
Sometimes we have to recognize reality and still carry the weight forward

author:Warm sunflower baby


Sometimes we have to recognize reality and still carry the weight forward

You are not nothing, you are still sick! 所以‬一定要‬保持‬健康‬。 什么‬都可以有‬就是‬不能‬有‬病‬!

If a friend who chats well with you online suddenly ignores you, you have to reflect on it, is it a selfie posted online?

Your ugliness has nothing to do with your face... 所以‬我们‬要努力提升‬自己不管是‬外在‬还是内在。

Sometimes we have to recognize reality and still carry the weight forward

Three elements of success: 1 persistence; 2 no face; 3 persistence without face. Did you do it? 我们‬要‬坚持‬自信‬,放下‬自我‬,特别‬重要。

Young people, there is no money now, and there will be more days without money in the future. 哈哈‬,努力吧‬骚年‬! 争取‬有钱‬养老‬!

Don't lose weight, you're ugly not just because you're fat. 身体‬健康最‬重要,坚持‬运动‬,合理‬饮食‬,多‬读书‬。 我们‬会‬越来‬越美‬的。

Sometimes we have to recognize reality and still carry the weight forward

Earning money is an ability, spending money is a technology, I have limited ability, but the technology is very high. 想想‬怎么‬提升‬能力‬吧‬!

When you lose love, many young people think that the whole world has abandoned themselves, don't be stupid, the world has never needed you. 所以‬要‬自己‬在乎‬自己。 好好‬吃饭‬,好好‬睡觉‬!

Sometimes we have to recognize reality and still carry the weight forward

The ugly duckling's transformation into a white swan is not how hard he works, but his parents are white swans. 可是‬我们‬还是‬要‬努力‬突破‬原生家庭‬,活出‬自我! 不试‬怎么‬知道。

After a walk-and-go trip, what awaits you is a period of dirt-eating days! 所以‬我们缺‬少‬的不是‬旅行‬,缺少‬的是旅行‬的心境‬。

Sometimes we have to recognize reality and still carry the weight forward

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