
Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

author:Meta history

The bravery and talent of the generals alone are not enough to fight each other, and it is also very important to be able to better spy on the military and obtain more information for their own army. These people who lurk around the enemy to spy on intelligence are called agents, and they are mysterious in their service to the country and use their abilities to guarantee the victory of the war.

And in our country there is a "king of secret agents", he is meticulous and humble, he has provided our army with a lot of intelligence and also helped our party's underground personnel to carry out secret transfers behind his back, he is a hero who walks on the tip of the knife, he has a sincere loyalty to the motherland, he is Li Kenong, a veteran party member and old agent of China!

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

People are not unfamiliar with the word "agent", many film and television works such as movies, TV series contain a lot of plot content about agents. Many people think that this must be a powerful profession, very cool and handsome, admired by thousands of people is able to influence the existence of the war situation, but these are after all the appearance of being filmed, the real agent can be much more bitter.

If you want to be a secret agent, you not only need to have enough ability but also have a delicate heart, a good agent must learn to observe the color, carefully observe the surrounding situation before acting, in order to ensure their own safety. The agent is a presence that penetrates into the enemy's interior, and no one can give him absolute safety and protection, and all he can rely on is himself.

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

And Li Kenong knows this very well, he knows that once he steps into this industry, he will never have a chance to turn back. But even if he knew this, Li Kenong still embarked on this road without hesitation, for Li Kenong, the party can win early victory, the people can live a good life at an early date, is to support his long-term lurking underground as a secret agent of the industry's belief.

A gun is enough to kill a person easily, but a person's faith cannot be easily destroyed, and even a shell cannot destroy it. In 1946, the War of Liberation broke out, and in order to win the final victory, Li Kenong bid farewell to his relatives and friends and embarked on a journey to Chongqing, and he wanted to go deep into the enemy camp to find more information about the enemy and report to our army.

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

This is not a movie plot, this is not a novel adaptation, this is a real thing that happened to Li Kenong. Stepping into Chongqing is like stepping into the abyss with half a foot, and Li Kenong knows in his heart that any person here may be plainclothes of the Kuomintang, and he must be extremely careful in his words and deeds, otherwise he may be killed at any time, so that not only will he die, but the tasks entrusted to him by the party will not be completed.

Li Kenong lived carefully in Chongqing, without exposing the slightest flaw. Not only was he himself, but he also admonished his subordinates and friends, in his words, "Our work is not like the front line, we must keep it strictly confidential and no one can reveal it, even if I talk to you, you must keep an eye on it." ”

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

Some people may ask, why is Li Kenong so powerful, but I have never heard of his name? It is not surprising that because of his work, Li Kenong was so low-key in his life that after liberation, people still mentioned his name as confused and unfamiliar. Although the name is not familiar to people, what he does is seen by the party and the state.

In early 1931, Gu Shunzhang, the head of the Central Special Branch, was arrested. In the face of the Kuomintang's coercion of words and sugar-coated shells, Gu Shunzhang forgot the party's teachings and the needs of the people, completely surrendered to the enemy in spite of his status as a party member, and confessed all the staff and work places of our party in Shanghai.

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

Upon hearing the news, Chiang Kai-shek was overjoyed and immediately asked Xu Enzeng to send troops to arrest these party members. If the arrest is successful, not only will our party's underground work in Shanghai fall completely, but the lives and safety of Zhou Gong, Deng Yingchao, Qu Qiubai, Nie Rongzhen, Bogu, and other party members will also be threatened!

This is a critical juncture that determines life and death, and any decision will dictate the outcome. After Qian Zhuangfei, the red agent of our army lurking in the military command, learned of this incident, he informed Li Kenong as quickly as possible, and Li Kenong, who received the news, broke out in a cold sweat, he knew that there was no other way at this time, he must contact his superiors to immediately let the party members evacuate Shanghai!

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

But this is a double-edged sword! At that time, Li Kenong was not in a safe situation, he also lived in the shadow of the enemy, and that day was not a joint day, and it was bound to attract the attention of the enemy if the enemy discovered his true identity. But Li Kenong could not manage so much, and he resolutely contacted the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee to inform him of the matter.

And it was precisely because of Li Kenong, Zhou Gong and others that they could evacuate Shanghai in time and let the Kuomintang pounce. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhou Gong was full of emotion whenever he mentioned this matter, "I have seen all the winds and waves in my life, but the one in Shanghai in 1931 was the most thrilling and frightening experience in my life, and at that time I might not have been able to come back without the help of Comrade Li Kenong." ”

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

Li Kenong was born in 1899 in Chaohu City, Anhui Province, an ordinary family, of which Li Kenong was the eldest son who was loved by his parents from an early age. However, Li Kenong did not go astray because he was favored, and under the influence of his father, he began to learn at the age of six, because he was born smart and clever, Li Kenong was deeply liked by the school teachers and had high hopes for him.

Originally, Li Kenong's father wanted to train him to be a student deeply influenced by Confucianism, and to create a career in the future by taking the imperial examination to obtain a meritorious name. But Li Kenong did not want to do this, he had read books, he clearly saw the corruption and incompetence of the Qing government, and he could not accept that he would have to work for such a government in the future!

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

Later, Li Kenong came into contact with Marxism, and he was deeply influenced by Marxism. In order to save the country from fire and water, Li Kenong joined the Communist Party of China in 1926 and became a member of the Communist Party. This was the first time that the filial piety of Li Kenong had done anything against his parents' wishes.

Li Kenong did all the work entrusted to him by the party without any disclosure. Because of the long-term high-intensity work, Li Kenong has been relying on drug treatment to maintain his body after the founding of the People's Republic of China. People around him often advised Li Kenong to relax and go abroad for treatment after all, his body was important, but Li Kenong refused.

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

On the evening of February 9, 1926, Li Kenong returned home with a heavy sick bone, and he had just returned home from a meeting and had dinner, and then he went to the office to work. The family saw that his face was not right and wanted to stop him from taking a rest, but he sternly refused.

Closing the door of the office, Li Kenong was on his desk, but this time God did not give him the opportunity to continue working. The "king of agents" in China collapsed on his desk and died at the age of 63. Li Kenong spent his life making contributions to the cause of New China.

Li Kenong, known as China's "King of Secret Agents", how powerful is he? First, act low-key and water-free two, legendary life achievements and fame three, the great fourth of ordinary deaths, summary

Perhaps Li Kenong was not as brave as the soldiers on the front line, not as intelligent as the generals who led the army. But he was brave, he dared to maneuver with the enemy on the enemy's turf to serve our Party, and this courage and unparalleled wisdom were beyond the reach of others. For this "King of Agents", people will pay him their most sincere respect.

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