
Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

author:Mr. Oligarchy

In the last issue, we took stock of Jin Yong's ten palm techniques, in this issue we will explore the martial arts, seek common ground while reserving differences, and those who have other views can communicate in the message area.

Representative figures: Zhao Kuangyin, Xiao Feng

Introduction to martial arts: At that time, Zhao Kuangyin, the Grandfather of the Song Dynasty, with a pair of fists and a rod, laid down the splendid rivers and mountains of the Great Song Dynasty, and that set of "Taizu Long Fist" and "Taizu Stick" was the most popular martial art in the Northern Song Dynasty Martial Forest. Taizu Changquan itself only had sixty-four moves, but each move was mutual restraint.

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: On juxian zhuang, Xiao Feng used the most widely circulated Taizu long fist in the jianghu, and the fist technique was soft and soft, and it had reached the perfect state of boxing that the martial arts masters had hoped to achieve all their lives, beating the heroes of the world to tie their hands, and making the two senior monks of the Shaolin Sect Xuan Nan and Xuan Huan ashamed of themselves.

Representative figures: Zhang Zhaozhong, Lu Feiqing

Introduction to martial arts: The wudang sect in the shujian period is an extremely clever martial art, paying attention to soft kegang, not moving, holding the yuan into one, waiting for the enemy.

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: Lu Feiqing used this martial art to defeat Jiao Wenqi in the Six Demons of Kanto, but it was his disciple Zhang Zhaozhong who really carried forward this way of boxing. When Zhang Zhaozhong faced a strong enemy, he mainly used two kung fu skills, that is, The Rouyun Sword Technique and the Wuji Xuangong Fist. Zhang Zhao reused this way of boxing to compete with Chen Jialuo, Wang Weiyang, Wen Tailai and other good players, quite not weak, and even with this boxing method to prove martial arts with Yuan Shixiao, it was a first-class boxing technique in the world.

Representative figures: Yuan Chengzhi, Gui Xinshu

Introduction to martial arts: This is the most powerful fist technique of the Huashan Sect at the end of the Ming Dynasty, this way of boxing moves with great strength, a punch is like a hammer hitting a rock, a giant axe to open the mountain.

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: This kung fu is the stunt of Mu Renqing, the leader of the Huashan Sect, the Divine Sword Immortal Ape, among which Mu Renqing's second disciple Gui Xin Shu did his best to pass on the true transmission of the Benlu Fist Technique, beat invincible hands all over the world, and won the title of "Invincible Divine Fist". Yuan Chengzhi was also very proficient in this way of mastery, and used it many times in the hands of the number one fierce enemy, Yu Zhenzi, and finally in the decisive battle between the two of them in Huashan, Yuan Chengzhi opened the mountain with a move in the broken jade fist, killing this super master who did nothing evil.

Representative figures: Ouyang Feng, Ouyang Ke

Introduction to martial arts: This way of boxing is the Western Poison Ouyang Feng painstakingly trained the masterpiece, the purpose of this road of boxing is that the arm seems to be able to bend in the place where it cannot be bent, the enemy only said that the fist has been opened, and even if you know that at the closest place to the enemy, there is suddenly a punch from the unpredictable direction.

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: This is the wonderful kung fu that Ouyang Feng originally planned to overwhelm the other three in one fell swoop during the second Huashan Competition, but unfortunately, Ouyang Ke used this kung fu to show off his martial prowess and injured Guo Jing, who had just practiced the Eighteen Palms of the Dragon, so that Hong Qigong could see it. With Hong Qigong's insight, he couldn't think of a way to crack it for a while, which showed the strength of this kung fu.

Representative figures: Yuan Shixiao, Chen Jialuo

Introduction to martial arts: This set of martial arts was created by Yuan Shixiao, a strange hero of Tianchi, and the boxing method encompasses hundreds of families, and is intended to be aimed at the eight characters of "paradoxical and unexpected". The others only said that their fists and feet were all wrong, and they didn't know that it was precisely because they were all wrong that the other party could not prevent it. All martial arts masters must be knowledgeable in what they see and hear, and what they have learned must be refined, and they have long had a definite opinion in the chest of the martial arts of various schools, so it is inevitable that "hundred flowers" are easy to enemies, and "wrong" words are difficult to be used.

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: The Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist represents the most profound martial art of Tianchi Monster, but Yuan Shixiao vowed not to fight alone with others, so it was his disciple Chen Jialuo who really carried forward this kung fu. Chen Jialuo used this technique to defeat Zhou Zhongying, the lord of the Iron Bile Village, and for a time the fire judge Zhang Zhaozhong was at a loss. If the characteristics of the Spirit Snake Fist are "odd", then the characteristics of the Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist are "wrong", which makes people suffer a big loss under the circumstances of course.

Representative figures: Lin Chaoying, Xiaolongnü, Yang Guo

Introduction to martial arts: This is the most wonderful and ingenious martial art in the Tomb Sect, created by the grandmaster Lin Chaoying. Each move of this way of boxing is a simulation of an ancient beauty, and each move has a history. Women's posture and mind have changed a lot and quickly, and there are famous women in the past who have an extraordinary personality, and it is even more difficult to know the difficulty of laughing and sadness.

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: The first and only time the beauty boxing technique was used, the user was Yang Guo. This kung fu was originally quite unsightly when it was made by a man, but when Yang Guo studied it, his posture had changed, and the famous fist technique was as old as before, but his body technique had become graceful and feminine and flowing. The onlookers were confused, and saw him suddenly dancing, suddenly standing in shape, looking different, extremely strange. Yang Guo also used his kung fu to defeat Darba, a disciple of the Golden Wheel Guoshi, at Dashengguan. Later, the "Three Moves of Beauty" created by Su Quan was probably the shadow of this martial art.

Representative figure: Xuan Ci

Introduction to martial arts: One of the 72 skills of Shaolin, it is also one of the most difficult kung fu to cultivate, and the Shaolin Sect often has to be separated by more than 100 years before there is a special talent who can practice this martial art. As for the know-how of practicing gong and so on, the previous generation of senior monks recorded in detail in the martial arts scriptures, and sometimes none of the hundreds of monks in the whole monastery practiced it, but it was not lost.

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: Xuan Ci was the only person in the world who had learned to become a Big Kong Fist, this fist was fierce and invincible, and it made Xiao Feng feel quite uncomfortable when he punched it. In the face of the provocation of the new gang leader You Tanzhi, Xuan Ci proposed to use the Great Donkey Kong Fist to fight against the Twenty-Eight Palms of the Descending Dragon of the Gang, which shows the degree of Trust Xuan Ci has in this kung fu. Hatsuma Zhi used the small wuxiang gong to make the great Vajra Fist, and the power was also extremely large, but the slight twists and turns were inevitably a bit plausible.

Representative figures: Mu Lingzi, Xie Xun, Zhang Wuji

Introduction to martial arts: The gatekeeper kung fu of mu lingzi, the ancestor of the Kun Gong Sect, can have a total of seven different forces in one punch, or fierce, or feminine, or soft in the rigid, or soft in the rigid, or horizontal, or straight, or inward, so that the enemy has no way to guard. It's just that every time this way of martial arts is practiced, one's own internal organs are damaged once, and the so-called seven injuries are actually to hurt oneself first, and then hurt the enemy, but if the internal skills are profound, the practice is not only harmless, but also strengthens the internal organs.

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: Xie Xun thought that after learning the Seven Wounded Fist, his skills had greatly improved, and he could defeat his master Cheng Kun, and finally karma, in the Shaolin Temple, Xie Xun used the Seven Wounded Fist to beat Cheng Kun's blood spurt, broken his veins, and lost all his martial arts. However, because Xie Xun's skills were not enough, he would hurt his heart pulse when practicing the Seven Wounded Fists, and he would not be able to suppress his frenzy sometimes. Zhang Wuji was able to perfectly transport the Seven Wounded Fists, but because of his benevolent nature, he rarely used this kung fu, in fact, with the depth of Zhang Wuji's internal strength, he transported the Seven Wounded Fists, and who could stop that kind of power?

Representative figures: Zhou Botong, Guo Jing, Yelüqi

Introduction to Martial Arts: Zhou Botong was trapped in the cave of TaohuaDao for 15 years because his martial arts were inferior to Huang Yaoshi, and he based on the Quanzhen Sect of Kung Fu and borrowed the ideas in the Taoist "Tao Te Ching" to create these seventy-two empty Ming Fists, which were aimed at the four words of "Empty and Clear", with a total of sixteen characters of "Empty Misty Cave Pine, Wind Tong Rong Dream, Chong Poverty Zhonglang, and Tong Yong Bow Worm". Every word makes a lot of sense, and the empty fist is the softest boxing technique in the world.

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: Kung Ming Quan is a superior martial art, especially when used in conjunction with the left-right martial arts, which is more unpredictable. Zhou Botong and Ouyang Feng, Qiu Qianling, Yang Guo and other first-class good players did not fall behind. In the Valley of Absolute Love, Zhou Botong's Empty Ming Fist exerted its power, responding to reality with the void, transporting the air as strong, and fighting with the Ten Dragons of the Golden Wheel Guoshi Division. Guo Jing can even play the Eighteen Palms of the Descending Dragon and the Heavenly Fist of the Most Soft at the same time, which is really a combination of rigidity and softness, supplemented by yin and yang, which makes it difficult for people to overwhelm.

Representative figures: Zhang Sanfeng, Zhang Wuji, Yu Lianzhou

Introduction to martial arts: This is Zhang Sanfeng's integration of more than a hundred years of skill, a high-level boxing technique created by himself, Taijiquan is completely different from the way of self-martial arts, paying attention to static braking and post-attack. Zhang Sanfeng confidently believes that as long as this set of Taijiquan can be passed on to future generations, the great name of the Wudang Sect will be able to pass on through the ages. The soft strength of this Taijiquan is the softest kung fu in the martial arts of the world, and the so-called "one feather cannot be added, and the fly cannot fall", from sticky to virtual, stretching with the curve, with the "shape of the elderly", resulting in "the hero is invincible".

Jin Yong Ten Great Fists: Taizu Long Fist Bottom, Da Vajra Fist Regrettably Fell Red List, TaijiQuan Actually Deserved tenth place: Taizu Long Fist Ninth Place: Wuji Xuangong Fist Eighth Place: Broken Jade Fist Seventh Place: Spirit Snake Fist Sixth Place: Hundred Flowers Wrong Fist Fifth Place: Beauty Fist Fourth Place: Great Kong Fist Third Place: Seven Wounded Fist Second Place: Kongming Fist First Place: TaijiQuan

Reason for the list: Zhang Wujie just learned tai chi and was able to defeat two masters of Ah Er and Asan with this style of boxing, and this martial art also opened the eyes of the heroes of the world. And Zhang Wuji learned the method of practicing qi from Taijiquan, and the more he fought, the more he became more and more powerful, the most durable, and he was not afraid of a long battle. Also to the jiu-chi, tai chi is better than the kung ming fist from the boxing to the boxing technique. At the same time, Taijiquan has been passed down from the end of the Ming Dynasty to the present, although it has long been transformed from a martial art of defeating the enemy to a kung fu to a strong body, but it has also become the best endorsement of Chinese kung fu. The leaderboard is well deserved.

(Author: Mr. Oligosy.) Original is not easy, please indicate the source of reprint. If you like this series, please add attention so as not to miss it! )

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