
She was the prototype of "Ah Qing Sister-in-law", and after being arrested, her body was brutally torn apart by the enemy, and she was only 23 years old when she was killed

author:Historical figure events

"Set up a seven-star stove, and boil three rivers in a copper pot." Set up the eight immortals table and entertain the sixteen parties. All the guests who came were by mouth. Meet and laugh, and then don't think about it. "If this song sounds, many elderly people will be tempted to hum it." This is the singing section of "Sha JiaBang" Ah Qingyi, so who is the prototype of Ah Qingyi?

She was the prototype of "Ah Qing Sister-in-law", and after being arrested, her body was brutally torn apart by the enemy, and she was only 23 years old when she was killed

The Shajiabang Revolutionary History Memorial Hall in Changshu concluded after rigorous examination that the director of the Shajiabang Town Cultural Station found that Zhu Fan and "Ah Qingyi" had many similarities, so who was this Zhu Fan?

She was the prototype of "Ah Qing Sister-in-law", and after being arrested, her body was brutally torn apart by the enemy, and she was only 23 years old when she was killed

Zhu Fan, formerly known as Lu Huiqing, was born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, and later moved to Shanghai with his family. He studied at Shanghai Qixiu Girls' High School and Wuben Girls' High School. In junior high school, she threw herself into the salvation movement during the Songhu War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression.

In 1938, Lu Huiqing joined the CCP's peripheral organization "Snow Shadow Society" to do rescue work, and volunteered as a night school teacher. At this time, she changed her name to Zhu Fan, and she explained herself: "Zhu, red, represents the revolution, I want to be an ordinary soldier in the red team." ”

 In 1939, after Zhu Fan came from Shanghai to the Su Changtai Anti-Japanese Guerrilla Base Area, he was assigned to work as a teacher at Dongbang Lujiazui Primary School, and soon became the principal. Under the cover of school teachers, she engaged in anti-Japanese propaganda work and served as the deputy leader of the democracy movement team. In the harsh guerrilla environment and the tense struggle life, Zhu Fanbaichen's face turned black, but she did not mind, saying in a letter to her family: "I have never been so happy and excited as I am now", "I am a small petrel, flying freely above the terrifying waves." Because her mother was very concerned about whether she had found her in-laws' house, Zhu Fan told her mother in a reply: "My in-laws' family has been found, that is, the revolutionary team." In order to mingle with the masses and further carry out the work of the democracy movement, Zhu Fan put on the same native cloth clothes as the local peasants and went down to work with the villagers, lived in a cowshed, and slept on the floor. In 1940, Zhu Fan gloriously joined the Communist Party of China. Since then, the party organization has entrusted her with more difficult tasks.

During her tenure as secretary of the Hengjing District CPC Committee, in order to build a good anti-Japanese democratic political power in the district, Zhu Fan led a group of people from the district party committee to mobilize the masses in depth, conscientiously implement the party's policy of the anti-Japanese national united front, pay attention to investigation and study, and enthusiastically publicize the great significance of democratic government building to people from all walks of life. Once, Hu Zhaohan, a stubborn bandit loyal to the National Salvation Army who was entrenched at the Taiping Bridge, attempted to sneak into Zhangjing Village in Hengjing District to rob a shop founded by the New Fourth Army. Another time, in order to convey the instructions of the county party committee to the Xinmo District in the west of Hengjing District, she and her landlord Zhu Hanquan disguised themselves as relatives and successfully crossed the enemy's blockade line.

She was the prototype of "Ah Qing Sister-in-law", and after being arrested, her body was brutally torn apart by the enemy, and she was only 23 years old when she was killed

  In May 1941, Zhu Fan was transferred to the secretary of the Xinmo District Party Committee and the secretary of the Hengjing District Party Committee. Xinmo District, located on both sides of the Chang (Shu) Highway in Suzhou (Prefecture), is a place where Japanese puppet troops often haunt, and the former secretary of the district party committee was killed by the Loyal National Salvation Army. Zhu Fan knew all this, and she said to her comrades: "If you want revolution, there will be sacrifices, the cruelty of struggle is not terrible, and suffering is nothing." ”

In July of the same year, the Japanese puppet army dispatched heavy troops to carry out a large-scale clearance of the Su (prefecture) Chang (Shu) Tai (Cang) area. The superiors instructed that in order to preserve the living forces, the cadres of the foreign democracy movement could withdraw from the encirclement. Zhu Fan thought that Xinmo was a new district, and staying behind by himself would be beneficial to persisting in the anti-Qing struggle. The enemy's blockade line was pulled one after another, and one after another was built in the form of plum blossom pile strongholds, and every day anti-Japanese comrades were arrested and sacrificed. Zhu Fan's will to persist in the struggle did not waver in the slightest. One morning, just as Zhu Fan was preparing to gather several comrades for a meeting in the nunnery hall of Muyuwan in Sumu Township, he was suddenly attacked by the Japanese army and Zhu Fan was arrested.

After being caught by the enemy, the enemy tortured her severely, Zhu Fan did not say a word, and the inhumane Japanese army cut off the flesh of her body piece by piece, and then tied her legs to two motorboats and tore her alive.

Zhu Fan was only 23 years old when he died heroically. A few days later, the devils retreated, and Zhu Hanquan and others in Zhangjing Village propped up boats to search for Zhu Fan's body in Kuncheng Lake, salvaging it for 3 days, and not even a fragment of the body was found. Zhu Hanquan and the others knelt by the lake and cried loudly, and the hearers all hid their faces and wept bitterly.

In order to commemorate Zhu Fan's iron-blooded spirit, the organization put 3 photos of Zhu Fan, 2 pages of archives and a mosquito net in the exhibition cabinet of the memorial hall to warn future generations not to forget the national shame.

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