is, in August of the 6th year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Kong Yuanzhang, the chief military officer of Fujian Province, sent people to Taiwan with letters from himself and Zheng Jing's uncle Dong Banshe to discuss again, on the condition that if Zheng's hair was shaved and submitted, he could be crowned "King of Eight Min" and ceded to the coastal islands, but Zheng Jing refused to "cut his hair".

Two months later, Kong Yuanzhang personally went to Taiwan and said that if he could pay tribute and send his son to Beijing, he could open up coastal trade. However, Zheng Jing still insisted on "imitating the Korean example" and did not relax, and even explicitly stated that "Taiwan is far overseas, not China's territory," and openly threw out the "one China, one Taiwan" argument, which fundamentally shook Zheng Chenggong's positioning that Taiwan is also "China's land," which was a watershed in the cross-strait policy changes of the Zheng regime.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

Shi Lang, as the admiral of Fujian, had dealt with the Zheng regime for a long time before, and could be said to know himself and know the other. This time when he went to Beijing to face sheng, he wrote down his ideas for solving the Taiwan issue in the "Border Troubles Yi Jing Shu", and Shi Lang's main views were:

1. Zheng Jing and others cannot be allowed to stubbornly resist and occupy Taiwan for a long time, forming a trend that cannot be lost. The Taiwan issue has dragged on for a long time, and the coastal areas of the five southeastern provinces have become borders, causing the already rich southeast region to reduce taxes and reduce taxes, and the people have become more and more impoverished, which is extremely unfavorable to national development in the long run; 2. It is necessary to quickly pacify Taiwan and make a quick decision; after Taiwan's reunification, it will be possible to reduce the local army, restore the local economy, increase taxes, and ensure that the people's livelihood can be stable and the frontier can be stable; 3. Analyze the balance of power between the two sides. The total number of Soldiers and Horses in Taiwan is less than 20,000, and the size of the ships is not more than 200, and the reason why they can occupy Taiwan is because the vast ocean provides them with protection. There were more than 10,000 officers and men of the Fujian Marine Division, as well as many land soldiers and horses under control and officers and men who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty. 4. To attack Taiwan, it must first occupy the Penghu Islands. "Penghu is the throat of Taiwan's four reaches, and the outer guard is the screen, and penghu is taken first, and the victory has been half of it." It is also a service, when it is used together. If the boat division marches forward, if pengdao is held to strangle it, the soldiers will approach, and the thieves will be cold. ” 5. Advocate both suppressing and appeasing, seizing favorable fighters, and sending troops to recruit Taiwan as soon as possible, so as not to breed tigers and leave them behind.

In Shi Lang's "Border Troubles And YiJingShu", his strategy toward Taiwan is very clear. He believes that with regard to the Zheng's Taiwan regime, we should not pin our hopes entirely on the peace talks, and we should make plans early, sooner rather than later, otherwise raising tigers will be a problem. As long as you seize the fighter plane and apply the correct tactics, Taiwan will be easy to conquer.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

The ideal is very full, the reality is very bone. Shi Lang confidently submitted the "Border Troubles YiJingShu", hoping to get the attention of the Kangxi Emperor, but at this time it was the seventh year of Kangxi, the Kangxi Emperor was just 14 years old, although he was already pro-government, but the power was in the hands of the powerful minister Aobai, so that this song did not attract enough attention.

But Shi Lang was not discouraged, and in April of the following year, he once again played "Exhausting What Chen Saw and Neglected". In this essay, Shi Lang once again stressed the advantages of attacking Taiwan a day earlier, and said that he had achieved "knowing oneself and knowing the other" and that Taiwan would certainly be able to "count the days and be at peace." He once again looked forward to the beautiful vision of reunifying Taiwan by force: a momentary effort, and the ease of all generations.

Shi Lang played it twice in a row, and the Qing court finally felt that the matter was "of great importance and inconvenient to determine", so the Qing government summoned Shi Lang to Beijing to discuss it.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

As a result of the court discussion, Shi Lang's proposition was attacked by the central conservative forces headed by Ao Bai, who rejected the theory of conquest on the pretext that the sea was dangerous and far away, the wind and waves were unpredictable, the victory was driven by a gallop, and everything was difficult to calculate. Subsequently, the Qing court dismissed the Admiral of Fujian, burned and sunk the warships, and set up only one general soldier to guard Haicheng (belonging to Zhangzhou Prefecture), while Shi Lang stayed in Beijing as a minister of the interior, and the proposal to restore Taiwan was shelved.

But he is still determined to take revenge on Taiwan and realize his wishes. On his day in Beijing, he closely watched the coastal trends in Fujian, carefully studied the wind and tide, and patiently waited for the imperial court in the palace every day, which was 13 years.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

In this long 13 years, many important historical events have taken place.

On May 16, 1669, the 15-year-old Kangxi Emperor used a plan to eliminate the Aobai clique and began to directly control power. The young Kangxi Emperor was finally able to exert his fists and feet and write a magnificent blueprint, and from this moment on, the Qing Empire was like a rising sun, rising in the east of the world.

At this time, Kangxi was still worried about the situation in the southeast and hoped to achieve peaceful reunification of the two sides of the strait through peace talks. In July of that year, the Kangxi Emperor sent Cai Yurong, a servant of the Punishment Department, to Quanzhou, first sending people to Taiwan, and then negotiating with zheng's representatives in Quanzhou.

Zheng Jing still insisted on following the Example of the DPRK and refused to cut his hair; the Qing side allowed "feudalism and the world to guard Taiwan", only stressing that it was not possible to "make different systems and not to wear clothes", and did not give in to the issue of "shaving hair". In this regard, the emperor's edict explained it as follows:

"Korea is a country that has never been owned, and Zheng Jing is a Chinese person, and if he does not shave his hair because he lives in Taiwan, he will submit to Hime-cheng, on what basis?"
General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

This brings us to the essence of the problem, that is, the relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are internal issues of the Chinese, which are completely different from the relations between China and the DPRK, and the so-called "shaving of hair" issue is not a simple dispute over ethnic customs, but whether cross-strait relations should be handled under the premise of "one China." From the fact that the Kangxi Emperor repeatedly refused to "follow the Korean case" of Taiwan's Cheng clan, it can be seen that the bottom line of his policy of appeasing Taiwan is national reunification, that is, to include Taiwan in the territory of the great unification of China.

Soon, the situation suddenly changed, and the only way to recover Taiwan was to put aside first. In the twelfth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, that is, in November 1673, Wu Sangui rebelled against the Qing In Kunming, opening the prelude to the "San Fan" rebellion. The Qing Dynasty mobilized the strength of the whole country and took eight years to calm it down.

During the Reign of the Kangxi Emperor, the Qing court, although unable to catch it, paid close attention to Taiwan affairs. In the four years from the sixteenth to the nineteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Qing court had six contacts with the Zheng regime. In April of the sixteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, after Jieshu the Prince of Kang led an army into Fujian, he twice sent envoys to appease Zheng Jing with favorable conditions. The Qing court made great concessions to Zheng Jing, and even agreed to Zheng Jing's wish for many years to become a vassal state of the Great Qing "following the example of Korea", but Zheng Jing had long wangshu and put forward a request to occupy the coastal islands and supply grain, and the negotiations failed again.

In the autumn of the seventeenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Yao Qisheng, the governor of Fujian, twice sent people to advise Zheng Jing, and his letter stated:

"Who has no parents? Who doesn't have a grave? Instead of wading into the waves and fighting for size, if you return to your hometown and be knighted by the dynasty? ”

It can be said that it is already reasonable and emotional.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

In May of the eighteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, Jieshu the Prince of Kang again sent someone to see Zheng Jing, promising that if Zheng Jing surrendered to Taiwan, he could pay tribute to Chenna instead of shaving his hair according to the Korean example. This was the biggest concession made by the Qing court, which agreed to the fundamental request of Zheng Jing, but Zheng Jing was not sincere, and once again made a difference, and even proposed to use Hai Cheng as a "public office" for exchanges, and demanded 60,000 taels of "foreign salary" every year. Negotiations are once again stranded.

In August of the nineteenth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, the Qing army recaptured Haicheng and Xiamen, Zheng Jing was defeated and returned to Taiwan, and the entire territory of Fujian was owned by the Qing Dynasty. The Qing side once again extended an olive branch, and the general Lai Ta wrote to Zheng Jing saying:

"If you can protect the territory and stop the troops, you don't have to go ashore, you don't have to shave your hair, you don't have to change your clothes; you can pay tribute to your subjects, and you can also call your subjects not to pay tribute."

Three "no needs" and two "keye" have almost reduced the negotiation conditions of the Qing side to the lowest level, and the only remaining requirement is only "to protect the border and stop the troops.".

Faced with such favorable conditions, Zheng Jing agreed on the one hand, and on the other hand proposed to use Haicheng as a "mutual market office" to try to plant a "nail" on the mainland, which was categorically rejected by Yao Qisheng, the governor of Fujian.

In the twentieth year of the Kangxi Dynasty, that is, on March 17, 1681, Zheng Jing died.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

After Zheng Jing's death, his son Zheng Kezang succeeded to the throne, and was immediately killed by the powerful minister Feng Xifan and others, and Zheng Jing's second son Zheng Ketuan (only 12 years old, Feng Xifan's son-in-law) was made the Prince of Yanping. The coup d'état within Taiwan made the centripetal force of Cheng's Taiwanese officials begin to waver. Yao Qisheng, the governor of Fujian, saw this as a good time to attack Taiwan and recommended Shi Lang to the Kangxi Emperor.

The Kangxi Emperor also believed that the opportunity could not be lost, and under the strong recommendation of Li Guangdi and other ministers of the dynasty, Shi Lang finally reinstated himself as the admiral of the Fujian Water Division, and added the title of prince to the rank of prince.

This has been exactly 13 spring and autumn since Shi Lang wrote the book! In the past 13 years, there are too many things that can be changed, the former prime-aged heroes have become old, although the green silk has become white hair, but what remains unchanged is the original heart and ambition.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

After Shi Lang returned to Xiamen, he worked day and night to prepare for war, on the one hand, the whole ship, on the other hand, training troops, part-time manufacturing equipment, personally selecting craftsmen and ships, which lasted for several months, making the Fujian marine division look brand new.

Probably smelling something, the Taiwan authorities once again sent someone to Fu to suggest peace. At this time, the officials represented by Yao Qisheng in the Qing Dynasty actually agreed to negotiate peace and opposed the use of troops in Taiwan. However, with the passage of time, the situation on both sides of the strait has become completely different from before, and now the morale of the Qing army is high, the Zheng army in Taiwan is anxious, and the reunification of Taiwan is already on the arrow and has to be sent.

Therefore, the Kangxi Emperor eliminated dissent and instructed Shi Lang: "The matter of entering and suppressing Taiwan is very important, and if there is an opportunity, it must not be lost." On May 23, the twenty-second year of the Kangxi Dynasty (1683 AD), the Kangxi Emperor made up his mind and instructed to advance his troops as quickly as possible. On June 11, Shi Lang convened a meeting of the generals at Tongshan to arrange for the dispatch of troops. Three days later, the Qing army set out from Tongshan, and the battle to unify Taiwan began.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

On June 14, 1683, Shi Lang led 20,000 sailors and more than 230 warships, unexpectedly, with the help of trade winds, to penghu; this move was completely unexpected by Liu Guoxuan, the enemy of Penghu, who did not expect that Shi Lang, who knew the wind and weather at sea, would choose the season of strong winds and waves to attack Penghu, and was caught off guard because of the suddenness of the incident. After fierce fighting, the Qing army achieved a comprehensive victory, killing and wounding 12,000 officers and men of the Zheng army and capturing more than 5,000 people. Destroyed and captured more than 190 Zheng Jun warships. Liu Guoxuan fled to Taiwan.

After that, Shi Lang stepped up military operations on the one hand, and on the other hand, he appealed to the Zheng clique that occupied Taiwan. Under the pressure of Shi Lang's army, Zheng Ketuan completely broke down and prepared to sacrifice soil and surrender.

On August 13, Shi Lang led the boat division to Taiwan. After Shi Lang entered Taiwan, he took the initiative to go to the temple of Zheng Chenggong, and highly praised Zheng's successful recovery of Taiwan as a move for the country and the people, and expressed no resentment against Zheng Chenggong. After the sacrifice was completed, Shi Lang choked up and burst into tears, and the officers and soldiers of the Zheng clan and the people of Taiwan were deeply moved. The people of Taiwan praised Shi Lang for his broad-mindedness, which was far beyond the reach of Wu Zixu in the Spring and Autumn Period. At this point, Taiwan has returned to the embrace of the motherland, and the great cause of national reunification has finally been completed.

General Shi Lang: Military reunification of Taiwan, it is better to do so sooner rather than later, so as not to breed tigers for the 01 background 02 one in one Taiwan 03 strategy 04 shelved in the high cabinet 05 tug-of-war peace talks 06 the opportunity must not be lost 07 destroy the decay 08 concluding remarks

Shi Lang quickly took Taiwan, which was completely consistent with his strategy more than a decade ago. At that time, he advocated that the Taiwan issue should be resolved earlier so as not to cause misfortune to the country, but the time was not ripe. When the time comes, it will be more than ten years later. Fortunately, the Kangxi Emperor, who had great talent and great talent, was able to overcome public opinion when the opportunity came, reuse Shi Lang, and decisively intervene, and finally completely resolved the Taiwan issue during his term of office.

Assuming that the Kangxi Emperor was hesitant and undecided in the face of events, Taiwan's development direction is likely to be the 2.0 version of North Korea. With the strong rise of western powers in military science and technology, the strong ships and guns of late-developing powers such as Britain and France may appear in the waters of the Far East at any time. Without the feat of 1683, Taiwan, our treasure island, would have been lost hundreds of years ago. In this sense, when it is broken, it can be broken, so as not to be chaotic!

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