
"Little Women": A woman who lives a transparent life will only please one person

author:Xiao Pan talks about love
"Little Women": A woman who lives a transparent life will only please one person

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"Little Women" as a family ethics novel published in 1868, after so many years, has long become a classic, many people from the book of four cute and innocent, but not lose serious girls to see the author's shadow, but also see what they hope to become.

Whether it is the beautiful and elegant eldest daughter Meg, the boyish second daughter Joe, or the third daughter Who loves music, Beth, or the cute Amy who likes to draw, they all leave a deep impression on the reader.

They lived out their own colors in that era, not moved by money, not lost in the world of materialism, but always pursued the dreams in their hearts and strived to live a better life.

The second daughter, Joe, is recognized as an allusion to the author of the novel herself, she likes to read, loves to write, and when reading to Marchi Grandma, she always likes to read her favorite books while she is asleep, and often borrows books from neighbors to read.

For his dreams, Joe has never given up his efforts, and has always hoped to write good articles to earn contributions to improve his family's situation.

"Little Women": A woman who lives a transparent life will only please one person

I still remember that one of the sections was that Joe secretly went to the newspaper to submit articles, and finally the article was published, which gave Joe great confidence and allowed her to formally establish her own ideals and goals in life.

It can be seen that the four girls live a very transparent life, and their mother is also a transparent woman, just as Meg was lost when she first stepped into the glitz field, but Mrs. March told her that she was not asked to marry money in the future, but to marry someone who could always be kind and upright even if she was not rich at this time.

Perhaps the man Meg fell in love with made some readers unhappy, miserable, not a high-society person, And Meg seems to be somewhat "married".

But this is not an unhappy marriage for each one, because she knows exactly what she wants, and she firmly believes that the difficult situation can motivate her husband's entrepreneurial passion.

Whether it is Mrs. March, or these four daughters, they are all women who live very transparently, and in the era when it is difficult for women to be themselves, they know a truth better, want to get happiness, want their lives to be more colorful, just need to please a person, this person is themselves.

"Little Women": A woman who lives a transparent life will only please one person

1, women who know how to please themselves are more determined in their hearts

When Mrs. March first married her husband, this marriage was not optimistic about many people, but Mrs. March always stuck to her heart, she felt that whether her marriage was happy or not, the most qualified to do the evaluation was herself, and did not need to please anyone, as long as she identified, she felt that being happy in this marriage was satisfied.

Therefore, after getting married, her three views also affected her four daughters, just like her transparency, the four girls also adhered to those beautiful qualities.

When they see someone having a bad time, even if their abilities are limited, their mother tells them to do everything they can to help others; when there is a crisis in the family, any one of the four girls will give what is most precious to them.

Mrs. March has been transmitting to them a truth, that is, never suppress your noble nature, and pleasing yourself is the most important, because when you please yourself, your heart is the most determined.

"Little Women": A woman who lives a transparent life will only please one person

Just like a woman's life, no one can bring you happiness, happiness is always to be fought for and grasped by yourself, and a woman who knows how to make herself happy first will be happier.

Many women, once married or in love with a man, begin to become unprincipled, and many of the principles that have been laid down have been abandoned for that person.

Such a woman pleases her husband, her children, and her in-laws, but in the end she only forgets to please herself, so she lives more and more unhappy, more and more depressed, and more and more distant from happiness.

A woman who pleases herself will pay attention to her own feelings, and her inner needs are also clear, so her own life will be more completely planned.

"Little Women": A woman who lives a transparent life will only please one person

2, women who please themselves are more able to look at love more rationally

In "Little Women", the most embarrassing thing for readers is that Joe and Laurie's love has not ended well, but if you read this book, you will understand that in fact, the feelings between them are not love.

Because the young plum bamboo horse who grew up together made Laurie feel that the love between him and Joe was a natural love, so he confessed to Joe after graduation.

But Joe is a very transparent woman, she can tell whether her inner feelings for Laurie are love or not, in her opinion, she has always regarded Laurie as her best friend, not a lover, so she has never hesitated to reject Laurie.

Later, Laurie leaves to heal, but accidentally meets Joe's sister Amy, the innocent girl who likes to draw, and the two finally find out that they are each other's true love, so they join hands and enter marriage.

"Little Women": A woman who lives a transparent life will only please one person

Even after getting married, Amy did not give up her hobby and always insisted on her favorite painting, which is really rare.

In today's society, around us, there is no shortage of women who lose themselves after getting married, not only giving up their dreams and hobbies, but even their social circles are gradually moving away, but such a practice seems to please men, but they have wronged themselves.

If there is no happiness in a marriage, then how can a happy marriage be?

And a woman who is willing to please herself can not only harvest a happy life, but also have a happy marriage, and most importantly, such a woman is more rational when she looks at love, and will not easily let herself be lost in love.

Just like Joe's feelings for Laurie, if she only thinks about Laurie's feelings and is reluctant to reject him, then the two people will also enter into marriage, but whether they are happy in the marriage is not certain.

"Little Women": A woman who lives a transparent life will only please one person

It is precisely because she values her inner feelings that she clearly understands whether her feelings for Laurie are love, and if not, she is responsible for herself and laurie, so she cannot accept his confession.

Since its publication in 1868, The Little Women has been a beacon for generations of women. In 2016, the BBC gathered authoritative book critics from around the world to select the 11 greatest books in the past century, of which "Little Women" ranked fourth.

After reading this "Little Women", you will also feel the awakening of women's independent consciousness, and the integrity, tenacity and kindness they possess infect every reader who loves it, and also bring more people profound inspiration.

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