
No contact, 14 seconds to infect! "Delta" is coming fiercely! What are the features? Expert reminder →

author:China Youth Network

Recently, the local cluster of epidemics caused by overseas imports has affected many provinces. At present, the main transmission of Delta mutant strains poses greater challenges to prevention and control work due to the characteristics of fast transmission speed, fast internal replication, and long yin time. Compared with the original strain of the new coronavirus, what are the new characteristics of the Delta strain?

What are the characteristics of the Delta strain?

First, delta strains spread faster: even without contact, they can be infected in 14 seconds. Previously, the Guangzhou police, who were responsible for assisting in the epidemiological investigation, had released a surveillance video: in the same restaurant, the third-generation infected Huang and the fourth-generation infected Lu went into the bathroom successively, and completed the virus transmission in 14 seconds without any physical contact.

No contact, 14 seconds to infect! "Delta" is coming fiercely! What are the features? Expert reminder →

Secondly, the Delta strain spreads more widely: in the previous epidemic in Guangdong, there were five or six generations of cases in just 10 days.

In addition, the Delta strain is more toxic, and the proportion of patients who turn to severe and critical after the onset of the disease is higher than before, and the time to turn to severe and critical is earlier.

Moreover, after the Delta strain is infected, the symptoms are atypical. Qiu Haibo, an expert in the medical treatment group of the Jiangsu Working Group of the Comprehensive Group of the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council, pointed out that in the Nanjing epidemic, after being infected by the "Delta" strain, the early symptoms may only be manifested as fatigue, olfactory disorders or mild muscle soreness, and the symptoms are very atypical.

What stage is the current outbreak?

The local epidemic caused by "Delta" is spreading in many provinces and cities, what stage is the current round of epidemic? When will it be controlled? He Qinghua, a first-level inspector of the Disease Control Bureau of the National Health Commission, made an analysis.

No contact, 14 seconds to infect! "Delta" is coming fiercely! What are the features? Expert reminder →
No contact, 14 seconds to infect! "Delta" is coming fiercely! What are the features? Expert reminder →

He Qinghua, first-level inspector of the Disease Control Bureau of the National Health Commission: From the current situation, the overall situation of the epidemic is controllable. However, due to the large scope of the current round of epidemics, the wide range of people, and the superposition of local epidemics caused by imported cases from multiple different sources, the arduousness and complexity of the entire epidemic prevention and control work have increased. However, as long as all localities strictly implement various prevention and control measures, I think the epidemic can be basically controlled in two or three incubation periods.

No contact, 14 seconds to infect! "Delta" is coming fiercely! What are the features? Expert reminder →

Delta Multi-Point Diffusion How should individuals protect themselves?

In the face of the fierce Delta, what should we ordinary people do? Do existing personal protective measures need to be changed?

No contact, 14 seconds to infect! "Delta" is coming fiercely! What are the features? Expert reminder →

He Qinghua, first-level inspector of the Disease Control Bureau of the National Health Commission: From the perspective of citizens themselves, everyone should be the first responsible person for health, and it is necessary to further improve the awareness of prevention and achieve one prevention, one inspection and one report.

No contact, 14 seconds to infect! "Delta" is coming fiercely! What are the features? Expert reminder →

First, "prevention", we must continue to do a good job in personal protection, adhere to good hygiene habits such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, and one-meter line, gather less, do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, and cannot create rumors, actively cooperate with the implementation of various epidemic prevention measures, and actively take the initiative to vaccinate.

The second is to "reduce" to reduce inter-provincial and inter-municipal travel, and the flow of people in medium- and high-risk areas should be strictly restricted.

The third is "reporting", which is to report abnormal conditions in time, if there are some cough, fever, sore throat, fatigue, diarrhea and other symptoms, in the case of personal protection, immediately go to the nearest fever clinic for screening and treatment.

During the treatment, you are not allowed to take public transportation, let alone go to crowds. As individuals, we should do a good job in these aspects, so that everyone can participate in the prevention and control of the epidemic, so that the epidemic can be controlled as soon as possible.

Source: CCTV Finance

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