
Sweet career

author:People's Daily News
Sweet career

Honey from the Bee Breeding Base of the Ascend Community.

Sweet career

Fang Ping (left) guides farmers to collect honey at the base.

The Denggao community, located in Yuduo Town, Qianxi County, Bijie, Guizhou, has been in a state of poverty for a long time due to traffic congestion.

In May 2018, Fang Ping, the leader of community wealth, served as the director of the neighborhood committee, and the bee breeding poverty alleviation project being implemented in Qianxi County gave him the opportunity to lead the villagers to get rich. Fang Ping scattered more than 100 bee colonies in the community and earned more than 80,000 yuan that year. Tangible benefits are in front of them, and the villagers are gradually joining the beekeeping team. Under the organization and training of Fang Ping, there are many bee breeding "soil experts" in the community.

At the end of last year, all the poor households in the Ascend community were lifted out of poverty, and seeing that the days of the villagers were getting more and more prosperous, Fang Ping's heart was as sweet as honey.

Su Binshi Happy Photo Report

People's Daily ( 2020-04-07 14th edition)

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