
The shape of the strange dog Dog Duoduo and the ball ball is cute and hateful

author:Apricot who walks the dog every day

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I don't know from what day on, in this family, I became a slave to the dog, and the dog became my master.

Every day, before dawn, Toto would be twittering to get up to go out, and she reminded me again and again with a "humming" sound that I could not continue to lie in bed, and I could not get up and simply freshen up, take her and Qiu Qiu (also the dog's name) out to see the scenery, and then solve their defecation by the way.

They are all girls, in my eyes they are people, there are not many animal stupidity, some are human intelligence and elves. I was so tortured by them that my brain was not good, and my life was almost filled with two dogs.

The most damning thing is that Duoduo is particularly impulsive in the face of emergencies, she is impulsive and reckless, if I insist on pulling her dog leash, her strength will take me to any dangerous and non-dangerous place, the problem may be serious, the result may be funny.

The ball is a small Bomei, very well-behaved and obedient. Duoduo is a Labrador, belongs to the medium and large dogs, the amount of activity every day is relatively large, do not play her tired, my days can not be idle, she has been clamoring to go out to play.

Sometimes I think, if I accompany the dogs day and night, will I eventually become a dog and have a human skin bag!

Heck, what does life end up changing people into?!


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