
Interpret the famous book "Little Women": The woman who is emotional about you will take the initiative to ask for these things

author:Xiao Pan talks about love
Interpret the famous book "Little Women": The woman who is emotional about you will take the initiative to ask for these things

Sociologist Li Yinhe said: "For people who have experienced the psychological process of love, the boundary between love and no love is as clear as black and white in their psychology, as clear as the notche of a knife and axe, as bright and as real as the sun in the sky." ”

Deeply. When you fall in love with someone, after you have feelings for a person. Whatever the reason you don't want to admit it, you can't deceive your heart or stop your love for this person from manifesting in all your body language.

Because, in the long river of years, among the most precious things we can leave behind, love is one of them. Love is worthy of our cherishing and respect.

Even if we choose to sacrifice love because of many things, love itself is not sinful, and at the moment when love occurs, it is beautiful.

The beauty of love also lies in the sour, sweet and bittersweet we will experience in the process of the change of the relationship between men and women.

At the beginning of acquaintance, we will be shy and difficult to open our hearts, but with the intensity of love and the fermentation of love, the relationship is gradually filled with strong will and desire. Longing for eternity, longing for more intimacy.

Interpret the famous book "Little Women": The woman who is emotional about you will take the initiative to ask for these things

And in these desires, we will find that both the man and the woman will undergo psychological changes. For men, perhaps women's love for you is tentative at the beginning, and they will hide their true thoughts and true selves, but when they have real feelings for you, they will take the initiative to ask you for these "things".

01: The care of the partner

In the American writer Louisa May Olcott's book Little Women, the relationship between the eldest daughter Meg and John confirms this.

As a governess, Meg loves drama, is beautiful and dignified, and she has some vanity at first. Although she was born into a family that was not wealthy, she longed for life in the upper class. She longed for everything a girl would aspire to, including jewelry and clothes, and she also longed to marry a rich man.

However, love has no rules, and there is no truth in when we fall in love with someone.

So when she fell in love with John, who was also a governess who was even poorer than her, she gave up her life and even gave up her favorite drama.

Interpret the famous book "Little Women": The woman who is emotional about you will take the initiative to ask for these things

Love triumphs over vanity, and yearning defeats reality. She reconciled with herself and accepted the love. At first, they always went out on a date, and Meg didn't take it seriously, but when she found out that she had a crush on John, her heart changed.

She began to desire to be alone with John even more, and she also longed for John to care for her.

Women are like this, when they first come into contact, they don't have special feelings, and their thoughts go with the man. But once they are invested in this relationship, they will have their own careful thoughts, longing for each other's care, longing for the time when the two people are together.

Because delicate women will find that when a man really loves you, he is willing to take the initiative to care about you. On the contrary, they will not care about you, let alone care.

Interpret the famous book "Little Women": The woman who is emotional about you will take the initiative to ask for these things

02: The only love of a partner

The only love, there is no doubt about it. Everyone who gets into a relationship will long for the only love they have in each other. Meg is no exception. When she put aside her own fantasies about an extravagant lifestyle, when she really fell in love with the poor John, she longed for John's only love.

And this longing also made her love John with all her heart. When Aunt March wanted Meg to inherit her inheritance but opposed Meg marrying John, a poor man, Meg did not give up the love because of the seductive inheritance.

The huge inheritance is exactly what Meg had wanted before, but now, it is this only love that allows her to resist the temptation and firmly believe that she can live happily and beautifully with the strength of two people.

When a woman is with you, not how good your conditions are, not how much money you spend for her, not how handsome you are, but always with you to care, to ask for your time, to ask you for your future planning and your only love, there is no doubt that they are really in love with you. Their love for you has already exceeded many external conditions.

Interpret the famous book "Little Women": The woman who is emotional about you will take the initiative to ask for these things

03: The time of the partner

Time is not the same as money, and for most women, they need men's time more when the financial conditions are acceptable.

Men giving you money doesn't necessarily mean they really love you, because maybe money is nothing in their eyes. But when a man is willing to spend time for you, the meaning is different.

Because time is fair to everyone, he is willing to spend time on you because he feels that you are worth it. Not wanting to spend time on you is just thinking that you don't deserve their time.

Just like Meg, she is in love and her mind will be full of time with John, and she will also long for John to spend time with her. Even if there is nothing to do, sitting there together, even the air is beautiful.

The reason why Meg thinks this way is not difficult to understand. In her heart, she will also think that John will take the time that is already very nervous to accompany her, which is actually a manifestation of loving her, which is a rare happiness.

Interpret the famous book "Little Women": The woman who is emotional about you will take the initiative to ask for these things

04: Your common future

What do we say a good relationship looks like? In my opinion, good feelings need to go in both directions.

When a woman falls in love with a man, she naturally thinks about the future of two people. Especially for partners who are not in good financial conditions, two people who love each other will rack their brains to plan their future and work hard for the future.

Meg understood John, she knew that John was not in good financial condition, but she didn't care. In the future she imagined, two people could work together, and she knew how to defend John in front of her own family.

The same is true of John, who, in addition to his formal job, looks everywhere for ways to make money, longs for the future of the two of them, and hopes to give his beloved Meg a good future.

You see, in fact, when two people determine their own intentions, whether the man or the woman will have a plan for their common future, they will also create a beautiful future for each other in their hearts, and they will silently pay attention to what kind of future the other party is willing to give themselves.

Therefore, when you meet such women, don't think they are annoying, and don't think that they are asking for these things to embarrass you, if they don't love you, just want to play with you, they don't have to do this.

Interpret the famous book "Little Women": The woman who is emotional about you will take the initiative to ask for these things

Art comes from life, and every book and every TV series is actually closely related to our real life. When you have doubts about feelings, marriage, or confusion about your life, you may wish to take a look at these famous books.

Just like "Little Women", the reason why the classic becomes a classic must have its own reason. The stories and experiences of each of the protagonists in the book can make us think and have an epiphany. If you read it in your spare time, your heart will be clearer and clearer.

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