
Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

author:World animal encyclopedia knowledge

Snails can be reared outdoors, indoors or in bomb shelters. Indoor breeding is commonly used in wooden boxes, tanks, pots, cement ponds, etc. The feeding box is generally 94X45X45 cm as well, and the side of the box should be equipped with a movable yarn door to facilitate ventilation, observation, feeding, and water spraying. Each box is generally placed into 50 ~ 100 snails, 1000 ~ 3000 snails, 3000 ~ 5000 small snails, should not be too dense. Multiple chambers can be placed repeatedly, and mixed soil is placed at the bottom of the box to facilitate humidity regulation and snail spawning. It is made by mixing sand soil and vegetable garden soil in half.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

Boiling water is used to blanch the vegetable garden soil to kill pests, then mixed into the sand and spread on the bottom of the box, about 10 cm thick. The humidity of the soil is generally maintained at about 40%, and the humidity of the chamber in the box is 75% to 90%. If the humidity in the air is not enough, the surface of the snail shell is dry, which will cause death when it is serious, so it should often sprinkle water on the snail body to adjust the humidity. The appropriate temperature for snail growth is 20 to 30 hearts. In order to increase the reproduction rate, it should be heated indoors and maintain a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees, but it must prevent gas poisoning and death. Snails are active and can place rubble and branches in the feeding box (pond) for the snail to crawl, roost and shelter from bad environments.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

Snails have a wide range of diets, and eat almost all kinds of vegetable leaves. In spring, it generally feeds on greens, lettuce and tender green broad-leaved leaves. In summer, sunflower leaves, sweet potato (sweet potato) leaves, loofah leaves and various melon peels can be fed in large quantities. In autumn and winter, it can be fed with vegetable leaves, pumpkins, potato chips, turnips, etc. To speed up snail growth, refined feeds such as bran, soybean flour, etc. should be supplemented; mineral feeds should also be fed, such as lime powder, shell powder, etc. It is best to use chicken feed as a mixture, containing both refined feed and mineral powder. Snails have the habit of dusk activity, the feeding time is generally in the evening, and the amount of feeding is based on the net and sufficient amount of food. Leftover food and feces should be removed every day.

Daily management in addition to controlling temperature, humidity, feed selection, but also often remove moldy feed, if you can stock a small amount of earthworms in the subsoil of the box, you can not only loosen the soil, but also let earthworms and snails eat each other's feces. In the case of hunger, snails have the phenomenon of large snails eating young snails, so try to make snails full. At the peak of the event, 1 kg of green and 0.1 kg of concentrate are fed per 10 kg snail per day. Large and small snails can also be raised separately. In addition, wild snails are not used to breed breeds.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (1) feeding and management methods for snails at different stages</h1>

1. The feeding management of young snails The young snails are delicate in physique, which is the most difficult stage in the snail's life, and should be carefully fed, paying attention to the following links:

(1) The feeding box is rinsed every 3 to 5 days, and the feces, debris and feeding residue are removed every day to prevent germs and insect pests.

(2) The young snails hatch out for 2 to 3 days without eating or moving, and only after 3 days do they gradually become active and feed on the egg shell, at which time they can be lured out by vegetable leaves and transferred into the feeding box. Feed with fresh, tender, juicy, easily digestible, nutrient-rich leaves, while paired with some rice bran, wheat bran, porridge, refined feed, etc., blanched or sautéed with boiling water, sticking to the greens for the young snails to feed. Remove food scraps regularly every day.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

(3) Master the temperature and humidity, the most suitable temperature for young snails is 28 ~ 30 degrees, and the humidity of feeding soil or sponge is 35% to 40%, otherwise it is not conducive to the growth of young snails and affects the survival rate. In addition, attention should be paid to calcium supplementation and the appropriate stocking density. Generally, 2,000 to 3,000 animals can be stocked per square meter, and the maximum should not exceed 4,000. Too dense can affect active feeding, leading to slow growth and even death.

2. The feeding and management of growing snails after one month of age is called growth snails. At this time, the feed should be increased, once in the morning and once in the evening. Temperatures grow fastest in the range of 24 to 34 degrees. Pay attention to humidity and ventilation, if the humidity is not enough, use a sprayer to spray water, spray hot water when the temperature is low, and spray cold water when the temperature is high. Stocking density - 1000 to 2000 per square meter in February, 700 to 800 in March, and 250 to 300 in April.

3. The feeding management of snails has the ability to reproduce, in order to promote early spawning, more eggs, good eggs, should be fed more tender, juicy vegetable leaves, pumpkins, watermelons, sweet potatoes, fruits and other skin residue, and with more concentrates. The feeding temperature is 23 to 30 degrees, the humidity is 70% to 80%, and 100 to 150 animals are stocked per square meter.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

4. Breeding management of breeding snails select snails that are robust, white flesh, full, mucus, disease-free, shell color and luster, high transparency, no damage, and weigh no less than 60 grams as snails. Juicy feeds such as green vegetables and melon peels are fed once a day in the morning and once in the evening. Feed temperature 26 ~ 30C, humidity 80%. During the event, rinse once a day, or put it in water to wash (the water temperature should not be lower than the temperature). Pay attention to cleaning and ventilation at the same time.

5. The feeding management of commercial snails can be transferred to commercial snails with more than 40 grams. This time should be fattened, in addition to feeding more green feed, but also with some refined feed, to promote rapid fattening of commercial snails. The feed feeding of snails can be fed in 2 to 3 days in the low temperature season - once, and from June to September, it needs to be fed every day, and the residue should be removed before release. The amount of stocking varies from stage to stage, with the reference of each consumption of snails. Feed all kinds of vegetables, melons, fruits, leaves and other feed, must be soaked in water and washed in advance to eliminate the harm of pesticides and other pollutants to snails.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > (ii) snail wintering technique</h1>

Snails hibernate completely when the temperature drops to 12 degrees, stop growing, and die easily when the temperature drops below 0 degrees. If the snail is artificially created with suitable temperature and humidity conditions, the snail will maintain a strong growth capacity, thereby accelerating the speed of maturity.

1. Electric heat insulation feeding room insulation, electric furnace, electric fan, heater and other electric heating devices. Box, cabinet insulation can be fixed to the electric blanket around the box, cabinet inner wall, can also be used one or several bulbs heat insulation (pay attention to avoid light). In the box and cabinet, we should pay attention to maintaining the appropriate humidity, in addition to spraying water regularly, a basin of water can be placed on the bottom of the box and cabinet. The use of electric heat insulation, the best conditional installation of a set of constant temperature device, control room temperature between 25 and 30 degrees. This method is suitable for places where the power supply is normal.

2. Honeycomb coal stove insulation This method is suitable for areas that have not yet been electrified or have abnormal power supply. Build a honeycomb coal stove outside the rearing room and use a white iron smoke to pass through the breeding room (note that the honeycomb gas cannot be directly passed into the breeding room, so as not to cause harm to snails). It can also be used to put water on the stove with a pressure cooker, and the air outlet is connected - the root pipe is connected into the breeding room, and the steam heat is used to keep warm, while also maintaining a certain humidity.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > (iii) artificial reproduction of snails</h1>

Snails are hermaphrodite molluscs that are allogeneic mating and fertilization to reproduce offspring. Snails weighing more than 50 grams at 5 to 6 months of age are sexually mature, and two snails in heat meet and mate with each other. There are two ways to mate: double mating: that is, both male and female gonads are mature, and both snails are fertilized and ovulated at the same time; allogeneic single mating: that is, one female gland is immature and acts as a male to fertilize the other to ovulate. After mating, spawning begins after 10 to 15 days and food intake is stopped when spawning. The eggs produced are oval, milky white, and the size of mung beans. After 7 to 15 days, it hatches into juvenile snails. The number of eggs laid by snails varies depending on the size of the snail. For example, the first spawn, weighing 50 grams, can lay up to 180 eggs; the second spawn, weighing 85 grams, lays up to more than 300 eggs. The larger the snail, the more eggs are laid.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

During spawning, the eggs are collected in time. It is generally collected once a day. Snails are reared in wooden boxes and can be collected every evening during cleaning or feeding. The hatching of snails is a key part of the artificial breeding of snails. On a larger scale, the collected eggs can be placed in a wooden box filled with yellow sand to hatch. The size of the wooden box depends on the number of eggs, and it can hatch about 100,000 eggs per square meter. The bottom of the wooden box is covered with a layer of 5 cm thick yellow sand. Yellow sand must be disinfected by high temperature,-- can generally be put in a pot with boiling water for 20 minutes, and then taken out to dry and put in a wooden box. Sand ventilation performance is good, not easy to deteriorate and moldy, after high temperature disinfection, generally can kill the mold in the sand, saprophytic bacteria.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

The sand particles are smaller than snail eggs and are generally sieved through a coarse bran sieve. Before putting the snail eggs into the wooden box, they should be placed in clean water to gently wash off the mucus and soil on them, and then soak in potassium permanganate solution (1:1000) for half a minute, take it out and dry, and spread the eggs evenly on the surface of the yellow sand. Place a layer of gauze on the eggs and spray water on the gauze every day, depending on the humidity. Can not be too dry and too wet, too much will lead to a decrease in the rate of shelling, too wet will make the eggs moldy and deteriorated. Generally, the water in the incubator should not be too much, the lower side can not accumulate water, can keep the gauze moist on the line (humidity standard about 80%). When the temperature is maintained at 25 to 30 degrees, the shell can be gradually released after about 12 days, and the hatching rate can reach about 97%.

The eggs can also be gently removed with a tablespoon and placed in a wooden box, plastic box or washbasin with a one-centimeter thick sponge on the bottom to hatch. After the egg is placed, cover the egg with a washed coarse cloth, spray water on the cloth 1 to 2 times a day, the temperature is maintained between 28 and 32 degrees, the sponge humidity is 40% (that is, the water content of each 10 grams of sponge is 4 grams), after three days gently turn the egg once, 6 to 8 days the young snails hatch. After 2 to 3 days, the young snails can be transferred to the feeding box. The advantage of this method is that the time is short and the incubation rate can reach more than 95%.

Snail artificial breeding technology points, master the following steps can be, it is recommended to collect (a) snails at different stages of feeding management methods (ii) snail wintering technology (iii) snail artificial breeding

In the incubation process, the temperature is too high and too low, the humidity is too large and too small, and the ventilation is poor, which will affect the shell rate, and it should be paid attention to strict control. Within a week after the shell is released, the young snails are generally weak in mobility and the shell is tender and soft, so they can be fed some fresh and tender fine leaf plants (cut finely with a knife) and other bait.